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1、对应学生用书P25基础题.单词拼写1When it comes to the job interviews, first _ (印象) are very important.答案:impressions2He _ (转移) the conversation from one to another.答案:switched3For your own safety, please _ (系紧) your seat belts.答案:fasten42017江苏高考We are therefore not talking about adapting to a new standard, but to

2、a _ (不断地) shifting set of conditions.答案:constantly5During the trip, the _ (导游) sang us several songs.答案:guide6Who was the _ (早先的) owner of the old house?答案:previous7Are you _ (乐观的) or pessimistic if you are facing the life of the future?答案:optimistic8Their boss is strict and wont _ (容忍) any mistakes

3、 in their daily work.答案:tolerate9The doctor told him to take two _ (药片) of aspirin before every meal.答案:tablets10The chair is adjustable, and you can make an _ (调整) according to your sons height.答案:adjustment.单句语法填空1The book aims to cover all _ (aspect) of city life.答案:aspects句意:这本书旨在涵盖城市生活的各个方面。由句意

4、及“all”一词可知应填复数形式。2To make a good impression _ others, you should pay special attention to your facial expressions.答案:on句意:为了给别人留下好印象,你应该特别注意自己的面部表情。make a good impression on . 为固定搭配,意为“给留下好印象”。故填on。3_ (communicate) with other countries was difficult during the telephone and postal strike.答案:Communic

5、ation设空处位于句首充当句子的主语,且系动词为was,故应填名词communication。4They are expected _ (make) an announcement later on today.答案:to make句意:预料他们今天晚些时候会宣布一项通知。be expected to do sth. “预计做某事”。5Having identified the problem, the question of how _ (overcome) it arises.答案:to overcome句意:发现问题之后,如何克服它的问题又出现了。这里是“疑问词不定式”构成的短语,作介

6、词of的宾语。6Work out the maths problem and see _ your answer is the same _ your classmates.答案:whether/if; as句意:解答这道数学题,看看你的回答是否和同学们的一致。whether/if意为“是否”,在句中引导宾语从句。the same as “与一样”。7When things happen at such a fast pace, it is easy to lose sight _ what you are learning.答案:of句意:当事情以这么快的速度发生时,很容易忽略你正在了解的事

7、情。lose sight of 为固定搭配,意为“忽略;忘记”。8_ (suffer) from heart trouble for years, Mr Wang has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.答案:Having suffered句意:王先生患心脏病好多年,他无论走到哪里都随身带着药。此处应用动词suffer的非谓语形式作句子的状语,与其逻辑主语Mr Wang是主动关系,且是先于谓语动词之前就发生的动作,所以应用现在分词的完成式。故填 Having suffered。9Though _ (lack) confidence

8、, Tom managed to finish the speech.答案:lacking句意:尽管缺乏信心,汤姆依然设法完成了演讲。此处为状语从句的省略,当从句主语与主句主语一致且从句含有be动词的某种形式时,从句可省略主语和be动词。由于lack和其逻辑主语Tom之间是主动关系,应用v.ing形式。故填lacking。10I wonder _ I can use your phone because I cant find mine.答案:if/whether句意:不知我是否能用一下你的手机,因为我的找不到了。根据句意及句子结构可知,此处应用if或whether引导宾语从句,意为“是否”。

9、.完成句子1I have to _ that I am really in AD 3008.我得不断提醒自己,我真的已经进入到公元3008年了。答案:remind myself constantly 2The air seemed thin, as though its combination of gases _.空气似乎很稀薄,好像在混合的气体中剩下的氧气很少。答案:had little oxygen left3_ a strangelooking house, he showed me into a large, bright clean room.到了一幢看上去很奇怪的房子里,他把我带

10、到一个明亮而洁净的大房间。答案:Arriving at4I found later that their leaves _ the room _ muchneeded oxygen.后来我发现,就是这些树叶为这栋房屋提供了急需的氧气。答案:provided; with5_ this, he spread some food on the table, and produced a bed from the floor.说完这些,他把食物摆在桌子上,又从地板下取出一张床来。答案:Having said能力题.阅读理解Dear friends,How are things going? Im Ca

11、rl and Im nineteen years old. I wish I could have this conversation with you face to face but the fact is that Im probably dead when you see the letter.I live in an amazing time. Ive seen the Internet develop at a rapid speed and Ive seen the robotics industry go from mechanical arms to interactive

12、(交互的) machines that can walk and talk. However, to be honest, Im pretty envious of my grandparents. My grandparents got to see some things even more amazing than what Ive seen in my short life. They saw TVs first show up in homes and then saw them turn from black and white to color. They also got to

13、 live through the biggest war this world has ever known. I think I am the most jealous of this. Please dont misunderstand meIm not happy they got to suffer through such a hard time but Im envious that they saw the Second World War end. They were lucky enough to be there when there was one moment of

14、peace in the world. Youre probably wondering why Im telling you these, arent you? Well, I wanted you to know that its normal to envy those who have come before you. I want to imagine what kind of world youre in but I cant. I hope you all lead a peaceful and happy life. However, I have to say that Im

15、 sorry. Some of us try very hard to protect the planet but finally its just too late. Maybe things could have been different if we had realized that the planet is more important than money. Im sure your past family didnt want this for you. If that time ever comes, I hope you dont suffer too much because of us. Good luck!You



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