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1、2010届高三英语阅读理解冲刺精练系列24(含解析)AThe Best of FriendsThe evidence for harmony may not be obvious in some families. But it seems that four out of five young people now get on with their parents, which is the opposite of the popularly held image (印象) of unhappy teenagers locked in their room after endless fa

2、mily quarrels.An important new study into teenage attitudes surprisingly shows that their family life is more harmonious than it has ever been in the past.” We were surprised by just how positive todays young people seen to be about their families,” said one member of the research team.” Theyre expe

3、cted to be rebellious (叛逆的) and selfish but actually they have other things on their minds; they want a car and material goods, and they worry about whether school is serving them well. Theres more negotiation (商议) and discussion between parents and children, and children expect to take part in the

4、family decision-making process. They dont want to rock the boat.”So it seems that this generation of parents is much more likely than parents of 30 years ago to treat their children as friends.” My parents are happy to discuss things with me and willing to listen to me,” says 17-years-old Daniel Laz

5、all.” I always tell them when Im going out clubbing. As long as they know what Im doing, theyre fine with it.”Susan Crome, who is now 21, agrees.”Looking back on the last 10 years, there was a lot of what you could call negotiation. For example, as long as Id done all my homework, I could go out on

6、a Saturday night. But I think my grandparents were a lot stricter with my parents than that.”Maybe this positive view of family life should not be unexpected. It is possible that the idea of teenagers rebellion is not rooted in real facts. A researcher comments,” Our surprise that teenagers say they

7、 get along well with their parents comes because of a brief period in out social history when teenagers were regarded as different beings. But that idea of rebelling and breaking away from their parents really only happened during that one time in the 1960s when everyone rebelled. The normal situati

8、on throughout history has been a smooth change from helping out with the family business to taking it over.” (07北京卷)1. What is the popular images of teenagers today?A. They worry about schoolB. They dislike living with their parentsC. They have to be locked in to avoid troublesD. They quarrel a lot

9、with other family members2. The study shows that teenagers dont want to _A. share family responsibility B. cause trouble in their familiesC. go boating with their family D. make family decisions3. Compared with parents of 30 years age, todays parents_.A. go to clubs more often with their children B.

10、 are much stricter with their childrenC. care less about their childrens life D. give their children more freedom4. According to the author, teenage rebellion_.A. may be a false belief B. is common nowadaysC. existed only in the 1960s D. resulted from changes in families5. What is the passage mainly

11、 about?A. Negotiation in family B. Education in familyC. Harmony in family D. Teenage trouble in familyBHuntingThe days of the hunter are almost over in India. This is partly because there is practically nothing left to kill, and partly because some steps have been taken, mainly by banning tiger-sho

12、oting, to protect those animals which still survive.Some people say that Man is naturally a hunter. I disagree with this view. Surely out earliest forefathers, who at first possessed no weapons, spent their time digging for roots, and were no doubt themselves often hunted by meat-eating animals.I be

13、lieve the main reason why the modern hunter kills is that he thinks people will admire his courage in overpowering dangerous animals. Of course, there are some who truly believe that the killing is not really the important thing, and that the chief pleasure lies in the joy of the hunt and the beauti

14、es of the wild countryside. There are also those for whom hunting in fact offers a chance to prove themselves and risk death by design; these men go out after dangerous animals like tigers, even if they say they only do it to rid the countryside of a threat. I can respect reasons like these, but the

15、y are clearly different from the need to strengthen your high opinion of yourself.The greatest big-game hunters expressed in their writings something of these finer motives(动机).One of them wrote.“You must properly respect what you are after and shoot it cleanly and on the animals own territory(领地)。You must fix forever in your mind all the wonders of that particular day. This is better than letting him grow a few years older to be attacked and wounded by his own son and eventually eaten, half alive, by other animals, Hunting is not a cruel and senseless killing not if you



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