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1、War logoPeace logo What does the two logos 标识 mean Module 6 war and Peace war battle 战役 What happened in the picture troop army 军队 士兵 soldierinvade 入侵 侵略 fire射击 开火 The pictures are taken from a war that took place between 1939 and 1945 Do you know the name of the war The Second World War The code 代号

2、 of the battle is Operation Overlord 霸王行动 also known as the D Day landings D 日登陆 New words and phrases declare war on A to be successful 取得重突破 make a breakthrough tell another country that you are going to start a war with them 宣战 heroism a situation of disorder in which people don t know what actio

3、n to take 混乱 confusionD very great courage 英雄气概 B C Read passage 1 and fill in the form Operational Overlord 霸王行动 known as the D Day whenIn whereOn the of Normandy in France who130 000 Result The soldiers made a and the D Day landings were successful Review 述评评 It was the of the end of the Second Wo

4、rld War It started as a story of danger and and as a story of bravery and heroism 1944 beaches troops breakthrough beginning confusion landings ended Map of D Day Landings English Channel Great Britain France Normandy Read passage 2 and fill in the form Able Company A连队连队 Situation on the battlefiel

5、d 战战况 Boat 5Six men Twenty men into the water and were up by other boats As a result they the fighting Boat 3 Some of them disappeared the water Many of them were killed wounded by machine gun fire 机关枪 Boat 1 and 4Most of them drowned Two thirds of the company were The lay on the beach exhausted and

6、 shocked The survivorsSix of them tried to climb the cliff 悬崖 Four were too exhausted to the top The other two a group from a company drowned fell picked missed under eitheror dead survivors up reach joined cemeterywar memorial 公墓 墓地战争纪念碑 Read passage 3 and decide whether the statements are true or

7、false 读第三篇文章判断正误 On 6 June 2004 many survivors of the D Day landings returned to France It is an important date for the survivors because it is the 60 anniversary 60周年 纪念日 of the D Day landings Tin 1944 The cemetery and memorial lie on 坐落于 a cliff overlooking the beach and the English channel The po

8、em 诗 written on the memorial can only be seen in France T F 1 2 3 They shall not grow old 他们永远不会变老 As we that are left grow old 当我们活着的人已经老朽 Age shall not weary them 年华不会使他们厌倦 Nor the years condemn 岁月也不会让他们愧疚 At the going down of the sun and in the morning 日出日落 We will remember them 我们缅怀他们直到永久 For the Fallen 致倒下的战士 Discuss in group of four What can we learn from the passage Is war good or bad Do you want war or peace Why


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