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1、1 Ben 非常胜任这个工作 qualify Ben is highly qualified for the job qualify vi 取得资格 有资格 as for to do vt 使有资格 sb for sb to do be well highly fully qualified for to do e g To as a lawyer you have to study many years Will our team for the second round of the competition His qualified to teach Chinese overseas T

2、wo years of experience qualified him for a promotion Her education qualified her to practice law He is well qualified to do the job for the job 2 他们提供优质的饭菜 就餐房间干净 明亮 quality They serve high quality food in a clean well lighted room quality n 质量 品质 品德 事物 物质 地方 特点 特性 adj 优质的 高质量的 e g Q is more importa

3、nt than quantity The food is of the highest He has all the qualities of a successful writer Sympathy is his best One of wood is that it can burn We offer consumers products at reasonable prices This restaurant attracts customers with food and service 3 不要老是和别人争吵 要学会如何与你周围的人相 处 quarrel Don t always q

4、uarrel with others and learn how to get along well with people around you quarrel vi about over sth with sb about sth with sth埋怨 挑毛病 反对 e g Jack and his wife are always ing It is no use ing about it with me He regretted having ed with his mother A bad workman s with his tools She s with her fate bec

5、ause she is not a boy 4 人们买票得排几个小时的队 queue People had to stand in a queue for hours to buy a ticket queue vi up for sth to do stand in a line form a jump the 夹塞 不按顺序排队等候 e g People d up for tickets for the concert We d up to go into the theatre At the airport taxis up for passengers There was a long

6、 for the tickets We stood in a for over an hour Someone tried to jump the and was stopped 5 在农村长大的孩子似乎更诚实些 raise Children raised in the country seem more honest raise 举起 抬起 增加 提高 筹 款 集 资 提出 问题 抚养 子女 养家 种植 饲养 e g He slowly d the glass to his lips OPEC d the oil price by 10 A lot of questions were d a

7、t the meeting We tried to funds for the Hope Project He is a farmer and s chickens pigs We want to our kids to be decent people I got angry and d my voice Mother used to flowers 举起 提高 提出 筹集 饲养 抚养 提高嗓门 种植 6 参加这次演讲比赛的选手年龄从16到30不等 range The people who participated in the speech contest ranged in age fr

8、om 16 to 30 range n 范围 山脉 射程 e g The missile has a of 2000 kilometers The company puts out a large of products v 处在 范围内 between and in from to 范围涉及 over e g The participants ages between 16 and 25 The quality of food s from good to excellent Autumn in Beijing is the most pleasant season with the tem

9、perature ing between 12 to 25 Their conversation d over many subjects His lecture d over a variety of topics 7 他想获得诺贝尔奖的愿望不大可能实现 realize His ambition to win Nobel Prize is not likely to be realized realize 认识到 意识到 实现 e g One should one s limitations I finally d what he meant His dream wish aim hope

10、ambition was d 8 看着这幅画 他回想起幸福的童年 recall While looking at the photo At the photo he recalled his happy childhood recall 回忆 想起 记得 sth doing that who where where 召回 收回 e g But I can t your name at the moment I d seeing him at a feast once or twice I don t where I met him The government has d its ambass

11、ador from Paris The factory has ed the cars that were unsafe 9 好久没有回来他几乎认不出他的家乡了 recognize He could hardly recognize his hometown after a long absence recognize 认出 认清 承认 e g He changed so much that we could hardly him She d her lack of qualification I d that I was not qualified for the post Portugal

12、 d Guinea Bissau in 1974 John is d as the best footballer in the school I d the handwriting as that of my brother n recognition The city has changed beyond recognition 10 我想把这本书推荐给你们读一下 recommend I d like to recommend this book for you to read recommend建议 劝告 sth sb to do doing that 推荐 介绍 sb sth sb s

13、th to sb for e g He ed a long holiday He ed me to take a long holiday My teacher ed my taking up Spanish I that everyone should buy this dictionary Perhaps you can me a good hotel You can some books to your students My former principal ed me for the post 11 经过几个月的治疗 他终于从疾病中恢复了 recover After several

14、months treatment he at last recovered from the disease recover 痊愈 康复 恢复 找回 vi recover from 疾病 不愉快的情感 经历 状态 vt recover 正常健康 情感 状态 e g Amy is still ing from that flu She was fired and hasn t ed from the shock It might take years for the country to from the financial crisis The thief was caught but the

15、 items never ed She seems to have ed her spirits health It was hours before Marian ed her consciousness 12 他谈到他的教学经验时提及了他的老师 refer He referred to his teacher when he talked about his teaching experience refer to 提到 说起 有关 针对 参考 查阅 把 称作 e g He red to the subject several times in his speech Jack was ca

16、reful not to to his past experiences When I said someone was unreasonable I wasn t ring to you Students are not supposed to to their notes or dictionaries when taking an examination We often to our class teacher as brother 13 他把这张画视为他最珍贵的财产 regard He regards the painting as the most valuable property of his regard vt 认为 看待 sb sth as e g He seemed to it as small triumph We his conduct as being totally unacceptable They ed the information as of very little value n 关心 重视 尊敬 pl 问候 e g Joe is courage



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