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1、【221】The One With the Two Bullies Stocks and bonds When a government or company issues a bond, it borrows money from investors. The certificate that is issued to investors who lend money is also called abond. (政府或公司发行的) 债券 In finance, your equity is the sum of your assets, for example the value of y

2、our house, once your debts have been subtracted from it. 资产净值 在作股票、股份时,share 和 stock 用法相似,stock 常用 pl.意思为 a share that sb has bought in a company or business 股份;股票如 stock prices 股票价格 stocks and shares 股份与股票。一般正式的股票交易都是说的 stock exchange,还有股票经纪人 stock stroker Share 常与 in 搭配 share in sth 意思是 any of the

3、 units of equal value into which a company is divided and sold to raise money. People who shares receive part of the companys profits.如 shares in British Telecom 英国电信公司的股份 a fall/increase in share price 股票价格的跌落/上涨。相似的是 ordinary share 意思是 a fixed unit of a company/s CAPITAL. People who own ordinary s

4、hares have voting rights in the company.普通股(公司酱的固定单位,持有人在公司有投票权) 当今的金融市场上,stocks 和 shares 之间的区别在某种程度上被模糊化了。一般来讲,这两个词可以被交替用来指能表示一个特定公司所有权的文件,这就叫做 stock 证明。但是,这两个词之间的不同来自于它们被使用的语境。 例如,stock 是一个宽泛的定义,总体上讲用来表示任何公司的所有权证明。而 shares 则是指一个特定公司的所有权证明。 Interest 常用作复数,interest in sth,意思是 a share in a business o

5、r company an dits profits(企业或公司的)股份,权益,股权 She has business interests in France.她在法国拥有企业股份。 American interests in Europe(=money invested in European countries)在欧洲的美国权益。相似的是 controlling interest 通常用单数,意思是 the fact of owning enough shares in a company to be able to make decisions about what the company

6、 should do.控制股权 stock 是股票(证劵)的统称。I own stocks. (我拥有股票)I have ten stocks in my portfolio. (我的投资组合内有十只股票)Microsofts stock hits a recent high. (微软的股票达到近来的高位)share 是一股股票,每一股有一个投票权I own a share of Microsoft. (我拥有一股微软)I own two hundred shares of Microsoft. (我有二百股微软)I own two hundred shares of Microsofts s

7、tock. (我有二百股微软的股票)Some stocks are divided into A, B, and C shares. (有些股票分为 A/B/C 股)equity 是资产The president owns 50% of the shares. The president has a large equity in the company.interest 是利息,股份,股权(+in)I borrowed the money at 5% interest.我以五分利息借了那笔钱。He has an interest in the company.他在这家公司拥有股份。 go b

8、y 偶尔看见 initials n.名字的缩写 the first letter of each word in a full name come up 出现 On behalf of 代表 buffet n.餐具柜, 小卖部/last name n.(欧美人放在名字后面的) 姓 franks n.法兰克福香肠 Alternative names Frankfurters, Frankfurts, FRANKFURTER frkft is a cured cooked sausage(n.熟香肠) (as of beef or beef and pork) that may be skinle

9、ss or stuffed(塞满;填塞) in a casing(n.包装) rotisserie rotsri n.电转烤肉架,烤肉店 rotisserie is an appliance fitted with a spit(n.烤肉叉) on which food is rotated(v.旋转 ) before or over a source of heat a spinning chicken (在电转烤肉架) 旋转的鸡 chicken out 因害怕而停止做某事, 因胆小而放弃 No because I chickened out the last time when I tri

10、ed to meet him. So I mean coincidences: chickened out means to lose the courage or confidence to do something-often at the last minute 这里 chicken 的“胆小鬼”之意与chichen“鸡” 之意暗合 pharmacist frmsst n. 药剂师 freakish adj.异想天开的, 朝三暮四的, 奇特的, 畸形的 (=freaky) Man, I am so beat: being in a state of exhaustion n.筋疲力尽 R

11、acquetball= racquetball 美式壁球 hang out here 在这里混 colorful 有趣的 have back:(have sth. back)要回, 收回 Kudos is admiration or recognition that someone or something gets as a result of a particular action or achievement. 荣誉; 认可 Kudos on that hat joke 我真的好崇拜你哦 feel down 心情糟糕 cheer up v.使振奋, 感到振奋 Let me just ge

12、t this straight 让我搞清楚 “Get on the same page 的应用较广,其基本含意是大家关注/讨论同一个问题,有时可引申为想之同所想,为之众所为,大家齐心协力做好一件事/No, just wanna make sure were on the same page: be on the same page means to have the same understanding about the situation or information It bit 逊毙了 bit means to annoy or upset 50s theme restraunt 五十

13、年代的主题饭店 costume n.化妆服,戏服 chef f n. 厨师,大师傅 Caf des Artistes 艺匠咖啡 was a fine restaurant at One West 67th Street in Manhattan and was owned by George Lang. counter 吧台Laverne and Curly Fries 是电视剧集 Laverne & Shirley 的变形,该剧讲了 The misadventures of two single women in the 1950s and 60s.时代背景与主题餐厅相合 Curly Fri

14、es n.卷的炸薯条 失业的莫尼卡忙于应征工作,但她对能找到的工作很沮丧,因为她现在的工作地点是在一家五十年代主题餐厅,她必须戴假胸脯,化妆成梦露,还要跳上柜台跳舞。她说:“要知道我曾经是艺匠咖啡 的主厨啊 !”“艺匠咖啡”并非咖啡馆,而是一家著名的法国餐馆。 be stripped 被剥去,被拆卸 If you strip an engine or a piece of equipment, you take it to pieces so that it can be cleaned or repaired. 拆卸 You dont know the first thing about t

15、he stock market 你对股票一窍不通. A bear market is a situation in the stock market when people are selling a lot of shares because they expect the shares will decrease in value and they will be able to make a profit by buying them again after a short time. 熊市,下跌行情商业 A bull market is a situation in the stock

16、 market when people are buying a lot of shares because they expect the shares will increase in value and they will be able to make a profit by selling them again after a short time. 牛市,上涨行情 (比较)(bear market) 商业 所谓“牛市”,也称多头市场,指市场行情普遍看涨,延续时间较长的大升市。 所谓“熊市”,也称空头市场,指行情普遍看淡,延续时间相对较长的大跌市。 因为牛是往上攻击 (牛角往上顶) ,所以代表多头市场,代表利多和股价往上走;熊是往下攻击 (熊掌向下挥 )代表空头市场,代表利空和股价下跌。 MONICA: Whats to know? Buy sell, high


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