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1、开业主持稿Cici:Dear every leader, James:guests, Cici:ladies James:and gentlemen, C$j good morning,Cici:In this summer of sunny, tree-lined, full of hope,we grandly held the opening ceremony of Yilin, the second foreign language school in yanggao west street Im the host cici J i am the host .i am j i am t

2、he student of yilin ,but i have graduted .(自己翻译)Cici:oh i want to know how many years have you learned at yilin (我想知道你在译林学习的有几年了?)0J oh it is a long time ,icame here earier than you ,iam senier (哦,那可有相当相当一段时间了,我比你要来的早 ,我是元老级别人物。)C:how are you feeling about yilin?(那你对译林有什么感觉?真诚一点的)J: at first ,when i

3、 came yilin for the fist lesson ,i was deeply attracted me by ritas lesson ,and then deeply interested in english ,and now ,i learn english easily and i enjoy it and growing in yilin i must to thank to yilin for my growing:(首先,当我第一次来译林听课,我就被rita 老师的课深深的吸引住了,逐渐的我就对英语产生了浓厚的兴趣,我很享受学习英语的过程,并在学习中成长,我必须感谢

4、译林所带给我的宝贵的经历。)C :thank you at the same time for giving us you are a nice student (翻译)thanks toj come to help us .In 2010, yilin foreign language school came into yanggao in datong s first county level, through continuous perfection and development , and humorous teaching style, we earn the support a

5、nd and recognition by parents but also made a lot of achievements,.J 2010 年,译林外语学校以大同市第一家县级分校入住阳高,通过不断的完善和发展,以及诙谐幽默的课堂风格,得到了家长的支持和认可,同时也做出了不菲的成绩,J our purpose, let our lovely children learning in the happiness, grow in learning. C 我们的目的让我们可爱的孩子们在快乐中学习,在学习中成长。J Our principle is only touch your class

6、will be moved by the children. C 我们的原则只有感动自己的课才会感动孩子们。C We firmly believe that as the pioneer of the industry, we will set a good example and will create more brilliant,J 我们坚信作为这个行业的先行者,我们会以身作则一定会创造更多的辉煌,C :In this special day, we especially want to thank Yanggao education bureau to our support, as

7、well as bring us congratulations, J 在这个特别日子里,我们要特别的感谢阳高教育局对我们的大力支持,以及给我们带来的祝贺,at the same time thank you for always supporting our parents and students , you are our eternal power. If you want to jion us you can come to audition freely , and can get a nice gift.C 同时感谢一直支持我们的家长和学生,你们是我们的永远的动力。希望家长和孩子

8、们可以前来免费试听,并都可以得到精美的礼品一份。Honour leaders , ladies and gentlemen, it is a great pleasure for me to announce that Yilin, the second foreign language school in yanggao west street the opening ceremony will be officially began, J 各位的领导,女士们,先生们,我很荣幸的宣布,阳高绎林外语学校大西街第二分校开业仪式正式开始, 1,The first: doors dance (wit

9、h music) Thanks to our beautiful girls of the movement,it is greatful of youth., thank your contribution as we yilin students . Thanks to them again. 感谢我们动感的美少女们,年轻真好呀,感谢你们作为我们译林的学生为译林做出的贡献。再此把掌声送给她们,谢谢!.Next let us welcome our yilin teacher yoyo, the head of the school ,give the opened word for us接

10、下来有请,我们的老师,为我们致开业词。Thanks yoyo the teachers words, although there is no gorgeous language, but is filled with great sincerity, with the most simple language but the most beautiful chapter,感谢yoyo老师的一番话,虽然没有华丽的语言,但是却装满了无比的真诚,用最简单的语言塑造最华丽的篇章,:Next i will choose a child .ok,can you tell me your name ?ca

11、n you sing a english song?如果会唱就邀请他上台唱歌,根据实际情况给予鼓励,并给小奖品,After this beautiful song ,let us our yilin singer ,for a nice song.之后下面有请我们译林的歌手人为大家送上一首动听的歌曲 zheng is: to introduce yourself in English first,C: Thank sunnen wonderful singing ,if you want be wanting more ,you can come to school then you can

12、listen to nice music and you can get a signature.感谢sunnen 的精彩演唱,我想大家肯定意犹未尽,大家可以前来学校,那就可以多多的听我们的歌手唱歌了并且可以拿到她的签名哦。掌声送给他,J: .Next who want to be vounlenteer to stand with me,then you can get a nice gift (然后要问一些有关他的名字,爱好,以及家庭的一些问题)(小礼品):Welcome our yilin small speaker,give us her wonderful speech.afer h

13、er speech ,i will ask some easy questions ,if your answer is right ,you can get a gift.接下来是我们译林的小发言人我们带来一段小演讲,演讲之后,我会问一些有关演讲的问题,如果回答正确就会有礼品送上, sunny de speech (秦朗的演讲)Thanks sunny wonderful speech about herself (Ask questions, whats her English name, whats her hobby What are the members of his family

14、?)C :On the way we grow up, there are many people whowe need to thank our teachers and our friends. The most important is our parents always accompanied us , they are our teachers also our friends, no matter any situation, they will always be stay with us as our strong backing and sheltered harbour,

15、 let us welcome yilin Cambridge level of the students on behalf of all the children to give our parents of our sincere greetings and thanks在我们成长的路上,有很多需要我们感谢的人,我们的老师,我们的朋友。最重要的就是一直相伴我们走过漫漫长路的父母,他们是我们的亦师亦友,不管遇到任何情况,他们永远都不会离开我们,是我们坚强的后盾,避风的港湾,下面有请译林剑桥一级的学生们代表所有的孩子们送给父母我们真挚的问候与感谢 gratitude,Thank them,a

16、s children, i hope we must remember the parents of hard, lets become their back when I grew up they.Thank you for all the great parents here.感谢他们,希望作为孩子的我们,一定要铭记父母的辛苦,长大以后让我们成为他们的依靠。在这里感谢所有伟大的父母。J :do you have a good friend or many good friends ?, who is it? Later, please welcome our yilin, another small spokesman, bring us her bes


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