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1、 Welcome to Alex Peng s After Class Learning Centre 欢迎来到彭老师家教中心 1 For the College Entrance Exam Only 高 考 专 用 2 彭老师家教中心英语高考 基础班第四次作文训练 排行揭晓 3 4 问题类作文思路 pint out the problem 点出问题 analyze the problem 分析问题 deal with the problem 解决问题 summarize your article 总结全文 5 第一段 点出问题 Spelling is one of the most impo

2、rtant skills in English learning However a large number of students think little of it which could result in bad consequences and influence their future learning 6 第二段 分析问题 There are certain reasons for this phenomenon First of all many students don t pay much attention to spelling They won t take i

3、t seriously until someone tell them What s more The teachers might not be very strict with them in spelling They tend to be more concerned about grammar and vocabulary in China 7 第三段 解决问题 To solve this problem as far as I am concerned both the teachers and students should work together On one hand t

4、he students must be aware of the importance of correct spelling On the other hand the teachers should attach more attention to spelling and more activities about spelling could be organized 8 第四段 总结全文 In one word only through the together efforts of both teachers and students can the ignorance of sp

5、elling be solved effectively and properly 9 1 turn的连系动词用法 turn adj 使 变成或成为 eg The heat turned the milk sour 高温使牛奶变酸了 turn age time 达到或超过某年龄 时间 eg It s turned midnight 已经是午夜了 turn n 转变为另一种状态或事物 eg Water turns into ice when it freezes 天冷时水能结成冰 2014 12 6 本课重点知识 10 2 compromise v 折中 妥协 n 妥协 和解 短语 make r

6、each a compromise 达成和解 compromised on sth 在某事上折中 妥协 eg She refused to compromise on her principles insisted on keeping on them 她的原则寸步不让 坚持到底 11 3 辨析 anyhow somehow somewhat anyhow anyway 无论如何 somehow 以某种方式 由于某种原因 somewhat 从某种意义上 有几分 比较 It may rain tomorrow but I shall go out anyhow but somehow she g

7、ive up her dream finally I am somewhat tired of this book It may rain but I shall go out anyhow 天将下雨 但不管怎样我也要出去 We must find money for the rent somehow 我们无论如何也要找到租金 I am somewhat tired of this book It may rain but I shall go out anyhow 天将下雨 但不管怎样我也要出去 We must find money for the rent somehow 我们无论如何也要

8、找到租金 I am somewhat tired of this book 12 4 free v 使自由 adj1 自由空闲的 adj2 免费的 adj3 不受牵制的 松弛的 常见 Let the rope run free 把绳子放开 常考 There is no such thing as a free lunch 天下没有免 费的午餐 变形 freedom n 自由 13 5 regular adj1 有规律的 定期的 短语 a regular heartbeat有规律的心跳 adj2 合乎原则的 符合规定的 短语 through regular channels 通过正规渠道 常考

9、as regular as clockwork 极有规律 eg She arrives every day at five as regular as clockwork 她每天五点钟到 极有规律 变形 regularity n 规律性 规则性 14 6 高考语法考点之倒装句 一含义 为了强调 突出等目的而颠倒原有语序的句式叫做倒装句 二 分类 only if位于句首时 Only in this way can you solve this problem 只有通过这种方法才能解决问题 hardly little seldom barley rarely not only not until

10、位于 句首时 No sooner had I got home than it began to rain 我 刚到家就下起了雨 so such that结构位于句首时 So unreasonable was his price that everyone was surprised 他要价如此离谱 以至于 每个人都吃惊了 15 7 browse v 翻阅 浏览 短语 browse through 浏览 书籍 网页等 常见 browse through a magazine浏览杂志 变形 browser n 浏览器 eg Browsing porn website in North Korea

11、 is a sin 在朝鲜 浏览不健康网站是重罪 16 8 specific adj1 详细而精确的 确切的 短语 specific instructions aim 明确的指示 目标 adj2 特定的 具体的 短语 for specific purpose 有专门目的 变形 specifically adv 确切地 具体地 短语 be specifically designed for sb 专门为某人而设计 17 9 dare v1 实意动词 敢 to do sth eg She doesn t dare to meet her teacher s eyes 她不敢和老师的眼睛对视 v2

12、情态动词 敢 do sth eg1 How dare you do something like that to me 你怎么敢对我做那种事 eg2 Dare you catch the mouse 你敢抓老鼠吗 18 10 bid v n 喊价 出价 投标 时态 bid bid bid 短语 bid for on sth 为 出价 make a bid for sth 为 出价 eg We had hoped to get the house but another couple was bidding against us 我们原希望买下这个 房子 但另一对夫妇不断和我们抬价竞拍 19 1

13、1 confirm v1 证实 确认 短语 confirm a rumor证实一个谣言 eg Please write to confirm your reservation 请来信确认你的预定 v2 批准 任命 assign eg The new minister will be confirmed in office by the Queen 新的部长将由女王批准任职 变形 confirmation n 证实 批准 20 12 access n 接近或进入某地的 方法 通路 短语 have the access to 有 的方法或通路 eg The only access to the f

14、arm is across the fields 要到那农场去唯有穿过田地 变形 accessible adj 可接近的 可进入的 考点 高考之 方式 方法 辨析 access approach to way means method of 21 13 expose v 显露或露出 短语1 expose sth 露出某事物 eg She exposes a set of perfect white teeth when she smiles 她笑的时候露出洁白的牙齿 短语2 expose to 把 暴露在 之下 常见 expose one s shin to the sun 使皮肤暴露在阳光之下 22 Thanks for your coming HW 1 背笔记 下次听写 2 每天抽十分钟看笔记 23 此课件下载可自行编辑修改 供参考 感谢您的支持 我们努力做得更好


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