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1、 Unit 1 The world of our senses Task Telling a story Do you like reading stories What kind of stories do you like reading Why What are the common elements 要素 in stories 1 What is the plot 2 How many parts does a plot contain What are they Skills building 1 plotting a story 1 Start The start of the s

2、tory introduces the background of the story and the main characters It answers these questions Who Where When Why 2 Body The body of the story tells about the problems experienced by the characters e g a problem the main character wants to solve or something he she needs to learn from the experience

3、 3 Ending The ending of the story tells how the problem is solved or how the story ends Read the story about a man named Captain Lee and his trip in Part A put the paragraphs in the correct order and then finish Part B Answers The correct order The part each paragraph belongs to a b c d e f BS E BB

4、B Language Points 1 在远处 2 在海上 3 老船长 4 起航驶向目的地 5 设法做了某事 6 百慕大三角 7 汹涌的 8 在巨浪中艰难前进 9 头顶上 10 停止做某事 1 in the distance 2 at sea 3 an old captain 4 set sail for our destination 5 manage to do sth 6 Bermuda Triangle 7 rough 8 struggle in the heavy waves 9 overhead 10 stop doing sth 讲故事 大赛 Step 1 completing

5、a checklist You are going to enter a storytelling competition Your teacher is giving you some help Listen and finish A 1 The questions your teacher asks are for the start body ending 2 You need to write about the of a girl 3 The story must end with tick one box something happy something bad a surpri

6、se Joining the storytelling competition amazing experience 1 Who is the main character 2 Where did the girl go 3 Why did the girl go there 4 How did she get there Sandy Part B To the museum To do a class project about art and history By school bus 5 What happened before the girl arrived at the museu

7、m 6 What time of the day was it Late morning Sandy and her classmate Li Feifei were left behind by others and had to run to catch up with them 3 Write the start using answers in part B One morning at about 10 o clock Sandy and her classmates went to the museum together with their teachers because th

8、ey had a class project about art and history They got there by school bus When they got off the bus Sandy and her classmate Li Feifei were so busy looking around that they were left behind So they had to run to catch up with the others Skills building 2 recognizing different elements of a comic stri

9、p Can we tell a story with pictures How can we tell a story with pictures When we tell a story with pictures we can using speech bubbles thought bubbles sound bubbles captions what sb is saying what sb is thinking the sound sb is making describe the state action Look at the comic strip about a monst

10、er on page 14 Label the different ways of adding words to pictures Answers 2 3 4 5 6 7 thought bubblecaption speech bubble sound bubble thought bubblesound bubble Step2 preparing a story with a surprise ending Z Z Z Z Picture 1 a sound bubble Sandy had at the painting for so long that she began to s

11、leep stared Picture 2 Wake up sleepyhead a speech bubble Picture 2 TAP a sound bubble Suddenly she a tap on her shoulder It was a man in a metal suit felt Picture 3 Wow she s great a thought bubble Then she Mona Lisa singing heard Picture 4 Mum Beautiful a thought bubble After that she looked at a p

12、ainting of some flowers She was sure that she could them smell Picture 5 Here you are Sandy a speech bubble Picture 5 Delicious a speech bubble CRUNCH a sound bubble The woman in the painting and offered Sandy an apple It sweet tasted Picture 5 Work with your group members to work out a surprise end

13、ing according to the five pictures given in Part A You should draw a picture write a caption and add thought speech or sound bubbles where necessary Skills building 3 using adjectives and adverbs in stories adjectives 2 to express qualities feelings and views 1 to describe a person or thing Adverbs

14、1 to add more information to a verb an adjective a phrase or another adverb 2 to express place time degree manner and point of view 3 to make comments concentrate on a certain word or phrase and link clauses or sentences Read the article on page 16 and circle the adjectives and underline the adverbs

15、 Adjectives good weak hot cold new wild left nearest safe hard next few various strong grateful hopeful near Adverbs now ago quickly later very fully Language Focus 1 持续了四个小时 2 移植了一只新手 3 被 袭击 4 被空运到 5 制定出 想出 6 预计 期望v 7 缺陷 伤残n 8 各种各样的方法 9 对某人充满感激 10 抱有希望的 adj 1 last for four hours 2 have a new hand a

16、ttached 3 be attacked by 4 be flown to 5 work out 6 expect 7 disability 8 various methods 9 be grateful to sb 10 hopeful Step 3 writing your story Make the body of the story on page 17 more lively by adding adjectives and adverbs Fill in blanks with the words in the box Then complete the last paragraph using your picture 6 from step 2 to help you Answers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tiredasleep Suddenlyalive frightenedloudly backbeautiful red delicious Language Focus 1 抬头看 2 金属盔甲 3 小声说v 4 后退一步 5 闲逛v 6 偶



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