
上传人:灯火****19 文档编号:125132638 上传时间:2020-03-15 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:51.50KB
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1、promotion of employment, form a reasonable and orderly pattern of income distribution, build a more fair and sustainable social security systems, medical and health system reform. The plenary, innovation of social governance, must focus on the maintenance of fundamental interests of the overwhelming

2、 majority of the people, maximize factors, enhance social development, improving social governance, the interests of national security, ensure that the people live and work, social stability and order. To improve social governance, stimulating social organization, innovative and effective system of

3、preventing and resolving social conflicts, improving the public security system, set up the National Security Council, national security systems and national security strategy to ensure national security. Plenary session, the construction of ecological civilization, you must establish systems of eco

4、logical system, using the system to protect the ecological environment. To improve natural resources asset property right system and use control, red line of delimitation of ecological protection, resources paid use system and ecological compensation system in ecological environment protection manag

5、ement system reform. Plenary session, centering on building a listening party command, can win and having a fine style of the peoples army, a strong army under the new situation of the party Goals, restricting the development of national defense and army building is solved outstanding contradictions

6、 and problems, innovation and development of military theory, enhance military strategic guidance, improve the military strategy in the new period, building a modern military force system with Chinese characteristics. To deepen the adjustment of personnel system reform in the army, military policy a

7、nd system reform, promote the development of military and civilian integration depth. Plenary session stressed that comprehensive reform must be to strengthen and improve the partys leadership, give full play to the core role of the party commands the overall situation and coordinating all parties,

8、improving the partys leading water . Margin. Challenged the leadership of the Communist Party of China, Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong thought by Deng Xiao-pings flag, replaced by three representatives and the harmonic society. The former Communist Party spirit and social cohesion point of almost a

9、ll political makeover. Characteristics of socialism public ownership is shifting to private ownership, planned regulation and market regulation, the proletarian regime controlled by the elite. Of universal equality, fairness and basic principles of distribution system is socialist society, however a

10、fter economic monopolized by powerful, vested interests grow, employers do not have the same status, hardly seems fair social distribution. State key protection of capital interests rather than the interests of citizens, had been hits the bottom of the proletariat农业:原始社会:刀耕火种 村舍结构 黑陶、白陶 商周:青铜器(少)、木、

11、石 井田制(西周最鼎盛):公田为贵族占有;是村舍成员的份田,只有使用权 (二里头到春秋末期),青铜时代,数量多,种类齐全,工艺精湛 手工亚由官府统一管理,工匠职业世袭 优点:资金雄厚,规模经营,细密分工(直至明前期,最高水平) 缺点:不计成本,缺乏竞争,采取强制 周朝:工商食官 春秋战国:铁农具占主导地位 牛耕(春秋后期)铁犁(战国中后期) 芍陂、郑国渠、都江堰(李冰父子修建,位于四川省) 自耕农出现:特点1、以家庭为单位经营农业 2、与家庭手工业相机和 3、狭小生产规模和简单的性别分工,很难扩大再生产 井田制开始崩溃,税制改革(开始于齐)春秋前期:管仲“相地而衰证”鲁国:“初税亩”战国:商鞅

12、(秦)废井田制“依军工行田宅“ 土地私有制:君主、地主、自耕农私有土地 租佃关系(战国产生) 发明冶炼生铁和钢的技术 私营工商业,“四民” 私商取代官商成为主体 西汉:犁壁(西汉中期) 耧车 汉明帝任用王景治理黄河;坎儿井 土地买卖成为扩大地产的主要途径 北魏:均田制抑制土地兼并 “或耕豪民之田,见税什五”现象普遍 用煤做燃料冶铁 丝绸远销欧洲,获“丝国”之称 东汉南北朝:青瓷、白瓷 唐:曲辕犁(标志中国传统步犁基本定型)、筒车 缂丝技术 制瓷业成为独立生产部门,白瓷成熟期(邢窑) 雇募工匠 丝绸之路繁荣 长安城:坊市制 宋:租佃关系成为仅次于自耕农形式的重要经营方式 土地出租定契约,地租以实

13、物为主,分成租和定额租 北宋,用煤冶铁普遍;南宋:用焦炭冶铁,(明)流行 中国是世界上最早发现和使用煤的国家 宋末元初,棉花向内地传播 景德镇成为瓷都地方特色官窑体系 最早纸币,集镇夜市,不受官府限制 元:黄道婆发明脚踏三点纺车,江苏松江在元明时期成为棉纺织业中心 青花、釉里红、彩瓷 广泛流通纸币 明:明后期,丝麻毛成为主要衣料 斗彩 命中后叶,私营超过官营,占主导地位,雇佣劳动关系 明清:商业市镇兴起,货币经济占主导,农产品进入市场,商帮(悔、晋、闽、宁绍) 清:珐琅彩、粉彩排序: 耧车耦犁曲辕犁:翻车(三国)筒车(唐)四大经济区:司马迁更具汉代经济分布特点 山东:最发达,重要粮食产地、山西、江南、龙门碣石以北(畜牧区) 从战国到东汉,特点:多样性,实力发展不平衡人口迁移:第一次:两晋之际;第二次:唐安史之乱;第三次:宋靖康之变经济中心南移:1、东汉南方不知牛耕,两晋南朝,牛耕在南方普及 2、经孙吴、东晋、南朝开发,江南初步形成稻麦兼种,水陆互补的作物体系,产量大幅增加, 手工业和商业进步,出现建康等大城市 3、中唐后,南方超过北方,江西、湖南成为著名粮食基地,扬州成为全国经济中心 4、宋都南迁后,中国古代经济中心南移过程完成重农抑商:特点:1.身份上贬低2.限制经营范围3.重征商税4.禁止对外贸易 过程:战国时期:开始(与加强中央集权矛盾) 汉初。汉高祖严禁购置土地 中唐,


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