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1、DEVELOPING MULTIPLE AUTOMOTIVE ENERGY IN CHINA BY UTILIZING NATURAL GAS 利用天然气发展多元化的汽车能源 2020 3 162020 3 16 我国交通燃油面临的挑战 2020 3 162020 3 16 1 CHALLENGES FACED BY OIL REFINERIES Problems n Oil refinery process is simple 炼油装置结构单一 n Atmospheric Gasoline consumption to be increased Air pollution caused by

2、 exhaust emissions from automobiles will be more and more serious 目前 中国汽车保有量已达到3800万辆 预计2010年总量为5800 万辆 2020年可达11000万辆 2010年的汽车燃油需要量将达到1 0 亿吨 年 汽车保有量及汽油消耗量的快速增长 将导致燃料汽车所带来的大 气污染问题日益突出 CHALLENGES FACED BY OIL REFINERIES 2020 3 162020 3 16 香港过往深圳的大型柴油货柜车每天约2 7万 辆 污染严重未采取措施 据统计目前空气和水污染每年造成的经济损失约占我国GDP的

3、8 左右 2020 3 162020 3 16 Transportation Share of Emissions CO NOx Lead VOCs CO2 Particulates 79 53 13 44 33 25 SO2 7 Source EPA 交通排放对环境形成巨大压力 这意味着机动车已经成为我国大城市大气污染的主要污染源 控制汽车排气污染已经成为十分急迫的问题 2020 3 162020 3 16 Coordinate optimization of energy structure and industry structure Environmental quality shou

4、ld be considered firstly The aromatic hydrocarbons in gasoline particularly benzene can increase the content of volatile organic compounds VOC nitric oxides NOX carbon monoxide CO is very harmful to air quality and would cause vital human diseases for example cancers 汽油中的芳烃特别是苯可以引发癌症 也会使汽车尾 气中的VOC N

5、OX和CO等含量增加 2020 3 162020 3 16 Coordinate optimization of energy structure and industry structure Exhaust pollution from automobiles has increasingly become the major source of air pollution in some large cities of China The relevant researches show that 50 of CO hydrocarbons HC NOX comes from automo

6、tive exhaust emissions in Beijing Shanghai and Guangzhou sometimes it reaches 90 even more 汽车尾气已成为一些大城市的主要污染 调查显示 北京 上海 广州50 以上的CO HC NOX等污染来自汽 车尾气 有时高达90 2020 3 162020 3 16 n 全国2 3以上城市空气质量超标 100万以上人口城市 均超标 机动车污染超过50 以上 n 深圳 新兴的年轻城市 汽车每天300台递增 大气污 染程度也非常严重 大气中CO和NOX 含量也达到了 39 1 和21 3 其中机动车尾气占大气污染物总量

7、的 64 5 2020 3 162020 3 16 Coordinate optimization of energy structure and industry structure The stricter standards of fuel oils will be performed n In 2006 Euro IV emission standards on gasoline quality will be performed in Europe n Stricter standards will be done in US n China s present level is f

8、ar behind the international standards only corresponds with Euro II in 2010 更加严格的汽油排放标准将执行 2020 3 162020 3 16 We need a new approach The Great Fog of 1952 at least 4 000 deaths Global warming polar ice caps melting Loss of habitat and biodiversity Acid rain defoliation Economic and political impacts

9、 of fossil fuel dependency 据统计 全世界石油产量的50 消费在交通运输部门上 用作汽 车燃料的就要占到30 左右 而 造成全球环境污染的60 70 烟 雾和50 以上酸雨又来自交通运 输业 因而 我们必须寻求新的 发展途径 2020 3 162020 3 16 调整油品结构 改善油品质量 2020 3 162020 3 16 Catalyst reforming gasoline is one of the three excellent gasoline blending components n high octane number RON 100 105 n

10、low olefin content 0 1 1 0 n remarkable stability and lower sulfur nitrogen and oxygen 重整汽油是最优秀的汽油组分 辛烷值高 烯烃含量低 基本 不含硫 氮 氧等杂质 安定性好 2 READJUSTING OIL REFIERY PROCESSES TO IMPROVE GASOLINE QUALITY 2020 3 162020 3 16 In 2003 The capacity of catalyst reforming China 6 76 million tons America 158 million

11、 tons was 32 71 of total world s 催化重整能力 n The share in total crude oil processing China 2 98 America 18 17 but in China 70 for aromatic hydrocarbon instead of gasoline 催化重整占原油加工的比例 READJUSTING OIL REFIERY PROCESSES TO IMPROVE GASOLINE QUALITY 2020 3 162020 3 16 n Alkylation process China 1 36 millio

12、n tons only 2 of America s 烷基化 中国136万吨生产能力 为美国的2 n Isomerization and dimerization processes China blank America 28 million t y isomerization 2 8 million t y dimerization 异构化 叠合二聚 中国空白 美国年加工量分别是2800万吨 280 万吨 Developing the processes of catalyst reformer alkylation isomerization READJUSTING OIL REFIER

13、Y PROCESSES TO IMPROVE GASOLINE QUALITY 2020 3 162020 3 16 n Naphtha is main feedstock of cleaner oils unit and ethylene industry 直馏石脑油是清洁油品和乙烯工业的主要原料 n In 2003 Chinese ethylene capacity 6 12 million tons four times as much as that of 1992 But 10 08 million tons ethylene to be imported THE RESTRICT

14、FACTORS OF READJUSTING REFINERY PROCESSES 2020 3 162020 3 16 THE RESTRICT FACTORS OF READJUSTING REFINERY PROCESSES Item200520102020 Production Capacity million tons year Equivalent Demand million tons year Degree of self sufficiency 8 90 18 50 48 14 00 25 26 56 54 20 00 37 41 54 48 Table 2 A Foreca

15、st of Supply in 2003 was 65 in 2005 will be about 70 in 2010 will be 77 reach 47 million tons in 2020 the demand of naphtha will approach 72 million tons 乙烯的原料供应情况 THE RESTRICT FACTORS OF READJUSTING REFINERY PROCESSES 2020 3 162020 3 16 n In China the yield rate of naphtha is lower around 5 8 due t

16、o the more heavy crude oil supply It is impossible to solve the giant lack of naphtha in short time so a competition for naphtha between the oil refinery and the ethylene industry will be inevitable 中国原油偏重 石脑油收率低 不可能在短时间内解决对 石脑油的需求 未来将出现同样以石脑油为原料的油品工 业与乙烯工业争夺资源的情况 THE RESTRICT FACTORS OF READJUSTING REFINERY PROCESSES 2020 3 162020 3 16 用更清洁的燃料取代汽 柴油是车用燃料 结构调整的发展趋势 2020 3 162020 3 16 3 DEVELOPING MULTIPLE STRUCTURE OF AUTOMOTIVE ENERGY 3 1 The contend for feedstock between oil refinery industry



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