The Silence of the Lamb.沉默的羔羊.中英双语字幕

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1、2(维吉尼亚州匡蒂科附近森林)3史达琳!Starling!4克劳福要见你Crawford wants to see you in his office.5谢谢Thank you, sir.6(伤害)7(苦难)8(痛苦)9(喜欢它)10-克丽丝 -你好-Clarice. -Hey.11(行为科学组)12找克劳福吗?Looking for Crawford?13他快回来了在他的办公室等一会吧He should be back soon. Why dont you wait in his office?14(比尔剥下第五个人的皮)15史达琳Starling.16-克丽丝,早安 -早安,克劳福先生-C

2、larice M. Good morning. -Morning, Mr. Crawford.17抱歉突然把你召离课堂Sorry to pull you off the course at such short notice.18你的导师说你是班里的高材生Your instructors say youre in the top quarter of your class.19希望是吧,他们还没有公布成绩l hope so. They havent posted any grades yet.20有一个任务要办,于是我想起你A jobs come up, and l thought about

3、 you.21这不是正式的任务较像一份有趣的差事Not a job, really, more of an interesting errand.22坐下Sit down.23是,长官Yes, sir.24我记得你出席过我在维吉尼亚大学的讲座l remember you from my seminar at UVA.25你追问我本局在胡佛年代的公民权益记录You grilled me on the bureaus civil rights record in the Hoover years.26我给了你甲等l gave you an A.27是甲下A minus, sir.28双主修,心理学

4、及犯罪学以优异成绩毕业Double major, psych and criminology, graduated magna.29在瑞辛格疗养院做过夏季实习Summer internships at the Reitzinger Clinic.30它说你毕业后想在行为科学组替我工作lt says when you graduate you want to work for me in Behavioral Science.31是的,我很想Yes, very much, sir. Very much.32我们正在访问被囚禁的连环杀手Were interviewing all serial ki

5、llers in custody.33作变态行为的分析.for a psycho-behavioral profile.34对一些悬案会有很大帮助lt could be a real help in unsolved cases.35他们大都乐意跟我们谈Most of them have been happy to talk to us.36你会否很易受惊的?Do you spook easily, Starling?37不会Not yet, sir.38我们最想见的那个人拒绝合作The one we want most refuses to help.39我想你去精神病院找他l want y

6、ou to go after him in the asylum.40那个人是谁?Whos the subject?41-心理医生汉尼拔莱特 -食人狂魔汉尼拔-The psychiatrist, Hannibal Lecter. -Hannibal the Cannibal.42我想他不会跟你交谈l dont expect him to talk to you.43但无论如何我们都得尝试.but l have to be able to say we tried.44若他不合作,我要如实报告lf he wont cooperate, l want straight reporting.45他的

7、容貌和监狱里的状况如何?Hows he look? Hows his cell?46他有没有素描、绘画?如果有,他都画些什么?ls he sketching, drawing? lf he is, whats he sketching?47这是莱特的档案.Heres a dossier on Lecter.48问卷副本和你的身份证.copy of our questionnaire and an l.D. for you.49周三早上八点把你的报告交给我Have your memo on my desk by 0800, Wednesday.50好的Okay.51对不起,为什么这样急?Excu

8、se me, sir, but why the urgency?52莱特已经坐牢很多年了Lecters been in prison for years.53他和水牛比尔是否有关连?ls there some connection between him and Buffalo Bill?54但愿有,我要你非常留意l wish there were. Now, l want your full attention, Starling.55-知道 -要非常小心应付莱特汉尼拔-Yes, sir. -Be very careful with Hannibal Lecter.56精神病院的奇顿医生会给

9、你讲解接见程序Dr. Chilton at the asylum will go over all the physical procedures used.57无论如何不可偏离程序Do not deviate from them for any reason whatsoever.58你不可向他透露私人事情Youre to tell him nothing personal.59你不想汉尼拔莱特知道你的思想的You dont want Hannibal Lecter inside your head.60执行你的任务但千万别忘记他的身份Just do your job but never f

10、orget what he is.61是什么?And what is that?62他是个魔头,一个变态狂人Oh, hes a monster, a pure psychopath.63可以生擒一个已很难得了lts so rare to capture one alive.64从研究角度来说莱特是我们最有价值的资产From a research point of view, Lecter is our most prized asset.65我们有很多探员来这里的We get a lot of detectives here.66但我记不起有这样漂亮的一个.but l must say l c

11、ant remember one as attractive.67你会在巴尔的摩过夜吗?Will you be in Baltimore overnight?68如果你有适当的向导这可以是个很好玩的城市Because this can be quite a fun town if you have the right guide.69我肯定这是个了不起的城市lm sure this is a great town, Dr. Chilton.70但我要见莱特医生下午还要回去报告.but l must talk to Dr. Lecter and report back this afternoo

12、n.71是的,那么我们快点吧l see. Well, lets make this quick, then.72我们尝试研究他,但他太高深了一般的测试都不适用Weve tried to study him, but hes too sophisticated for the standard tests.73他很讨厌我们的Oh, my, does he hate us.74他觉得我是他的报应He thinks lm his nemesis.75克劳福真是聪明,他利用你Crawfords very clever, isnt he, using you?76-什么意思? -找个漂亮的女郎来引诱他-

13、What do you mean, sir? -Pretty young woman to turn him on.77我相信这八年来莱特都没见过女人而你正合他的胃口l dont believe Lecters seen a woman in eight years, and you are his taste.78恕我直言So to speak.79我毕业于维吉尼亚大学它不是一间仪态学校l graduated from UVA. lts not a charm school.80很好,你该能记着那些规矩了Good. Then you should be able to remember th

14、e rules.81不要触摸或接近那块玻璃只可传递柔软的纸张给他Do not touch or approach the glass. Pass him nothing but soft paper.82不可有铅笔或原子笔纸张上不可有钉书钉或夹子No pencils or pens, no staples or paper clips in his paper.83只可用那个活动食物架传送Use the sliding food carrier, no exceptions.84不可接受他给你的东西lf he passes you anything, do not accept.85-明白吗? -明白-Do you understand? -Yes, l understand, sir.86我让你看看为何我们要有这些戒备lm going to show you why we insist on such precautions.87在1981年7月8日的下午On the afternoon of July 8, 1 981 .88他说胸口痛,被带往医疗室.he complained of chest pains and was taken to the



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