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1、Lesson Five Nice to meet you New words and expressions 1 About nationality 关于国籍 2 About cars关于汽车品牌 Mr mist 先生 good gud adj 好 morning m n n 早晨 Miss m s 小姐 new nju adj 新的 student stju d t n 学生 nice na s adj 美好的 meet mi t v 遇见 too tu adv 也 New words and expressions French frent adj 德国人 Japanese d p ni

2、z adj 男他He 女她She 动物的它是It 我们We 你们You 他们They Who are you a 一个 一辆 一只 例如 a car 表示一个还可以用 an 例如 an apple a 与 an 在英语被称为不定冠词 二者在意义上没 有区别 但是 在发音以辅音音素开头的词前用a 在发音以元音音素开头的词前用an This is Hans Sophie He is German Nice to meet you 见到你很高兴 Nice to meet you nice 美好的 meet 遇见 很高兴见到你 用于初次与他人见面等非正式场合 对方的回应一般应为 Nice to mee

3、t you too 我也很高兴见到你 人们在正式的场合初次见面时常用 How do you do 相应的回答也是 How do you do 这是一句问候语 并非问话 nice adj 美好的 好看的 It s a nice day today isn t it That s a nice shirt adj 和蔼的 友好的 He is very nice to his neighbours adj 使人高兴的 令人愉快的 It is so nice to have you here And this is Naoko She is Japanese Nice to meet you And

4、this is Chang woo He s Korean Nice to meet you he s he is he s 是 he is 的缩写形式 she s she is she s 是 she is 的缩写形式 it s it is it s 是 it is 的缩写形式 And this is Luming He s Chinese Nice to meet you And this is Xiaohui She s Chinese too Nice to meet you 1 问候用语 早上好 Good morning Morning 下午好 Good afternoon 晚上好

5、Good evening 晚 安 Good night Language points 2 介绍他人 This is 可以表示这是我的 还可以用来介绍人 Eg This is Miss Sophie Dupont 英语中 把一个人介绍给别人的时候 我们能够清楚地知道所要介绍的人的性别 一般也不用he is 或者she is 而是用 This is 3 谈论国籍时 She is French 她是法国人 英语中 表示国籍的名词前通常没有冠词 He She is 国籍 E g 他是德国人 He is German 她是日本人 She is Japanese 4 问候语 Nice to meet y

6、ou 很高兴见到你 在初次见 面时可以说这句话 回答通常是 Nice to meet you too 见到你 我也很高兴 此外 两位熟人或朋友见面 也常用此句 子表示问候 这句话还可以说成 Nice to see you Glad to meet you 正式的场合用 How do you do 5 too也 通常放在肯定句或者疑问句的末尾 和句 子的主干部分用 隔开 She is French I am French too 在否定句中用 either 表示 也 也是常常 放在句末 和句子的主干部分用 隔开 I am not Japanese either 我也不是日本人 6 And thi

7、s is Naoko 这位是直子 And在本句中不是 和 又 的意思 它是 一个转折词 没有任何意思 E g I am a student and my sister is a teacher 我是一个学生 我的姐姐 是一个老师 Grammar 冠词是一种虚词 不能单独使用 通常像 帽子 一样戴在名词的前面 帮助说明名词的词义 冠 词在用语中只有三个 a an the a an 不定冠词 表示 一 一个 的意思 通常用 在可数名词的单数形式前 用法如下 1 an只用在以元音音素开头的单词前 读作 n 比如 It is an umbrella 它是一把雨伞 This is an old car

8、那是一辆旧的汽车 2 a用在以辅音音素开头的名词前面 读作 比如 Sophie is a new student 苏菲是一位新同学 This is a nice handbag 这是一个不错的手提包 1 She s housewife 2 Robert is engineer 3 She is policeman 4 He is student 5 Sophie is keyboard operator 6 She is nurse 7 This is apple 三 Fill in a or an a a a a a an an 如何询问汽车的品牌呢 What make is the car

9、 It s a German car What make is his her your car It s a American car 瑞典的 Swidish 法国的 French 德国的 German 日本的 Japanese 韩韩国的 Korean 英国的 English 美国的 American 意大利的 Italian Written exercises A Using He She or It 书上练习 Eg Stella is a student She isn t German She is Spanish Written exercises B Using He She It

10、 a or an Eg This is Miss Sophie Dupont French Swedish Is she a French student or a Swedish student She isn t a Swedish student She s a French student Written exercises B Eg This is a Volvo Swedish French Is it a Swedish car or a French car It isn t a French car It s a Swedish car Summary 某国VS某国的 Chi

11、na Chinese America American England English France French Germany German Italy Italian Japan Japanese Korea Korean Sweden Swedish Here is your pen Here s your pen 1 It is not American 2 It is English 3 He is Italian 4 She is not Japanese 5 That is a teacher 6 He is not French 7 She is German 四 Write these with short forms 六 Chant 系动词Be顺口溜 am is are 是 过去式 was were I am He is She is It is You are This is That is These are Those are


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