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1、Unit 5 Music Period 4 幻灯片50 66页 Help Free talk In pairs discuss how your life would change if you became famous overnight Make a list of the change A story about a frog Hello everyone My name is Freddy When Freddy was young he was a little tadpole As time went by quickly he soon became a grown up fr

2、og I like singing especially when I am feeling down One dark night Freddy sat on the water lily pad and dipped his long thin legs into the water Suddenly Suddenly he heard some beautiful music across the lake Then what would happen Listen to the tape for the first time and do the true or false exerc

3、ise F T T Listening I F Freddy had changed from a frog to a man He felt lonely in his lake till he met his friends on the lily leaf The singers of the band sing very loudly Freddy thought he could sing as well as the other singing frogs Freddy the frog dipped his legs into the water Within a few sho

4、rt weeks he had changed from a small tadpole into the he was now he smiled to himself Then suddenly he heard a that carried far into the of the quiet night Freddy looked up Other frogs I must try and find them he thought It s so hard being on my own He began to swim slowly towards the sound Suddenly

5、 he a large lily pad On it sat long thin beautiful animal fine deep sound darkness a grown up frog knocked into Listening III listen to the tape again and fill in the blanks frogs and they were Freddy climbed onto the leaf Can I sing with you he asked Of course they said He and began Help I need som

6、ebody Help Not just anybody Help You know I need someone Help When I was young and I never needed anybody s help in any way But now three confident playing the instruments opened his mouth wide so much younger than today these days are gone quietly I m not so self assured confident Now I find I ve I

7、 ve opened up the doors chorus Help me if you can I m And I do you being around Help me get my feet back on the ground Won t you please please help me changed my mind feeling down appreciate Summary Can you summarize the main idea of the story in one sentence This story is about a frog who joined a

8、frog band and became a singer Help We formed a band and soon we became famous and went to Britain to give performances Then what would happen in Britain Would the band succeed or fail Did the band enjoy being famous Where did they go at last Reading I skimming Read the text in detail and answer the

9、following questions in pairs What was Freddy s most exciting experience in London What happened when the program was over What problem was caused after they became truly stars Reading II detailed reading In what specific ways did Freddy s life change became rich became popular have many fans was fol

10、lowed everywhere was discussed by people couldn t have a peaceful and quiet life What s the main idea of the story Summary Freddy and his band s life was greatly influenced after they became famous on a brief tour show their devotion the congratulations afterwards an exciting invitation give a perfo

11、rmance go wrong personal life be regularly discussed feel upset and sensitive Useful expressions 短期旅游 表现热现热 情 之后的祝贺贺 一次让让人激动动的邀请请 做表演 变变得糟糕 个人生活 被经经常讨论讨论 感到不安和敏感 Discussion In small groups imagine you are Freddy and his group and you are back at the lake Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of b

12、eing famous Make a list of your ideas and develop them into a short conversation All of you must take part Prepare to act it to the class A Freddy What s up You looks upset F Yes I become more sensitive now You see there are so many fans followed me even when I go to the toilet I hate it A Calm down

13、 my friend This is the disadvantage of being famous But you have lots of fans who care about you and you can live in such a big house F You are right Being famous provides me with fame and money Every coin has two sides A So be relax It is said that you will visit China next month which is a great c

14、ountry F Yeah I am looking forward to it Homework Express your opinion on the following questions What do you think are the advantages of being famous What are the advantages of not being famous Do you think you would enjoy being famous Listen to the tape for the first time and answer the following

15、question What did Freddy find when he swam slowly towards the sound He found three confident frogs sitting still on the leaf and playing the instruments Listening I A Freddy Unit 5 Music Period 5 幻灯片67 90页 1 2 A B SHE 19 8 5 Question 1 Warming up 2m Pepsi Cola Question 2 Warming up 2m music Question

16、 2 Warming up 2m Pepsi Cola music Question 2 Warming up 2m You Pepsi Cola Inter school Music Festival 百事可乐校际音乐节 Question 3 Warming up 2m Do you want to form your own band to take part in this music festival Make a list of the things you have to consider when forming a band Task 1 Group Work Competition 4m Discuss the thing that is most difficult for you to decide and give your own information problemreason how to choose a name for our band I like the name The Chopsticks because that means workin


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