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1、 学校 班级 姓名 考号 密封线以内不要答题20132014学年度上期期中学业水平测试六年级英语题号一二三四总分得分一、. 单项选择。( 每小题3分共45分)( )1. Its _the Huangshang Mountain.A. a pictureB. a picture of C. a picture for( )2.This letter is _ America.A. for B. from C. with( )3. _a big map of China.A. What B. How C. How nice( )4.She _ got lots of Mexican picture

2、s.A. is B. has C. have( )5.Have you _ kites?.A. a B. any C. some( )6. _ is my hobby.A. Swim B. Swam C. Swimming( )7. What do you do _ Thanksgiving?A. in B. on C. about( )8.Can you speak _?A. China B. Chinese C. America( )9. _go to Chinatown tomorrow?A. Thats B. Lets C. we( )10. Tell me more _ Luohe

3、, please?A. of B. about C. from( )11. How _is Shanghai?A. much B. many C. big( )12. _stamp is my hobby.A. Collect B. Collecting C. To collect( )13.There are _shops and restaurants in this street.A. lot of B. a lot C. lots of( )14.Beijing _got about fourteen million people.A. has B. dont C. had( )15.

4、There _a Chinatown in New York.A. is B. are C. has二、阅读下列短文,判断正(T)误(F)(共15分)Dear LauraIm happy to know you. Daming has told me about you on the phone .Daming is my good friend .And he used to teach me Chinese. I have lived in China for two years. I often miss English tea. I also miss your English Fri

5、ends.Yours,Amy( )1.The letter is from Daming.( )2.Amy received this letter.( )3.Laura wrote the letter.( )4.Amy has lived in China one year.( )5.Daming used to teach Amy Chinese.三、英汉配对(共10分)( )1.miss A、更多( )2.collect B 、节日( )3.hoby C、业余爱好( )4.more D、遇到( )5.Canada E 、明信片( )6.festival F、一顿饭( )7.race G

6、、思念( )8.meet H、加拿大( )9.meal I、比赛( )10.postcard J、收集四、句子配伍(共30分)( )1.Do you miss China? A. Its 1260 Li long.( )2.How long is the Changjiang River ? B. Twelve( )3.Is there a letter for me? C. Im reading a story book.( )4.How many toys have you got? D. Yes, there is. ( )5.What are you doing? E. No, I havent.( )6.How big is Beijing? F. Yes ,I do.( )7.Whats your hobby? G. Here you are .( )8.Pass me this letter. H. It has got 14 million people( )9.Have you got any stamps from America? I. Dancing is my hobby.( )10.Where is Huangshan Mountain? J. In Anhui


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