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1、Setting up an RFC Destination for a RFC ServerThere are two methods for setting up RFC destinations: Method A: Set up for starting the program using theSAP Gateway Method B: Registration on the SAP GatewayBelow are the methods with a comparison of their advantages and disadvantages:Method AMethod B:

2、Advantages The program only runs when it is actually needed. The system is more stable.You can usually continue working even if the conversion server is restarted. Works on all operating systems. Simple installation.Disadvantages Only works when the conversion server is running on UNIX. Installation

3、 is very complex.Program always runs in the background.If the program is halted, for example, because the conversion server has been restarted, it must be restarted.UseThis method is highly recommended if you have a conversion server running UNIX.This method is best for conversion servers using Micr

4、osoft Windows NT.Information for Setting up an RFC DestinationThe following information is required forbothmethods:InformationDescriptionGATEWAY_HOSTName of the computer where the SAP Gateway is running (for example hs0009)GATEWAY_SERVICEGateway Service you are using (such as sapgw01)RFC_SERVERCompl

5、ete path name of the program on the conversion server where you want to set up the RFC destination (for example /usr/converter/All2txt/StartConvUtil)Use method AMaking the settings for usingmethod Ato make SAP Gateway start a program that opens the RFC connection.See also:Setting Up an RFC Destinati

6、on for a RFC ServerPrerequisitesThe following information is required formethod A:InformationDescriptionGATEWAY_USERName of the user who started SAP Gateway on GATEWAY_HOSTCONVERTER_HOSTName of conversion server (such as hs100)ProcedureIn the following procedure, you replace the expression between w

7、ith the values used in your enterprise. Replace with the name of the computer where your SAP Gateway is running.1. Create a user with the name on the conversion server.2. Log on to the conversion server with the user .3. Create or modify the file$HOME/.rhosts.4. Add the line to the file$HOME/.rhosts

8、.5. Set the access authorization for the file using the following values:-rw-r-r-(for example, with chmod 644 $HOME/.rhosts).If problems occur, read themain pagefor the commandremote login. Use the commandman remshorman rsh, depending on the computer. Or contact a UNIX specialist.In some cases the G

9、ateway computer must entered twice (in two lines) in the file$HOME/.rhosts; once with and once without the domain Set the access authorization for so that is authorized for at leastr-andx-.chmod 755 7. Give the user authorization to write to the files and directories on

10、 which the writes.If you are using the SAP template program, you must give authorization to the to write to the directories where is located.8. Start the transaction SM59 (Display and maintain RFC destinations) on your system ChooseCreateand enter any name in theRFC destinationfield, for example CON

11、VERTER_ALL2TXT. EnterTas the value forConnection type. Enter a description and confirm your entries.9. Choose the valueStart on Explicit HostasActivation type. Enter the value forProgramand forTarget machine. Enter forGateway hostand forGateway service. Confirm the entry and save the data.11. Choose

12、Test connection. Everything is in order if you see the connection data with the transfer times. If, after a while, you see an error message marked inred, you need to find the error.There are the two following causes for errors: Error A:The program could not be started. Error B:No link for the starte

13、d program.To determine the cause of the error, insert in program the command to create files, such as touch $HOME/ConvUtilstartet. If the program could be started, the problem is caused by error B. In this case, check the RFC destination (transaction sm59, entries and ).No files exist when: The user

14、 does not have authorization to write to the files. Start usingremshorrshwas unsuccessful (error A).Check the procedure. You can find information in the UNIX help (man remshorman rsh).Conversion can only occur if the connection test is free of errors.Use method BMaking the settings formethod Bto register the RFC connection on SAP Gateway.See also:Setting up an RFC Destination for a RFC ServerPrerequisitesThe following information is required formethod B:InformationDescriptionProgramIDThe ID of your RFC server.Choose a dif



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