广东省高明实验中学高中英语北师大必修二学案:Unit 5 Rhythm Lesson 2(第2课时)

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1、Unit 5Rhythm Lesson 2 Beijing Opera 第2课时【学习目标】1. Learning objectives 知识目标 学习重点词汇和短语: combine, represent, general, such as, play a role in, in other words等。2. Emotional objectives 情感目标 Learn about our national treasure Beijing Opera 了解国粹京剧【重点和难点】学习重点词汇和短语【学法指导】Collocation 搭配:In English, some verbs an

2、d nouns often go together. Try to collect them and keep them in mind. 英语中有些动词和名词是形影相随、相伴共存的,请尽量积累并记忆。【学习过程】(一) Preview课前预习导学1. 在课文练习题干或选项中找出下列词语并翻译成中文:1) work in pairs 2) the late 20th century 3) main roles 4) match A with B 5) stage design 6) the first step 7) general knowledge 8) identify key word

3、s 9) take notes 10) a sharp singing style 11) a special occasion 12) body movement 13) miss a test 14) ask for permission 2. 课文中含有role的句子有4句,请你把它们找出来并翻译,归纳role的用法。a. b. c. d. 总结:role有个意思,分别为。(二) Classroom learning and exploration 课堂学习和研讨 1. Presentation of the preview 预习成果展示2. Explanation and discus

4、sion 答疑讨论3. Classroom learning tasks 课堂学习探究任务Task: 学习重点单词和短语:1) combine vt & vi. (使)联合;(使)结合 combination n联合, 结合搭配 combine sth with sth . 将与结合起来The hotel combines comfort with convenience.这家旅馆既舒适又方便。练练吧:将下列句子翻译成英语。a. 我们并不总是能在工作中享受到乐趣。b. 理论必须联系实际。2) represent vt. 代表;象征 representation n表现, 陈述, 代表(抽象概念

5、) representative n. 代表(指人) adj. 有代表性的represent oneself as 自称Yangtze River and Yellow River represent our national spirit.扬子江、黄河代表我们的民族精神。Each color on the chart represents a department. 图表上的每一种颜色代表一个部门。练练吧:用represent的适当形式完成下列句子。a. He China in the conference.b. In the dictionary the word “noun” by th

6、e letter “n”.c. A dove (pigeon) peace.d. He a physicist.3) role n . 角色;任务play a role 表示“扮演角色”He played the role of Hamlet. 他扮演了哈姆雷特这个角色。play a role 还可表示“起的作用”Party members played a leading role in this activity.党员们在这个活动中起了带头作用。The role the teachers play in the society is great.老师在社会中扮演的角色是伟大的。The UN

7、 plays an important part in international relations.联合国在国际关系中扮演着重要的角色。play a part in 意同 play a role in 练练吧:完成下列句子的翻译:a. 谁在那电视剧中扮演女主角?Who plays the in the TV play?b. 饮食在治疗中起重要作用。Diet plays an the treatment.4) general n. 将军;一般;常规 adj. 一般的;普通的;综合的general idea 大意 a general manager 总经理 general education

8、普通教育, 通识教育 a general cleaning 大清洁a general election 大选 the general population 总人口in general = generally adv. 意为:“一般说来” 、“总的说来”In general the plan is good. 总的来说,这个计划是好的。Generally speaking, women cry more easily than men. 一般说来, 女人比男人易哭。练练吧:翻译:a. 人们都说这位将军有非常坚定的意志。b. 我对美国的文化和社会有了大概的了解。5) such as 与 for e

9、xample such as为短语介词,表列举与上文所说事物有相似点的事物,意为:“象那样的”,后直接接名词、代词,可与and so on连用。如:Children such as these make people cheerful. 象这样的孩子们会使人们欢喜。I visited several European countries, such as France, Italy and Germany.for example“例如”,用来举例子,可以放句首、句中或句末,常用逗号隔开。We visited several European countries, for example, Fr

10、ance, Italy and Germany.另外,for example还可用来引出一句话或一件事来举例说明上文内容,如:Tom is a kind person. For example, he often offers money to poor people.练练吧:按句意填空:a. Some boys, Mike like to play football.b. Some students, , John, live in the city.c. You can buy fruit here - oranges and banners, .d. , BBC broadcasts E

11、nglish programs for China.6) in other words = put it another way 换句话说,也就是说,常位句首,对前面所说的话进行解析。In other words, the objective is to avoid losing.也就是说,目标是要避免失败。A common saying goes, “Knit your brows, and you will hit upon a stratagem.” In other words, much thinking yields wisdom.俗话说:“眉头一皱,计上心来。” 就是说,多想出智

12、慧。in a / one word 一句话,总而言之。in word口头上练练吧:按句意填空a. He is a thief, he often steals things.b. , this is the power of music.(三) Classroom assessment课堂检测 选择正确答案:1. We had to wait an hour we had already booked a table. A. since B. although C. until D. before2. I really dont like art, I find his work impres

13、sive. A. As B. Since C. If D. While3. You will be successful in the interview you have confidence. A. before B. once C. until D. though4. We treasure the part education in a childs growth. A. does B. carries C. fixes D. plays5. The yellow lines on the map roads. A. replace B. recover C. return D. re

14、present单词拼写。1. He had lost his (身份证) card and was being questioned by the police.2. Four people sang and played different (乐器).3. We should leave our future (一代) a clean world.4. What is his (反应) to your success.5. Many old people like Beijing O.How about you?6. G speaking, they are more active than us.资



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