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1、 Unit3 定语从句 一 Attributive Clause 在复合句中修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句 在句中作定语 被定语从句所修饰的词叫先行词 定语从句一般放在 先行词之后 引导定语从句的有关系代词 that which who whom whose 和关系副词 where when why 本单元我们将 学习由关系代词引导的定语从句 eg The man who lives next to us sells vegetables 住在我 们隔壁的人是买菜的 You must do everything that I do 我做什么 你就必 须做什么 The man who is

2、standing by the gate is our doorman 站在大门旁边的那个人是我们的看门人 关系代词用来引导定语从句 在先行词和定语从 句中起纽带作用 使二者联系起来 关系代词同时又用作定语从句的一个句子成分 可做主语 宾语和定语 1 做主语 做主语时 其谓语动词的人称和数须和 先行词一致 eg The children who live on the nearby farms go to school by bike 住在农场附近的孩子都是骑车去 上学 The man who is standing by the gate is our doorman 站在大门旁边的那个人是

3、我们的看门 人 2 作宾语 eg The man whom you want to see has come 你要见的那个人已经来了 This is the hospital that we visited yesterday 这是我们昨天参观的医院 The letter which I received yesterday was from a friend of mine 我昨天收到的那封信是 我的一个朋友寄来的 在口语和非正式文体中 定语从句里作宾语 的关系代词可以省略 如上面三例中的关系 代词均可省略 3 作定语 关系代词whose在定语从 句中作定语用 eg What s the n

4、ame of the young man whose sister is a doctor 他姐姐是医生 的那个年轻人叫什么名字 Is that the man whose house was burnt down last week 是不是这个人的 房子上星期着火啦 1 Who 指人 在定语从句中作主语 2 eg The man who was here yesterday is a middle school teacher 昨天来这里的那个人 是个中学老师 3 Girls who work in restaurants are called waitresses 在餐馆里工作的女孩被称

5、为女服务员 2 Whom 指人 在定语从句中作宾语 可省略 eg The man whom I telephoned is out 我 给他打电话的那个人出去了 The woman whom you saw in my room yesterday is my mother 你昨天在我 房间见到的那个妇女是我的母亲 Do you know the young woman whom we met at the gate 你认识 我们在大门口遇 见的那个青年妇女吗 3 Which 指物 在定语从句中可作主语或 宾语 作宾语时可省略 eg The book which is on the desk

6、is mine 桌 子上的书是我的 The dictionary is a book which gives the meaning of words 词典是解释词的意义的书 Here is the book which the teacher mentioned yesterday 这就是老师昨天提到的那本书 The film which I saw yesterday is very interesting 我昨天看的电影很有趣 4 that 多指物 也可指人 指物时与which 通用 指人时与who whom 通用 在定语从句中可作主语 和宾语 作宾语时可省略 eg Is he the

7、man that who will teacher us English 他就是要 来教我们英语的那个人吗 作主语 指人 Who is the person that who is working at the computer over there 在计算机上工作的那个人是谁 作主语 指人 I ve read the newspaper that which carries the editorial 我已 经看过登载那篇社论的那份报纸 作主语 指物 The letter that which I received yesterday is from my family 我 昨天收到的那封信

8、是我家里来的 作宾语 指物 可省去 This is the house that which they built last year 这就是他们 去年修的房子 作宾语 指物 可省去 5 Whose 即可指人 也可指物 在定语 从句中作定语 相当于of whom of which eg The young man whose mother works in a middle school is a worker 母亲在中学工 作的那个年轻人是个工人 This is Mr Snow whose wife works at a department store 这位是斯诺先生 他的妻 子在一家百货

9、店工作 What s the name of the boy whose brother is a doctor 他哥哥是医生的那个孩子叫什 么名字 指人时只用who whom 不用 that的情况 先行词是指人的不定代词 如 one ones none anyone somebody those等时 关系代词只能用 who whom而不用 that eg Those who want to go abroad on holiday have to come to this office and fill in the forms 打算去国外休假的人请到 本办公室填表 Those who ar

10、e going come here 要去 的人到这儿来 只用that 而不用 which的情况 1 先行词为all everything something anything nothing none one much little few等不定代词 时或先行词是受到这些不定代词以及the only the very the same the last 等词修饰时 2 eg That s all that I know 我知道的就这些 3 We know nothing that happened here yesterday 我们不知道昨天这里发生的事 4 The only thing th

11、at you have to do is to help clean the windows 唯一的一件你得做的事是帮助 把窗户搽干净 5 I mean the one that was bought yesterday 我指 的是昨天买的那个 2 先行词被形容词最高级修饰时 Eg This is one of the most exciting football games that I have never seen 这是我所看过的 足球赛中最激动人的一种 It was the finest art exhibition that we ever saw 这是我们所见过的最好的艺术展览 T

12、his is the best thing that has been used against pollution 这是目前用于防污染的最好的东西 It is the most important task that should be finished soon 这是必须马上完成的最重要的任 务 3 先行词为数词或被序数词修饰时 eg I ll never forget the first lesson that I learned at this school 我永远不会 忘记在这所学校里上的第一堂课 The first thing that we should do is to wor

13、k out a plan 我们应该做的第一件事是 订个计划 Look at these flowers you can see the two that you gave me 瞧这些花 你能看到 你给我的那两朵 4 先行词中既有人又有物时 eg We were deeply impressed by the teachers and schools that we had visited 我们访问过的老师和学校给我们 留下深刻的印象 1 whom which在从句中作介词宾语时 可以和介 词一起引导定语从句 也可以把介词放在从句中有 关动词的后面 eg The young man to wh

14、om you talked is a famous athlete The young man whom you talked to is a famous athlete 刚才你与之谈话的年轻人是个著名 的运动员 This is the house in which Lu Xun once lived 这就是鲁迅曾经住过的房子 keep on doing sth 持续不断 坚持做某事 put into practice 把 付诸实践 2 关系代词that作介词宾语时 介词不可放 在 that之前 只能放在从句中原来的位置上 eg The city that she lives in is v

15、ery far away 她 生活的那座城市离这里很远 Can you lend me the book that you were talking about the other day 你可以把你那天谈的那本 书借给我吗 3 Whose还可以在从句中与它所修饰的词一起做介 词宾语 eg The boss in whose company my father worked is a foreigner 我父亲工作过的那 个公司的老板是个外国人 定语从句分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句 限制性定语从句 是先行词不可缺少的定语 如果将 这种定语从句省去 主句的意思就会不完整 不可用 逗号与主

16、句隔开 非限制性定语从句 是先行词的附加说明 如果 省去 也不影响主句的意思 它和主句之间用逗 号分开 This is the best film that I have ever seen 这是我所看过 的电影中最好的一个 Last night I saw a very good film which was about the Anti Japanese War 昨晚我看了一部很好的电影 它是 关于抗日战争的 She is the woman who telephoned the police 她是给警察 打电话的那位妇女 This letter is from my sister who is working in a company now 这是我姐姐写给我的信 她现在在一个 公司工作 Reading 1 remind sb of 使某人想起 eg This picture reminds me of my hometown The film reminded me of what he had seen in Beijing It reminded me of the mis



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