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1、复习U1 U4 by Lisa Unit 1 Unit 1 重点短语 1 as well 也 2 take care of look after 照顾 照看 3 tell jokes 讲笑话 4 make fun of 嘲弄 取笑 5 be strict about 对 严格 6 give up 放弃 7 go to work 上班 8 all day and all night 夜以继日 9 make friends with 与 交朋友 10 make sb laugh 让某人发笑 11 laugh at sb 嘲笑某人 13 encourage sb to do 鼓励某人去做 14 sp

2、end sometime on sth spend sometime in doing sth 花时间干某事 15 look like 看上去 看起来像 Unit 1 练习 1 老板让工人整日整夜工作 The boss made the workers and 2 嘲笑残疾人是不对的 is wrong the disabled 3 他们派她照顾那位老人 They sent her to that old man They sent her to that old man 4 这些小孩子精力充沛 他们整天跑呀玩呀 The children energy They run and play all

3、 day 5 如果她们听见了 又会笑话我了 If they hear it they me again work all day all night It to laugh at take care of look after are full of will make fun of Unit 1 练习 6 除了雨天之外 她总是骑自行车上班 She usually by bike except on rainy days 7 我鼓励她去参加这个会议昨天 I her attend the meeting 8 他想成为一名医生 但他最终放弃了 He wanted to be a docotr bu

4、t he at last 9 我父母总是对我要求严格 My parents me 10 他既能说英语 也能说西班牙语 He can English and Spanish goes to work encouraged to gave up are strict with speak as well 语言点 冠词的用法 I 不定冠词的用法 a an 1 泛指 2 a 辅音音素 an 元音音素 a e i o u 3 特殊 a useful university European ju an honest hour II 定冠词的用法 the 1 特指 2 表示 一家人 或 夫妇 3 用于乐器前

5、面 4 序数词 和最高级 III 零冠词的用法 1 人名 地名 2 球类 3 与by连用表示交通工具的名词前 用an a the 填空 1 There is M and Y in the word my 2 My sister was ill in bed and my mother was sitting on bed by her 3 We have lunch at school on weekdays and we enjoy lunch very much 4 We can t see sun at night But we can see the moon and the star

6、s 5 My brother likes playing football very much but he doesn t like playing football 6 There is old man standing there old man looks worried ana the the the an The 用an a the 填空 7 There re many poor people in world I think rich must help poor 8 Yellow River is second longest river in China 9 Will you

7、 get there by train No I ll take taxi 10 My brother is playing basketball while my sister is playing piano 11 Smiths are going to the park this Sunday Why don t we go for walk 12 There are sixty minutes in hour thethe the Thethe a the the The a an Unit 2 Unit 2 重点短语 1 以 而著名 be famous for 2 百货商店depar

8、tment store 3 更喜欢做某事 prefer to do 4 去度假go on holiday 5 去观光 go sightseeing 6 西欧Western Europe 7 名胜古迹 复数 places of interest 8 比如 such as 9 完成做某事 finish doing sth 10 在 中心 in the center of 11 对 感兴趣 be interested in sth doing 12 尝试做某事 try doing 13 尽力做某事try to do try one s best to do 14 计划做某事plan to do st

9、h 15 位于 lie on in to 16 为什么不 why not Why don t you What about How about Unit 2 练习 1 玛丽更喜欢看到动物生活在自然环境中 Mary see animals living in natural places 2 我们计划去香港观光 We go to Hong Kong to 3 比萨仅仅是因为斜塔而闻名吗 the city of Pisa the Leaning Tower 4 他们不但参观了铁塔而且参观了一些葡萄园 They visited the Eiffel Tower some vineyards 5 我姐

10、姐看起来很漂亮 穿着她的红裙子 My sisther very pretty her red dress perfers to planto go sightseeing Is famos for not only but also looksin Unit 2 练习 6 许多人喜欢在八月份度假 Many people like in August 7 我们应该竭尽全力去救他的生命 We should save his life 8 不要忘记锁门 lock the door 9 你为什么不去滑雪 go skiing 10 她对英语很在行 She English going on holiday

11、 try our best to Don t forget to Why not is good at 语言点 专有名词 语言点 专有名词 二 专有名词 首字母大写 1 Mr Black is But he likes to drive a car A English Chinese B an English China C an England China s D English Japan 2 Lily and Lucy are from A English B Chinese C England D French 3 Day is on September 10th A Teacher

12、B Teacher s C Teachers D Children s 4 After five years all these youngsters became A growns ups B growns up C grown up D grown ups 语言点 and but so 并列连词 both and 两者都 neither nor 两者都不 既不也不 either or 或者 或者 要么 要么 not only but also 不但 而且 以上结构做主语 除both and 谓语要用 复数外 其余都使用就近原则 用连词and but so or 填空 1 We were c

13、old hungry 2 We waited for hours hours 3 Work hard you ll succeed 4 Is the radio off on 5 Come on we ll be late 6 He looks honest actually he s a bad boy and and and or or but 用连词and but so or 填空 7 Not you I am to blame 8 He was ill he didn t go to school 9 Would you like to come to dinner tonight I

14、 d like to I am too busy 10 She plays not only the piano the guitar 11 She plays both the piano the guitar 12 Be careful you will break that vase but so but but and or Unit 3 Unit 3 重点短语 1 arrive at at reach get to 2 You re welcome 欢迎 3 by oneself alone 独自 4 lead sb to sp 带某人去某地 5 apologize to sb fo

15、r sth 因某事向某人道歉 6 lead to take to 带着 7 wake up 唤醒 8 be asleep fall asleep 入睡 9 with one s help with the help of sb 在某人的帮助下 10 at the bottom of 在 的底部 11 get down 蹲下 12 get out of 把 接出来 13 be able to do sth can do sth 能做某事 14 see sb doing 看见某人做某事 15 as soon as 一 就 练习 1 他们住在史密斯夫人脚下的家 They stayed at Mrs

16、Smith s house a mountain 2 我们四点到达机场 We the airport at four o clock 3 在他们的帮助下 我们开了一家小书店 we opened a small bookshop 4 我一到北京就给会给你打电话 I will call you I arrived in Beijing as soon as 5 Andy是如此困以至于他躺在床上马上睡着了 Andy was so tired that he in bed immediately at the bottom of arrived at With their help as soon as fell asleep 练习 6 Jim和Tom今天早上七点到学校的 Jim and Tom school at seven this morning 7 经理把我带到办公室 我的新工作开始了 The manager me my new office Then my new job started 8 我不知道什么原因凌晨四点醒来了 I at four o clock this morning



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