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1、Starter Unit 1 Good Morning AliceBobCindyDale EricFrankGraceHelen How do we greet others at different times of the day Good morning Good afternoon In the morning 6 00 12 00 In the afternoon 12 00 18 00 4 In the evening 18 00 22 00 Good evening At night 22 00 Good night Good morning Cindy Hello Bob H

2、i Alice Good afternoon Eric Good evening Dale Greet people 问候他人 How are you I m fine thanks How are you I m OK Nice to meet you too Nice to meet you 初次见面 How do you do Starter Unit 2 What s this in English Starter Unit 2 What s this in English 3c Listen to the conversation Then practice it with your

3、 partner What s this in English It s a map Spell it please M A P Practice conversations with your partner 两人一组练习对话 A What s this that in English B It s a an A Spell it please B Starter Unit 3 What color is it Abbreviations 缩写词 AD BC 公元 公元前 CAAC CBA 中国民航 中国篮球协会 ABC 基础知识 字母表 CD HB BBC 光盘 硬黑 英国广播公司 停车场

4、 停车位P 美国 全国篮球协会NBA 千克 公斤 kg PRC 中华人民共和国 PK 单独挑战 cm km 厘米 千米 公里 large medium small 3 Do you know what these letters mean UFO Unidentified Flying Object UN United Nations China Central Television CCTV red yellow green blue black white purple brown Talk about the pictures A What s this in English B It

5、s a A Spell it please B A What color is it B It s A What color is it B It s U VW X Y ZS T A What s this B It s Do you know what these expressions mean 知道它们的意思吗 a black sheep green eyed a green hand a white night white coffee 害群之马 眼红 新手 不眠之夜 加牛奶的咖啡 Mr White Mrs Green Miss Black Ms Brown 怀特先生 格林夫人 布莱克

6、小姐 布朗女士 Do you know them 你认识他们吗 Unit 1 My name s Gina Review 1 介绍自己和他人 What s your name My name is Gina I m Gina What s his her name His Her name is Gina He She is Gina 2 问候他人 Hello Hi Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Nice to meet you How do you do How are you Fine thank you And you 3 数字和询问电

7、话号码 Numbers 1 10 What s your telephone number My telephone number is What s your phone number It s My phone number is What s his her phone number It s His Her phone number is phone number telephone number Telephone Tel Number No Telephone numbers Name first name given namelast name family name Engli

8、sh name Mary Chinese name Nan English name Brown Chinese name Zhang 中英名字对比 Liu Lau Dehua last name family name 姓 first name given name 名 What is a first name What is a last name 1 telephone number 电话号码 What s your telephone number 你的电话号码是多少 2 ID card 身份证 ID是identity 的缩写形式 Explanation 3 first name 名字

9、 last name 姓氏 first name与given name同义 last name 与 family name同义 Her name is Mary Smith her family name is Smith 她的姓名是玛丽 史密斯 史密斯是她 的姓 middle name Notes Mr Mrs Miss Ms last name For example Her name is Cindy White We call her Miss White The old man is John Smith We can call him Mr Smith 4 look v 看 注视

10、What are you looking at 你在看什么 look n 看 瞧 Have a look at that picture please 看一看那个图片 1 0 4 2 5 1 3 3 6 4 6 9 What s 0 and 4 2 物主代词 在英语中 物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和 名词性物主代词 表示形容词性物主代词的有 my 我的 your 你的 his 他的 her 她 its 它 our 我们的 your 你们的 their 他们 她们 它们的 我们已经学到的物主代词有 my your his her 如 My name is Frank Your name is G

11、ina His name is Bob Her name is Helen Grammar 1 人称代词 在英语中 表示人称代词的有I 我 you 你 he 他 she 她 it 它 we 我们 you 你们 they 他们 她们 它们 我们已经学到的人称代词有 I you he she it 如 I am Frank You are Gina He is Bob She is Alice It is a pen Grammar 3 系动词 英语中 有一表示 是 的概念的动词be 它不表示 具体的动作或行为 只是在句中起着联系主语和 表语的作用 所以我们叫它 联系动词 也称 系 动词 be在现

12、在时中有三种形式 分别是am is are be的形式依主语的不同而发生变化 如表 Grammar 主语系动词 be 第一人称单数 I am 第二人称单数 you are 第三人称单数 he she it is 复数人称 they are 如 I am a student 我是一个学生 You are a good boy 你是一个好男孩 She is a good girl 她是一个好女孩 It is a black pen 这是一支黑钢笔 My name is Jim 我的名字是吉姆 Where are Eric and Bob 埃里克和鲍勃在哪里 They are my friends

13、他们是我的朋友 Unit 2 This is my sister Talk about the picture This That is Who s she he She s He s These Those are Who re they They re Explanation 解释 1 this is my sister Kate 这是我的妹妹凯特 my sister Kate是同位语 2 Oh I see 噢 我明白了 3 Well have a good day 那好 愿你们 一天 玩得高兴 4 Thanks You too 多谢了 也祝你玩得高兴 Grammar Focus 语法焦点

14、 This is my friend Jane That s my grandfather These are my brothers Those are my parents Who s she She s my sister Who s he He s my brother Who re they They re my grandparents that s that is who re who are who s who is they re they are Explanation David this is my mother 大卫 这是我妈妈 1 mother father 用于比

15、较正式的场合 或 向别人介绍自己的父母时使用 如 2 parents 指双亲 在英语中表示两个或两 个以上的人或物时 名词要用复数形式 指 父亲或母亲一个人时 要用parent 形式 3 brothers 是名词brother的复数形式 在 英语中 brother指同辈的男性 意为 兄长或 弟弟 4 sister指同辈中的女性 既可指姐姐 也 可指妹妹 5 介绍别人用句型 This That is These Those are 辨认某人用句型 Is this that 询问别人用句型 Who s Who re Learning Objectives 1 学会表述家人的称谓 2 学会介绍家人

16、3 能听懂有关家庭介绍的对话 4 学会用特殊疑问句来询问家人的称谓 8 My father has no brothers so I don t have an 9 My father has two sisters and I have two 10 I am the only child of my I have no or uncle aunts family brothers sisters 书写规则 1 句子开头的一个字母必须要大写 2 人名的开头一个字母必须大写 3 句末要用上正确的标点符号 4 英语的句号是小圆点而不是小圆圈 5 单词与单词之间要间隔一个字母的距离 重点内容回顾 1 单数 复数 This is my friend These are my friends That is my brother Those are my brothers 2 询问身份 Is she your aunt Yes she is No she isn t Is he your uncle Yes he is No he isn t Is this that your sister



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