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2、问有关习俗。请你回复邮件,内容包括:1.到达时间;2.合适的礼物;3.餐桌礼仪。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Terry,Im now writing to tell you some relevant details on how to be a guest in China.Generally speaking, your arrival shouldnt be later than the fixed time. Besides, youd better bring some little gifts. Speaking of table man

3、ners, keep your voice low and pleasant during the meal. The host likes it if you have learned to use chopsticks.I hope these suggestions will be helpful to you. Im sure you will have a great time.Yours,Li Hua1.要点缺失:本文遗漏要点“你的新西兰朋友Terry将去中国朋友家做客”。2.时态错误:The host likes应表述为The host will like。3.词数不足:(80词

4、)可在the fixed time后加具体的说明,以扩充词数,如A few minutes earlier is the best.可在some little gifts后举例说明,如such as a special food or drink from your country.4.语气不当:开头处可加Nice to hear from you.结尾处will be helpful最好改为would be helpful,以使语气表达得更加委婉。二、怎样准审题审题时要注意,一是确定体裁、格式、主体时态、要点要求等内容,做到心中有数;二是明确哪些内容需要表达,哪些无需表达;哪些需要详写,哪些

5、需要略写;哪些内容可以整合。因此在动笔前,要通过审题避免出现各类问题,全面了解写作要求,理清写作思路。1审体裁,避免格式错误近三年全国卷书面表达主要为书信(包括电子邮件),有的书面表达(如2017年全国卷)书信的格式已给出,但2018年全国卷和全国卷都没有给出书信的格式。这就要求我们要注意书信如何开头,如何结尾。书信的一般格式如下:Dear ,Yours,2审时间,避免时态错误与汉语不同,英语中的句子是有“时态和语态”的,而时态与时间密切相关。因此动笔之前,一定要注意结合提示中提供的或明或暗的“时间”或“场合”,正确判断文章的主体时态,这是写作的核心,不可小觑。通常情况下,如果文章中句子的时态


7、礼物;3.简单介绍一下中国的餐桌礼仪。第三部分为结束语。但是有的考生在写作时漏掉了“你的新西兰朋友将去中国朋友家做客”这一要点,这是写作中的一个重大失误。4审语气,避免直白生硬由于书信种类很多,包括求助信、申请信、建议信、咨询信、邀请信、感谢信、致歉信、慰问信、投诉信、求职信等。不同的书信应用不同的语气。例如2018年全国卷是一封建议信,开头可用“Nice to hear from you. I learn that youre coming to visit one of your Chinese friends. I am writing to tell you some relevant

8、 details”开门见山地指出自己写信的背景和目的。结尾可用“I hope these suggestions would be helpful to you”表示委婉语气。建议信常用的开头和结尾句有:I know you have trouble in .from your letter. I am writing to make you some suggestions/offer you some advice.Youve asked me for advice in/with regard to .and Ill try to make some useful suggestions

9、 here.In my opinion/Personally/As far as Im concerned, it would be wise for you to .I hope you will find these suggestions helpful./I hope my suggestions will be of benefit to you.I hope you will take my advice into consideration. If you have any questions or requirements, please do not hesitate to

10、tell me./If you have further questions, please feel free to ask me at any time.三、怎样发散思维,细化提纲近三年高考英语全国卷基本上都是书信(包括电子邮件),可划归为提纲类作文,但开放性在增大,例如2018年全国卷完全可以划归为半开放类作文。半开放类作文的最大特点就是让考生必须具备发散思维,在提纲所给要点的基础上进行适当拓展联想,从而让内容充实连贯。况且,在作文试题中一般都有这样的要求“可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯”。这里的“细节”,就需要发散思维,进行联想拓展。下面介绍几种细化提纲的方法,让作文“有话可说”,达到

11、基本的词数要求。1追加成分在要点基础上适当增加合乎逻辑的附加成分,如定语(从句)、状语(从句)、非谓语动词、独立主格结构等。不仅增加了词数,而且使表达更清晰、准确,主题更突出。典例1(开设英语电影欣赏课)建议多选择英语电影。As a young student, I suggest that the teacher should choose more English films that appeal to us teenagers, thus making English learning more interesting.典例2(演讲注意事项)要面带微笑;要讲慢些,讲清楚。Be sure

12、 to wear a smile on your face when you speak, which will make you relaxed. Besides, remember to speak slowly and clearly so that you can leave a good impression on the audience and judges.2补加语句根据行文走向,适当增加一些与主题相关的语句,或由要点衍生的句子,既能起到前后关联的作用,又能补充一些相关信息,帮助读者理解所写内容。典例1(提醒考生注意)要按时进入考场。Be sure to enter the e

13、xamination room on time. Whoever is late wont be allowed to enter.典例2(谈论募捐善款用途)募捐得来的钱将送给急需的人。The money collected in the charity sale will be sent to those in great need. This will not only help them through difficulties, but also give them warmth and happiness.3添加过渡根据行文或段落需要,在句与句或段与段之间适当增加过渡词语,甚至过渡句

14、,这样可以使文章浑然一体,同时又能充实文章。典例1话题:是否禁止广场舞I dont think square dancing should be forbidden. The reasons are as follows. First of all/To begin with, dancing is a good way to take exercise, which can help people to build themselves up. It also provides a chance for people to communicate with each other. Whats

15、 more, the square is a good place for people to work out.典例2学习与身体锻炼Recently, a hot issue has been under discussion in our class, which is whether it is necessary for us Senior 3 students to go running three times a day.Students opinions are divided. Some students hold the view that there is no need to do so: On the one hand, it is a waste of time; on the other hand, they find it difficult to calm down and concentrate on lessons after running. Whats worse, those who sweat may catch a cold easily.However, others have the opposite opinion, arguing that running is the best way to refresh


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