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1、第二语言课堂 的反思性教学 Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classrooms 1 1 Approaches to classroom investigation in teaching nJournals nA journal is a teacher s or a student s written response to teaching events n1 Events and ideas are recorded for the purpose of later reflection n2 The process of writing

2、itself helps trigger insights about teaching 2 nLesson reports nA lesson report is a structured inventory or list which enables teachers to describe their recollections of the main features of a lesson nThe purpose is to give the teacher a quick and simple procedure for regularly monitoring what hap

3、pened during a lesson how much time was spent on different parts of a lesson and how effective the lesson was 3 nSurveys and questionnaires nIt is a good way to investigate students attitudes interests study effect study methods and so on nAudio or video recording of lessons nOne of the advantages o

4、f recording a lesson is that it allows choice of focus this could be the teacher or a particular group of students An additional advantage is that the recording can be replayed and examined many times and can capture many details of a lesson that cannot easily be observed by other means such as the

5、actual language used by teachers or learners during a lesson 4 nObservation nObservation involves visiting a class to observe different aspects of teaching It is suggested as a way of gathering information about teaching rather than a way of evaluating teaching nAction research nAction research is u

6、sed in this book to refer to teacher initiated classroom investigation which seeks to increase the teacher s understanding of classroom teaching and learning and to bring about change in classroom practices nPlanning Action Observation Reflection 5 2 Exploring teacher s beliefs nThe source of teache

7、rs beliefs nTeachers belief systems are founded on the goals values and beliefs teachers hold in relation to the content and process of teaching and their understanding of the systems in which they work and their roles within it These beliefs and values serve as the background to much of the teacher

8、s decision making and action 6 n1 their own experience as language learners n2 experience of what works best n3 established practice n4 personality factors n5 educationally based or research based principles n6 principles derived from an approach or method 7 nBeliefs about English nBeliefs about lea

9、rning nBeliefs about teaching nBeliefs about the program and the curriculum nBeliefs about language teaching as a profession 8 3 focus on the learners nLearner belief systems nLearner s belief systems cover a wide range of issues and can influence learner s motivation to learn their expectation abou

10、t language learning their perceptions about what is easy or difficult about a language as well as the kind of learning strategies they favor nBeliefs about the nature of English nBeliefs about speakers of English nBeliefs about the four language skills nBeliefs about teaching nBeliefs about language

11、 learning 9 nBeliefs about appropriate classroom behavior nBeliefs about self nBeliefs about goals nCognitive style nKnowles suggests that differences of this kind reflect the cognitive styles of four different types of learners nConcrete learning style learners of this style use active and direct m

12、eans of taking in and processing information They are interested in information that has immediate value They are curious spontaneous and willing to take risks They like variety and a constant change of pace They dislike routine learning and written work 10 nAnalytical learning style learners of thi

13、s style are independent like to solve problems and enjoy tracking down ideas and developing principles on their own Such learners prefer a logical systematic presentation of new learning materials with opportunities for learners to follow up on their own Analytical learners are serious push themselv

14、es hard and are vulnerable t failure nCommunicative learning style learners of this style prefer a social approach to learning They need personal feedback and interaction and learn well from discussion and group activities 11 nAuthority oriented learning style nLearners are said to be responsible an

15、d dependable They like and need structure and sequential progression They relate well to a traditional classroom They prefer the teacher as an authority figure They like to have clear instructions and to know exactly what they are doing they are not comfortable with consensus building discussion 12

16、nLearning strategies nLearning strategies are the specific procedures learners use with individual learning tasks nOxford 1990 identifies six general types of learning strategie nMemory strategies which help students to store and retrieve information nCognitive strategies which enable learners to understand and produce new language nCompensation strategies which allow learners to communicate despite deficiencies in their language knowledge 13 nMetacognitive strategies which allow learners to con



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