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1、百斯特(Best)英语 中考翻译句子练习1. 她被警告说如果再这样做就会丢掉工作。She was warned that if she did it again she would _.2. 我喜欢安静的乡村胜过喧闹的城市。I _ the quiet village _ the noisy city.3. 俱乐部正在努力的吸引更多年轻人。The club is _ to attract more young people.4. 英语被全世界广泛使用。English is widely used _.5. 这种飞机是用来太空旅行的。This kind of plane _ space trave

2、l. 6. 他走上前来,和我友好的握手。He came forward and _ with me.7. 你不应该把这些书拿出去。You _ take out these books.8. 快点!不要错过公交车。_! Dont miss the bus.9. 老师把我们分成四个小组,让我们互相竞争。The teacher _ four groups and let us _ each other.10. 她把孩子轻轻地放在床上,以免弄醒他。She put the child gently on the bed _ she couldnt wake him up.11. 互联网在我们日常生活中起

3、到重要作用。The Internet _ our daily life.12. 确保在离开教室前,所有的灯都关了。_ that all the lights are turned off before you leave the classroom. 13. 在老师的帮助下,他在阅读和写作方面取得了很大的进步。With the help of the teacher, he _ in reading and writing.14. 北京以许多名胜古迹而著称。Beijing _ many places of interest.15. 他们让那个小男孩把房间打扫干净。They asked the

4、little boy to _ the room.16. 振作起来!所有困难都会很快过去。_! All the troubles will be over.17. 你不能来参加这次聚会,真可惜。_ that you cant come to this party.18. 如果你对现状不满意,不要抱怨,要做点事。If you _ the life you are living, dont complain. Do sth about it.19. 在愚人节,人们喜欢互相开玩笑。On April Fools Day, people like _ each other.20. 这件衬衫是棉制的。Th

5、is shirt _ cotton.21. 吉姆主动提出把他的自行车借给我。 Jim offered to _ to me.22. 别吃太多的三明治,它们是垃圾食品。Dont eat _ sandwiches. They are junk food.23. 事实上,薯条是被偶然地制造出来的。_, potato chips were made _ .24. 因为污染,越来越多的人死于癌症。_ pollution, more and more people die of cancer.25. 他大声朗读的时候,发音很好。He had a good pronunciation when he _.

6、26. 如果明天不下雨,我们就去野餐。We will go to a picnic if it _.27. 天气变得越来越暖和了。The weather is becoming _.28. 李磊去上海了,还没回来。Li lei _to Shanghai, and didnt come back.29. 科比作为一名优秀的篮球运动员而出名。Kobe _ a good basketball player.30. 公园很近,为什么不走着去呢?The park is quite near. _ go there on foot?31. 黄河上已经建起了一座新的大桥。A new bridge has b

7、een _ over the Yellow River.32. 我的两个女儿都擅长跳舞。_ are good at dancing.33. 他想尽一切办法解决了这个问题。He _ work out the problems.34. 无论这个实验有多难,我相信我会成功。_ how difficult the experiment is, I believe I will succeed.35. 我们应该向他学习。We should _ him.36. 他故意的偷走了我的鞋。He stole my shoes _.37. 小慧不得不照顾她的小弟弟。Xiao Hui had to _ her lit

8、tle brother. 38. 我喜欢在空闲时间和我的朋友们一起爬山。I like climbing mountains with my friends_.39. 据说韩寒的新书将在这个月末出版。_ that Han Hans new books will _ at the end of this months. 40. 他独立完成了这项任务。He finished this task _.41. 我们昨天在聚会上玩得很愉快。We _ at the party.42. 每个人都愿意参加这次比赛。Everyone would like to _.43. 你和同学相处的怎么样?How do yo

9、u _ your classmates?44. 起初,迈克打算去广州。_, Mike planned to go to Guangzhou.45. 我们班学生的数量是20人。_ our students is 20.46. 这个故事被讲述了上百年。This story has been told for _ years.47. 在过去的几年里,他们种植了200多棵树。They have planted more than 200 trees _.48. 这支笔是我的。This pen _ me. 49. 当父母批评我们时,我们不应该顶嘴。We shouldnt _ when our paren

10、ts criticize us.50. 对不起,我错拿了你的雨伞。Sorry, I took your umbrella _.51. 你可以在任何时候拜访我家。You can _ my house at any time.52. 当我到那里时,周杰伦的演唱会门票已经卖光了。_ I got there, the ticket to Jays concert had been sold out. 53. 砍掉这么多树对环境是有害的。Cutting down so may trees _ our environment.54. 在节目的开始,乐嘉提出了一个想法。At the beginning of

11、 the program, Le Jia _ an diea.55. 不要让电脑游戏妨碍你的学习。Dont let the computer games _ your study.56. 如果我们用光了地球上的水,会怎样?What will happen if we _ the water on the earth?57. 动物园中有各种各样的动物。There are _ animals in the zoo.58. 大多数学校为孩子们提供免费的牛奶和面包Most schools _ free milk and bread _ the children.59. 我们出发时,正下着雨。It wa

12、s raining when we _.60. 令她惊讶的是,小女孩五岁就会骑自行车。_, the little girl can ride a bike at the age of five.61. 当你遇到危险时,要保持冷静。Please _ when you are in danger.62. 虽然大明生病了,但他坚持完成了作业。Daming _ his homework although he was ill. 63. 对于胖人来说,下定决心减肥很重要。It is important for a heavy person to _ lose weight.64. 只要我们齐心协力,就会赢这场比赛。We will win the game _


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