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1、1. Dear friends, please take your seats. The competition will begin soon. Please keep your phone silent during the competition. 2. 各位老师,各位同学,各位朋友:大家好。欢迎来到第十二届“汉语桥”巴基斯坦赛区比赛现场。此次比赛由中国驻巴基斯坦大使馆文化处主办,由伊斯兰堡孔子学院,国立现代语言大学承办。Ladies and gentlemen: Good morning. Welcome to the 12th Chinese bridge Chinese Profi

2、ciency Competition for Foreign College Students in Pakistan. The competition is sponsored by Chinese Embassy in Pakistan, and organized by Confucius Institute Islamabad and National University of Modern Languages.3. 请全体起立,奏巴基斯坦共和国国歌和中华人民共和国国歌。Ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the national anthem

3、s of Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Peoples Republic of China.。请坐。Please be seated.4. 下面请允许我介绍今天到场的嘉宾。Now please allow me to introduce our honorable chief guests.他们是:巴中学会主席,巴基斯坦国会议员Mushahi Hussain。The Chief Guests of today are: Senator Mushahi Hussain, Chairman of Pak-China Institute.国立现代语言大学校长Mas

4、ood Hasan先生。 Mr. Masood Hasan, Rector of National University of Modern Languages.中国驻巴基斯坦大使馆文化参赞张英宝先生。His Excellency Mr. Zhang Yingbao, Culture Counselor of Chinese Embassy.国立现代语言大学常务副校长Azam Jamal 先生。Mr. Azam Jamal, Director General of National University of Modern Languages。国立现代语言大学各部门主任。Directors a

5、nd Deans of National University of Modern LanguagesLets extend our warmest welcome to them.今天到场的嘉宾还有中资公司,孔子学院的合作院校,以及媒体等其他各界的朋友。Among us today, we have also invited guests from Chinese Companies, Private Schools in cooperation with Confucius Institute, our friends from Media and other social groups.

6、 非常感谢各位的光临!Our warmest welcome to all of you!5. 下面我们介绍一下评委。Next please allow me to introduce our distinguished judges.他们是:国立现代语言大学中文系主任何星汉主任They are: Professor He xinghan, Head of Chinese Department, National University of Modern Languages. 国立现代语言大学中文系米斯巴教授。Professor Misbah, Chinese Department, Nati

7、onal University of Modern Languages。6. 下面有请国立现代语言大学校长Masood Hasan先生致欢迎辞。7. Next lets welcome Mr. Masood Hasan, Rector of National University of Modern Languages to make the welcome address. 8. 下面有请巴中学会主席Mushahi Hussain上台演讲。Now lets welcome Senator Mushahi Hussain to give us a speech.9. 经过选拔,7名学生进入了决

8、赛,获胜者将代表巴基斯坦参加决赛。Ladies and gentlemen, through layers of competitive contests, 7 students have entered todays competition. The winner will represent Pakistan to participate in the final contest in China. 下面请七位选手上场。Now lets welcome the candidates to the stage. They are: azhar hussain,ejaz karim,Imran

9、 zia,Rabia Afzal,sadia perveen,sikander perviaz,usman javed。让我们为这些选手们加油!Ladies and gentlemen, lets applaud for these candidates. 10 在比赛开始之前,我们先介绍一下规则。选手的得分有笔试成绩和面试成绩组成。笔试已经在上周六举行。今天是面试环节。面试由三部分组成:命题演讲,回答问题,才艺表演。Before the competition starts, please allow me to introduce the rules. The final scores w

10、ill be composed by scores of written test and interview. The written test has been held last Saturday. Today, the interview includes three sections:The first section is speech. The students are required to make a speech about their Chinese dream. The time limit is 3 minutes.The second section is que

11、stion and answer. After the speech, judges will ask two questions according to the content of the speech, and the candidates are required to answer these questions in Chinese. The time limit for each question is 1 minute.The third part is Chinese talent show. The candidates are required to perform a

12、 type of Chinese art. 11介绍完比赛规则,今天的比赛正式开始。 Now the competition begins! 今天的第一位选手是Azhar Hussain。其他选手可以先退场。The first candidate today is Azhar Hussain, other candidates may go off the stage now, thank you. 第一位选手演讲的题目是:我的中国梦。 The title of the his speech is: My Chinese Dream. 准备好了吗?。开始。 下面是自由问答环节。请评委提问。 N

13、ext is the section of question and answer. The judges can start asking questions.请问评委们还有其他问题吗?谢谢。下面请评委为选手的演讲和回答问题环节打分。Now its time for judges to show scores to the speech and question and answer section. 下面是才艺表演环节,这位选手为我们带来的才艺表演是演唱那些花儿。Next section is Chinese talent show, he will sing the Chinese so

14、ng “那些花儿”.下面请四位评委为选手的才艺表演打分。Now its time for the judges to show scores to the talent show section.这位选手的比赛结束,请退场。下面有请下一位选手上场。Now lets welcome the next candidate to the stage, his name is Ejaz Karim。 (Imran Zia, Rabia Afzal, Sadia Perveen, Sikander Pervaiz, Usman Javed)这位选手的演讲题目是:我的中国梦。The title of hi

15、s speech is My Chinese dream.准备好了吗? 。开始吧。下面是自由问答环节,请评委提问。Now its the question and answer section: judges can start asking questions.下面请评委们为选手的演讲和回答问题环节打分。Now its time for judges to show the scores to the speech and question/answer sections. 下面是才艺表演环节。这位选手为我们带来的才艺表演是:演唱 Next is the Chinese talent show section, he will sing the Chinese song: 掀起你的盖头来/Imran Zia will recite a poem 面朝大海,春暖花开。 诗朗诵Rabia afzal will sing a song 小城故事多Sadia perveen will recite a poem 再别康桥 诗朗诵Sikander pervaiz will sing a song 只要你过的比我好Usman javed will sing a song 父亲请评委们为选手的才艺表演打分。Now its time for judges to show the marks f



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