人教版九年级英语 Unit 10单元测试题及答案

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1、初中英语九年级全一册 1 16 Unit 10 You re supposed to shake hands 单元测试单元测试 02 一 听力理解 一 听力理解 20 小题 每小题小题 每小题 1 分 共分 共 20 分 分 第一节第一节 听下面 5 段对话 每段对话后有一个小题 从题中所给的 A B C 三个选项中选出最佳答案 每段对 话读两遍 1 What are the Japanese supposed to do when they meet for the first time A To bow B To kiss C To shake hands 2 When do people

2、 in Colombia usually arrive if they are invited to a party at 6 30 A Just 6 30 B Before 6 30 C Alittle later than 6 30 3 What sAnn doing while eating noodles A Making a noise B Keeping quiet C Eating too slowly 4 What do girls wear in winter in Japan A Shirts B Skirts C Dresses 5 People should when

3、they meet for the first time in Mexico A kissB bowC shake hands 第二节第二节 听下面几段对话或独白 每段对话或独白后有几个小题 从题中所给的 A B C 三个选项中选出最佳 答案 每段对话或独白读两遍 听下面一段对话 回答第 6 至第 7 两个小题 6 What happened to John A He had an easy exam B He may fail an exam C He lost interest in study 7 What s the girl s advice for him A Try to cha

4、nge the result B Try to pay more attention to the exam C Try to pay more attention to the future study 听下面一段对话 回答第 8 至第 10 三个小题 8 Why doesn t Lingling eat too many peaches in summer A Because she doesn t like peaches 初中英语九年级全一册 2 16 B Because eating too many of them may make you uncomfortable C Beca

5、use they are too expensive 9 What may you feel if you eat too many peaches A Feel very hot B Feel very angry C Feel very thirsty 10 What fruit is good for people in summer A Peach B Pear C Apple 听下面一段对话 回答第 11 至第 12 两个小题 11 Who did Robert go to India with A His father B His friends C His brother 12

6、Can Japanese make loud noises when eating noodles A Yes they can B No they can t C We don t know 听下面一段独白 回答第 13 至第 15 三个小题 13 What should you do before you visit a Chinese family A Knock at the door B Make a call C Take off the shoes 14 In Japan what should you do before you come in A Bow to the hos

7、t B Take off the shoes C Kiss the host 15 Why should you finish all the food in England A To make the host happy B To show it is just so so C To show I am hungry 第三节第三节 听下面一篇短文 根据短文内容 按照你所听到的先后顺序将下列句子排序 短文读两遍 A When I put the food into my mouth I found it was too spicy B We had a good time there C W

8、e took off shoes before we came into Li s home D I made many mistakes at first E Then we had dinner together 16 17 18 19 20 二 单项选择 二 单项选择 15 小题 每小题小题 每小题 1 分分 共共 15 分 分 从 A B C D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案 1 You are supposed hands with the guest David A shakeB shakingC to shakeD shook 初中英语九年级全一册 3 16 2 The girl

9、is expected sorry to her brother because it s her fault A saidB sayC sayingD to say 3 The soft music made Amy She soon fell asleep A excitedB relaxedC interestedD surprised 4 We often our friends homes without them first A drop by callB drop by callingC visit callD visits calling 5 I m afraid the bo

10、y can t deal with the problem Me too he is only 8 years old A In generalB So farC After allD For example 6 My grandpa knows the history and medical of many plants A wealthB priceC valueD cost 7 In many eastern European counties you are supposed to your gloves before shaking hands A take offB shut of

11、fC cut offD put off 8 As soon as the rain they will go out to pick apples A stopsB stoppedC will stopD is stopping 9 I m sorry to keep you long That s all right A waitB waitingC waitedD to wait 10 Why not read the novel I think it is worth A readB to readC readsD reading 11 The box is There is nothi

12、ng in it A largeB fullC emptyD heavy 12 It s impolite to point anyone your chopsticks while eating meals A to atB at withC out inD on by 13 The host family went out of way to make us feel at home A theyB themC theirD theirs 14 All the students went on a school trip Tom because he was ill A besidesB

13、besideC expectD except 15 I had some trouble getting on with my classmates My parents gave me many about how to get on well with others 初中英语九年级全一册 4 16 A adviceB suggestionsC troubleD problems 三 完形填空 三 完形填空 10 小题 每小题小题 每小题 1 分分 共共 10 分 分 先通读短文 掌握其大意 然后从 A B C D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案 One day I hear

14、d an American boy say to a Chinese girl student You speak very good English But the girl answered No no My English is very poor The foreigner was quite1at the answer Thinking he had not made himself understood or the girl had not2him clearly he said Yes indeed you speak very well But the girl still

15、kept saying No In the end the American boy could not understand and didn t know3to say What s wrong with the girl s answer She didn t4a compliment 恭维 in the same way as the American people do She should answer Thank you instead of No She5understood what the American boy had said but she thought she

16、should be modest In the west people will feel proud and confident when they are praised So if someone says the dishes you have cooked are very delicious you should say Thank you In our country we think being modest is a virtue 美德 and being proud is a bad thing But in my opinion being confident does not6being proud so sometimes you should be confident7being modest 8you are modest and say No I m afraid I can t do it well while working in a western country the others may think that you really canno


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