英语人教版选修六课件:Unit 2 Poems2.2

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1、 1 Section Learning about Language Using Language Summing Up 正当的 He couldn t come up with an appropriate word to answer her 他想不出合适的话来答复她 His clothes were not appropriate for such a formal occasion 他的衣服不适宜在这样正式的场合穿 10 预习导引核心归纳 Section Learning about Language Using Language Summing Up 交流 互换 An exchang

2、e of opinions is of great help 相互交换意见是非常有益的 We need to promote an open exchange of information 我们需要促进信息的公开交流 15 预习导引核心归纳 Section Learning about Language Using Language Summing Up 交换 You may exchange but not return the goods for a refund 你可以调换 但不能退款 May I exchange seats with you 我和你交换一下座位好吗 归纳 in exc

3、hange for作为交换 exchange sth with sb 与某人交换某物 16 预习导引核心归纳 Section Learning about Language Using Language Summing Up 可调换的 17 预习导引核心归纳 Section Learning about Language Using Language Summing Up 主办者 倡议者 The company must be a sponsor of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala 这家公司一定是中央电视台春节联欢晚会的赞助商 Mr Robert Brown wa

4、s announced as the sponsor 罗伯特 布朗先生被宣布为主办者 the sponsor of the new immigration bill 新移民法案的倡议者 18 预习导引核心归纳 Section Learning about Language Using Language Summing Up 举办 倡议 The exhibition was sponsored by the Society of Culture 这个展览是由文化学会举办的 The headmaster sponsored a meeting to raise money for the vict

5、ims in the earthquake 校长安排了一个会议 倡议为地震遇难者募捐 19 预习导引核心归纳 Section Learning about Language Using Language Summing Up 非故意地 注意chance前不能加冠词 One may make a mistake by chance but one can t make mistakes all his life 一个人可以偶尔犯错 但是不能一生都犯错 22 预习导引核心归纳 Section Learning about Language Using Language Summing Up 故意地

6、 Do you think he did this on purpose or by chance accident 你认为他这样做是有意的还是无意的 24 预习导引核心归纳 Section Learning about Language Using Language Summing Up he is very likely to be a Beethoven 布赖恩在音乐创作上很有天赋 他很有可能会成为一位像贝多芬那 样的音乐大师 I m hardly likely to finish the poem within a week 我不可能在一周内写完这首诗 26 预习导引核心归纳 Sect

7、ion Learning about Language Using Language Summing Up 使 延误 hold out 伸出 hold back 控制 抑制 32 预习导引核心归纳 Section Learning about Language Using Language Summing Up 试验 The method seems good but it needs to be tried out 这个方法似乎不错 但需要试验一下 try短语归纳 try for力争赢得 企图达到 try on试穿 衣服 try out for试演 戏剧等 参加 选拔 37 预习导引核心归纳

8、 Section Learning about Language Using Language Summing Up 放走 He let out a shriek of abandoned laughter 他尖着嗓子纵声大笑 Who was it that let him out 是谁把他放走的 39 预习导引核心归纳 Section Learning about Language Using Language Summing Up 降低 let in让 进来 渗透let off引爆 40 预习导引核心归纳 Section Learning about Language Using Lang

9、uage Summing Up otherwise we visit more places of interest yesterday 5 If we hadn t make adequate preparations the conference wouldn t have been so successful won had gone would could have met would could have visited made 45 预习导引核心归纳 Section Learning about Language Using Language Summing Up Learnin

10、g Tip 核心归纳 123456789 6 If we book a table earlier we wouldn t be standing here in a queue 7 Do you think George has passed the driving test No If so he drive his car to our college yesterday 8 You are so patient with children If only I have your patience 9 I want to leave for London today But I woul

11、d rather you stay here for another two days had booked would could have driven had stayed 46 预习导引核心归纳 Section Learning about Language Using Language Summing Up Learning Tip 核心归纳 123456789 同义句转换 10 If he had gone to the doctor right away he might be alive today to the doctor right away he might be al

12、ive today 11 Had someone not mentioned his name I hardly think I would have recognized him his name I hardly think I would have recognized him 12 I wish that I had been there I had been there 13 If I hadn t run out of ink I might have finished writing the paper ink I might have finished writing the paper Had he gone If someone had not mentioned If only Had I not run out of



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