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1、小学六年级英语下册第一单元测试卷姓名 得分 一、请用手写体正确抄写下列句子,并标上标点符号。(15分)1.What are we going to do today?2.Mr Lius family has a picnic at the park.二精挑细选。选择正确的答案填在前面的括号内。(20分)( )1. Many families go on an outing _ weekend. A. at B . in C. to( )2. Where_we going today ? A.am B.is C.going( )3. Shall we_ to the park ? A.go B.

2、goes C.did( )4. What are we going to_? A.does B.do C.did( )5. Well go_.A. shop B.shops C.shopping( )6. My family often goes to the beach Sundays. A. in B. on C. at( )7.She to go shopping with his parents tomorrow. A. is go B. going C. is going( )8.- are we going this weekend? -Were going to the zoo.

3、 A. Where B. What C. How( )9.My family often a movie together. A. look B. watch C. watches( )10. We can look the flowers at the park. A. at B. in C. on三、找朋友,请将方框里的单词抄写到相应的图片下面。(10分)A go to places of interest B.family outingC.feel happy D.go shopping E.family outing ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四选择正确的选项,将单词补充完

4、整。10分( )1. to ther (在一起) A. eg B.ge C. ee ( )2. ting (郊游) A. fa B. wo C. ou ( )3. r e (骑) A. id B.ad C.od( )4. gr dparent(祖父/母) A. ea B. an C. ar( )5. f ily(家庭) A. am B. an C. ma五 交际用语。选择最佳答句的序号填入前面的括号内。(10分)( ) 1. What are we going to do ? A. My family goes to the library.( ) 2. Shall we go shoppin

5、g ? B. OK.( ) 3. What are you going to do ? C. Were going to the park.( ) 4. Lets go to the park . D. Im going to have dinner. ( ) 5. What does your family do ? E. OK,Lets go.六动词填空。选择方框内的动词填空,完成句子。(5分) ride visit take together enjoy1. Well watch a movie .2. We ourselves at the zoo.3. I can a bicycle

6、.4. Hes going to his grandparents.5. Are you going to a walk?七、择优录取。给下列句子选择正确的英文翻译。(10分)( )1. My family goes to the beach on Sundays.A. 我的家庭周末出去游玩。B. 我的家庭周日出去游玩。( )2. We enjoy ourselves.A. 我们享受我们自己。B. 我们玩得非常开心。( )3. Some go to the parks.A. 一些(家庭)去公园。B. 许多(家庭)去公园。( )4. Mrs Liu brings sandwiches,cakes

7、 and drinks.A. 刘太太带来了三明治、蛋糕和饮料。B. 刘太太带走了三明治、蛋糕和饮料。( )5. They are happy to have time together.A. 他们不高兴有时间在一起。B. 他们很高兴有时间在一起。八阅读理解,选择最佳答案填在前面的括号内。(10分)Today is public holiday. The children want to go out.Anne: I want to buy something. Lets go to the shopping centre.Dongdong: I want to read science sto

8、ries. Lets go to the library.Peter: No, I am hot. Lets go the swimming pool.Dino: NoNoNo. I want to eat a ice-cream.“OK! Lets go to the shopping centre.”( ) 1. Where does Dongdong want to go?A、shopping centre B. library C. swimming pool( ) 2. Who wants to go to the shopping centre?A. Anne B. Dongdon

9、g C. Peter( ) 3. What does Anne want to do?A. Read science stories B. Swim C. Buy something ( ) 4. What does Dino want to eat?A. apple B. ice-cream C. lollipop( ) 5. Where are they going at last(最后)? A. shopping centre B. library C. park 九根据英文信息,画出相应的图画。(10分)We can look at the flowers. My family watches a movie together.


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