人教版九年级英语全册 各单元测试题附答案共14套

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1、初中英语九年级全一册 1 155 Unit 1 How can we become good learners 单元单元测试测试03 一 听力测试 一 听力测试 20分 分 一 听录音 选出与所给句子内容相匹配的图画 5分 1 A B C 2 A B C 3 A B C 4 A B C 5 A B C 二 听句子 选择适当的答语 5分 6 A Yes I do B It helps me a lot C By joining an English club 7 A Yes I did B No I haven t C I have learned English by watching vid

2、eos 8 A Good idea B It s terrible C Yes I have 9 A Yes I often listen to tapes B Sure 初中英语九年级全一册 2 155 C Never mind 10 A No I haven t B No I can t C Yes I do 三 听短文 选择最佳答案 5分 11 What was LiHong like before A Shy B Serious C Careless 12 What was she afraid to do in the English classes A Recite texts B

3、 Answer questions C Write compositions 13 When did she begin to show interest in English A Five years ago B At the age of 16 C After going to middle school 14 How did she learn English in her free time A By reading English stories B By listening to English songs C By going to the English corner 15 W

4、hat does she hope to do A To teach English B To study abroad C To travel abroad 四 根据你所听到的内容 填写下面的表格 每空不超过3个单词 5分 NameClothesCharacter 性格 Hobbies Lilya red skirt16 and funny drawing Sama blue 17 18 ind clevercollecting stamps Mary19 active and outgoing20 二 单项填空 二 单项填空 10分 分 21 We speaking English at

5、the English corner to improve our spoken English A pronounceB practiceC increaseD memorize 22 The music sounds A nicelyB wellC sweetD beautifully 23 What about the new word in the dictionary A looking afterB looking upC look afterD look up 24 It s cold outside You d better wear more clothes A fewB a

6、 fewC littleD a little 25 Many students memorize the new word them over and over again A by repeatingB in readingC to pronounceD for writing 26 I often go to school by bike 初中英语九年级全一册 3 155 Why not try a bus A takeB to takeC tookD taking 27 The time you spend on it the you will get A more moreB more

7、 muchC less muchD much less 28 He came late to school and was afraid by the teacher A to seeB to be seenC of seeingD of being seen 29 They kept about the accident A talkB talkingC to talkD talked 30 Remember the door when you leave the room A closeB to closeC closingD closed 三 完形填空 三 完形填空 10分 分 Ther

8、e are so many kinds of sports in the world People enjoy sports all over the world 31do people like sports Because sports can help people to keep healthy happy and to live 32 Sports change with the seasons People playdifferent games in winter and summer 33is good for swimming You will feel cool when

9、you are in the water in summer And34winter peopleoften go skating Skating is very exciting Some sports are very35and many people like them For example football is very popular In China most people men 36 boys and girls like to watch football games 37often talk about football games Some sports or gam

10、es date back thousands of years like running or jumping Running and jumping started long long ago 38basketball and volleyball are very new And people are39new sports or games all the time Waterskiing is one of the newest People in different countries may not40each other but after a game they often b

11、ecome friends 31 A WhyB WhatC WhoD Which 32 A fatterB longerC harderD shorter 33 A WinterB SummerC AutumnD Spring 34 A inB ofC fromD at 35 A boringB difficultC expensiveD interesting 36 A womanB womenC childrenD kids 37 A WeB IC TheyD She 38 A soB butC becauseD and 39 A workingB runningC swimmingD s

12、tarting 40 A knowB readC helpD study 四 阅读理解 四 阅读理解 10分 分 One thing to learn a foreign language is guessing You guess what kind of thing to come when listening to 初中英语九年级全一册 4 155 someone talking People do this allthe time in their own language so it is necessary to do this in a foreign language too

13、Here are some examples 1 What s the matter I went to a party last night so I 2 I feel so tired these days I think you d better 3 Of course she never stops talking She is one of the most You can see from the above three examples that the context helps a lot in understanding what is being talked about

14、 So guessing is very important in understanding English especially spoken English 41 This passage tells us mainly about A the importance of guessing in learning a foreign language B how to guess what one is going to talk about C some examples of right guessing D how important it is to guess all the

15、time 42 From the context we can infer maybe the finished answer in EXAMPLE1 is A so I didn t have a good time B so I went to bed very late C so I felt unhappy D so I got up very early 43 Maybe the finished answer in EXAMPLE 2 is A I think you d better have a good rest and take good care of yourself

16、B I think you d better have something to drink C I think you d better get some help from your friends D I think you d better be more careful 44 Maybe the finished answer in EXAMPLE3 is A she is one of the most famous film stars B she is one of the most beautiful women C she is one of the most famous speakers D she is one of the most talkative women 45 From the passage we can infer that guessing is in learning a foreign language A the only way B more important in spoken English than in written En


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