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1、Groundless Beliefs A E Mander R einforcement T ext Analysis Groundless Beliefs B ackground W arming up Unit 3 Questions Activities Check on Preview Objectives W B TR Warming up Groundless Beliefs Unit 3 Warming up Questions Activities Are carrots a rabbit s favorite How do you know W B TR Aristotle

2、vs Galileo s Lesson 6 Groundless Beliefs Why was Galileo able to prove Aristotle wrong What lesson shall we learn from Galileo s experiment Warming up Questions Activities What are the words used by the author in referring to groundless beliefs propositions assumptions dogma opinion According to the

3、 author where do these beliefs come from from other people family friends media tradition interest groups etc Why do we tend to accept these beliefs suggestion self interest sentimental associations Fashion Why do we have to be on guard against them most of them are irrational they are rather than t

4、hought once they become so s in they prevent us from accepting new ideas Check on Preview Warming up Objectives Call attention to groundless beliefs Understand the causes of groundless beliefs Discuss the importance of inquisition Consider the strategies against groundless beliefs Encourage students

5、 to actively identify groundless beliefs in life Appreciate the logic structure W B TR Warming up Background Author B W TR Groundless Beliefs Unit 3 A E Mander 1894 1985 A well published Australian scholar Background Author His Life and Works Books Logic for the millions Clearer thinking logic for e

6、veryman The making of the Australians Our sham democracy Psychology for everyman and woman Clearer thinking logic for everyday use Public enemy the press Alarming Australia Quotations from Mander s book The trouble with most folks is not so much their ignorance as their knowing so many things which

7、ain t so Josh Billings He who cannot reason is a fool he who will not is a bigot he who dare not is a slave W Drummond Background Author Detailed Analysis Structure Theme Text Analysis T WB R Groundless Beliefs Unit 3 Text Analysis Theme lUnderstand the sources of groundless beliefs lDevelop the ale

8、rt to groundless beliefs lEmphasize the importance of a curious inquiring mind lDiscuss how to develop such a mind T WB R I The Introduction para 1 Prevalence of groundless beliefs II The body paras 2 24 Types Causes of groundless beliefs 1 Result of environment in early life paras 2 3 2 Parroting p

9、aras 4 13 3 Self interest paras 14 17 4 Sentimental associations paras 18 19 5 Fashion paras 20 24 III The conclusion para 25 The writer s praise of rational thinkers Text Analysis Structure Text Analysis Detailed Analysis Main Idea Sentence Paraphrase Words it rests upon education at least to the s

10、ame extent 我们明确地知道 人的生命从何时开始 a shadow of We know without a shadow of a doubt when human life begins Text Analysis Detailed Analysis Part II Types Causes of groundless beliefs paras 2 24 Section 1 Result of environment in early life paras 2 3 How can a simple suggestion become a belief uncritically w

11、e accepted and believed it we didn t have the power of questioning How shall we deal with the beliefs developed in early childhood Text Analysis Detailed Analysis Roman Catholic In order to be saved all persons who have attained the use of reason must believe explicitly that God exists and that he r

12、ewards the good and punishes the wicked The Church is the congregation of all baptized persons under the authority of the Sovereign Pontiff and the bishops in communion with him We find the chief truths taught by Jesus Christ through the Catholic Church in the Apostles Creed Presbyterian We believe

13、that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God and we shall trust in Him alone for salvation We believe the Bible is the revelation of God s truth and is infallible and authoritative in all matters of faith and practice We believe that all are sinners and totally unable to save themselves from God s di

14、spleasure except by His mercy Text Analysis Detailed Analysis Part II Words and all conflicting ideas seem to us obviously absurd What propositions should we treat with caution Old propositions Obvious truths Text Analysis Detailed Analysis Progress in human thought seems to consist mainly in gettin

15、g rid of such ideas Text Analysis Detailed Analysis Part II Sentence Paraphrase When we find ourselves entertaining an opinion about which there is a feeling that even to enquire into it would be absurd unnecessary undesirable or wicked we may know that that opinion is a non rational one para 7 allo

16、w yourself to consider it as possible or as worth thinking about seriously Another common mistake we make is to judge opinions according to our feelings An opinion is true because it is true not because we like it or find it desirable or useful In fact truth can often be unpleasant or painful whereas untruth can be soothing and attractive Text Analysis Detailed Analysis Part III Words 2 The habit of parroting 3 Self interest 4 Sentimental association 5 Fashion What words should we watch out for



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