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1、实践教学论文篮球竞赛二十四秒计时器设计与实现学院系别:信息与工程技术学院电气系专业班级:电气200802设计人员:张海玲 (学号:20083560)赵海燕(学号:20083584)张 军(学号:20083562)指导老师:陈松柏(实验员)李老师(实验员) 四川农业大学 二一年十月二十四日摘 要实践是检验真理的唯一标准,在这个信息现代化飞速发展的社会,尤其如此,在大学期间,尽管学习了很多的理论知识,但到底真正掌握了多少,还需要通过实践这道关卡来检验,本次实践教学正是基于所学知识上而开展,锻炼了学生的理论运用能力和实际动手能力,对加深学生对所学知识的理解有很大的帮助。在现代化信息技术飞速发展的今天


3、/连续计时等功能由控制开关单元来完成,可以方便的进行不同工作。篮球24s计时器在简单更改预置基数后可以实现不同时间(1255s)的计时功能,在调节输入信号(CP)的接口位置(CPU/CPD)后又可以实现顺/倒计时功能,在改变报警电路单元后又可以实现其他不同的用途。本计时器的使用材料便宜,构造简单,工作稳定,计时准确,功能和扩展和更改方便简单。因而可以实现了在许多特定场合进行时间追踪的功能,在社会生活中也具有广泛的应用价值。关键词:数字电路;倒计时器ABSTRACTPractice is the sole criterion for testing truth, in this rapid de

4、velopment of modern information society, particularly in the college, even though learning a lot of theoretical knowledge, but in the end the number of really master, but also through the practice of this hurdle to test, The practice of teaching is based on the knowledge and carried out training the

5、 students ability to apply theory and practical ability, to enhance the students understanding of what they have learned a great help. In the rapid development of modern information technology today, digital circuits occupy a very important role in the transmission of various digital signals, etc.,

6、all need to counter the use of digital circuits to achieve. Timing circuit is the basic unit of a digital system circuit, which is mainly from the counter, oscillator circuit and decoding circuit. In practice, the use of living and working in many occasions. For example, in the new basketball rules

7、of the game, the player holding the ball longer than Twenty-four seconds is a practical use of timing circuits. The practice in the circuit design is a many time - basketball Twenty-four seconds countdown. It consists of pulse generation circuit, display circuit counted decoding and control circuit

8、of three parts. Circuit works: by the second pulse circuit generates the clock signal standard 1HZ counts, each of the counter in the last 1s on the basis of minus one, the digital display the remaining time, when reduced to zero, the timer time, alarm circuits , the output alarm signal. For the tim

9、er starts, pause/continuous timer function by the control switch unit to complete the work can easily be different. Twenty-four seconds basketball preset timer base in a simple change can be achieved after the different time (one to two hundreds seconds) the timing function in the regulation of the

10、input signal (CP) interface position (CPU/CPD) can be achieved after cis/countdown function, changing alarm circuit unit can be achieved after the other for different purposes. The use of the timer inexpensive materials, simple structure, stable, accurate timing, features, and expansion and changes

11、easy and convenient. Which can be achieved in many occasions the time to track a specific function, in social life also has extensive application value. Keywords: digital circuit; countdown目 录引言5第一章 篮球二十四秒计时器设计要求 1.1设计要求6第二章 系统组成及工作原理2.1系统组成72.2工作原理7第三章 单元电路设计、参数计算、器件选择 3.1 控制电路93.1.1 暂停/连续控制电路 93.1

12、.2 置数/启动控制电路 93.2 秒脉冲发生电路 103.3 计时电路 123.3.1 计数器 123.3.2 计时电路的组成 133.4 译码显示电路 143.4.1 七段发光二极管(LED)数码管143.4.2 74LS48 143.5 报警电路 16第四章 调试及测试结果分析4.1 调试 174.2 结果分析 18结论 20致谢 21参考文献 22附录一 原理图23附录二 元件清单24引 言在篮球比赛中,规定了球员的持球时间不能超过二十四秒,否则就犯规了。本课程设计的“篮球竞赛二十四秒计时器”,可用于篮球比赛中,用于对球员持球时间二十四秒限制。一旦球员的持球时间超过了二十四秒,它自动的

13、报警从而判定此球员的犯规。本设计主要能完成:显示二十四秒倒计时功能;系统设置外部操作开关,控制计时器的直接清零、启动和暂停/连续功能;在直接清零时,数码管显示器灭灯;计时器为二十四秒递减计时其计时间隔为1秒;计时器递减计时到零时,数码显示器不灭灯,同时发光二极管发出红色报警信号。方案中应用双时钟加、减同步可逆计数器74LS192来实现倒计时功能,在功能选择过程中选择减计数功能,芯片管脚选择中让借位信号处于工作状态。在显示零秒亮灯报警电路中,应用组合电路及二极管发光条件来实现该功能。显示电路用74LS48和7段共阴级数码管来实现,通过控制74LS192的借位信号(BO)来实现灭灯的功能。第一章 篮球二十四秒计时器设计要求1.1设计要求课题名称:篮球二十四秒计时器基本要求:1、具有显示二十四秒计时功能; 2、设置外部操作开关,控制计数器的直接清零,启动和暂停/连续功能; 3、在直接清零时,要求数码显示器灭灯; 4、计时器为二十四秒递减时,计时间隔为一秒; 5、计时器递减计时到零时,数码显示不能灭灯,同时发出光电报警信号。主要参考元器



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