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1、表语 表语的功能是表述主语的特征 状态 身份等 它也可以说是一 个主语补足语 它位于连系动词 之后 与之构成所谓的系表结构 在系表结构中 连系动词只是 形式上的谓语 而真正起谓语作 用的则是表语 谓语部分 表 语 1 名词 形容词 副词 2 数词 代词 1 单个 的词 2 短语 1 名词短语 2 动名词及短语 3 动词不定式短语 4 分词及短语 5 介词短语 从句3 句子 连 系 动 词 一 单个的词 1 名词用作表语 They are workers We are students 2 代词用作表语 This watch is mine my watch 这块表是我的 Money isn t

2、 everything 金钱不是一切 3 数词用作表语 Five and four is nine 五加四等于九 She was the first to arrive 她是第一个到达的人 4 形容词用作表语 Do not be afraid 别怕 Now the baby is asleep 现在孩子睡着了 He was alone in the house 他独自一个人在家里 Neither of the sisters was alive 两姐妹都不在人世了 5 副词用作表语 方位和状态 My father is out 我父亲出去了 Who is upstairs 谁在楼上 The c

3、lass is over 二 短语作表语 1 名词短语 They are excellent students We want to become a useful person We all are senior students 2 动名词用作表语 Seeing is believing 眼见为实 my hobby is Swimming My job is teaching English 我的工作是教英语 3 不定式用作表语 He seems to be ill 他似乎病了 His goal is to be a doctor 他的目标是当医生 4 现在分词用作表语 Her lette

4、r was touching 她的信很感人 The situation was puzzling 形势令人迷惑不解 My job is interesting 我的工作很有趣 5 过去分词用作表语 The library is closed She is tired The door is locked 6 介词短语用作表语 He is with his friends 他和朋友们在一起 He looks like a monkey 他看上去像个猴子 Judging from his accent he must be from the south She was terribly worri

5、ed She is very tired 7 形容词短语 表语从句的探究与思考 Noun clauses as the predicative 结构完整的句子 表语 从句 陈述句 确切含义 疑问句 一般 特殊 感叹句 三 从句做表语 The fact is that she has a daughter She has a daughter 1 The problem is whether she is a good student Is she a good student 2 1 The problem is Who is my mother 2 Who is my mother 3 2

6、The problem is What she will buy 4 What will she buy 3 1 The problem is why he was late for school Why was he late for school The problem is how she finished the task How did she finish the task The fact is what a good student she he is The fact is what cold weather it is 4 what a good student she h

7、e is what cold weather it is 1 在as if as though 等引导表语从句 中 表示与事实真相一致时 要用陈述 语气 如果不一致时 用虚拟语气表示 This meat tastes as if it has already g one bad It seems as though the meeting would never end 注意事项 2 because why引导的表语从句 That was because he was ill yesterday That s because 强调原因 That was why he was late for

8、school That s why 强调结果 3 名词 主语 be that引导的表语从句 在这种句型中 常用表示事实 真理的 名词 或表示看法 观点的名词 The fact is that our team has won the game The news is that we can go home now 4 表语从句中的虚拟语气 在表示建议 劝告 命令 请求 要求含义 的名词后的表语从句 谓语动词需用虚拟语 气表示 should v原 The suggestion is that we should study hard What she suggested is that we should respect the old 5 reason 做主语时 其后的表语从 句只能用that引导 The reason is that his clock is broken The reason for which why she was late is that his clock is broken 探究并发现表语从句的本质



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