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1、钟灵街小学六年级秋期定时作业第一部分 听力测试听音选择:选出所听到的单词或短语,答案番号填入题前括号内。( )1.A. really B. meet C. pet()2.cardBsoundCpostcard( )3.womenBmenCwoman()4.stampBmoreCsometimes()5.MexicoBCanadaCAmerica二听音选择:选出你所听到单词对应的图片,答案番号填入题前括号内。题号12345答案A. B. C D. E.三听音选择:选出你所听到的句子,答案填入题前的括号内。( )1. A. This stamp is from Mexico. B. This st

2、amp is from China. C. This stamp is from America.( )2.A. Can you tell me more about American festivals. B. Can you tell me more about the Great Wall. C. Can you tell me more about Thanksgiving Day.( )3.A. Its about six thousand seven hundred kilometers. B. Its about seven thousand six hundred kilome

3、ters. C. Its about eight thousand nine hundred kilometers.( )4.A. Collecting dolls is my hobby. B. Collecting cars is my hobby. C. Collecting stamps is my hobby.( )5.A. Spring Festival is my favourite festival. B. Thanksgiving is my favourite festival. C. Flag Day is my favourite festival.第二部分 笔试(满分

4、70分)四用正确的单词形式填空。are或者is(10分)1. There _ten students.2. There _a boy.3. There _some pictures on the wall.4. There _a book on the desk.5. There _three birds五单项选择,从ABCD中选出正确的答案,填到句首的括号中。)( )1.There _ a shop and two restaurants there.A. be B. are C. is D. am( )2. Can you _ my pen friend?A. be B. are C. i

5、s D. am( )3. Shanghai is in the _ of China.A. west B. east C. north D. south( )4. Have you got _ dolls?A. any B. some C. a D. /( )5. I like _ bikes, _ bikes is my hobby.A. ride, ride B. riding, riding C. ride, riding D. riding, ride( )6. What do you do _ Flag Day ?A. in B. to C. on D. at( )7. How _

6、is the Great Wall? A. high B. short C. long D. wide( )8. You can see Chinesein _the street. A. dancing B. dance C. danced D. dances( ) 9. There is a big Chinatown _ New York . A. to B. in C. on D. at( )10. _ you collect stamps? No,I dont. A. Does B. Do C. Did D. Have六选词填空。(共10分)1. ( Have / Has ) you

7、 got a kite?2. Can you tell me ( of / about ) Thanksgiving?3. He can ( speak / talk ) English well.4.I wrote a poem. Do you ( want to / want ) read it?5.Im ( putting / puting ) my new stamps into my album.6.You can write ( in / on ) English.七请找出下列问句的正确答句,答案番号填入题前括号内。( )1. Have you got any stamps fro

8、m China?( )2. Who can be your pen friend?( )3. Whats your mother?( )4. What do you do on Flag Day?( )5. Can you tell me more about American festivals?We carry flags and sing songs.Yes, I can.She is a teacher.Jim can.Yes, I have.八阅读短文,判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。China is a big country. There are lots of beaut

9、iful cities. Beijing is a very old city. Its the capital of China. There are many beautiful old buildings in Beijing. Such as (例如)the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace. Shanghai is an exciting city. Its in the east of China. Its got about more than six and a half million people. Many tourists like to visit Hong Kong for shopping and eating Chinese food.( ) 1. The Palace Museum is in Hong Kong.( ) 2. Shanghai has got about seventeen million people.( ) 3. Hong Kong is in the north of China. ( ) 4. Hong Kong has got six million people.( ) 5. Many people like to go to Hong Kong for shopping.


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