苏教牛津版三年级英语下册《A good idea》Lesson1教案设计

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1、苏教牛津版三年级英语下册A good ideaLesson1教案设计苏教牛津版三年级英语下册A good ideaLesson1教案设计一. 教学目标1. 能听懂、会说常见运动项目的英语表达swimmimg, fishing, running, jogging,Do you like ?Yes,I do. Let us go.2. 能听懂、会说日常交际用语 that is a good idea.A good idea,并能熟练运用。3.二. 教学重难点1. 单词的认读 swimming , fishing ,running ,jogging .熟练掌握运用句型 Do you like? Ye

2、s,I do. Lets go. That is a good idea.三. 教学准备1. 句型纸片 Unit 11 A good idea Do you like ?Yes ,I do Lets go Thats a good idea.2. 图片 swimming ,fishing ,running ,jogging.3. 录音带 Hello,how are you,单词、句型三遍.4. 家作表格.5. David一家四人头饰.6. 小奖品.7. 幻灯片或实物投影.(句型)四. 教学过程(一).Warming up1. Free TalkGood morning ,boys and gi

3、rls. I am Vivi.Nice to meet you .(学生说)I like singing very much.Lets sing a song,ok?Stand up please.(播录音) (唱Hello,how are you)You are very good.Sit down ,please.Let us begin our class. Hi, I am Vivi ,May I have your name? Hello ,what is this in English.What a nice pencil-box!May I have a look? Excuse

4、 me,who is he /she? How are you?2. GameNow,let us Play a game.I Will act,and you guess what I am doing.OK?Now ,look! (弹吉他状)请学生抢答,再由答对者表演,其余学生猜.猜对者有奖.(guitar),Yes,play the quitar.play football.OK,Let us stop here.Do you like football? (yes.I do.)Let us go and play football.(great/OK,let us go)(二).Pre

5、sentation(A)Teach new words and sentences1. 引出a good ideaGood! Here “great/OK” you can also say “a good idea”出示 A good idea idea 开火车读.T:Do you like basketball?(Yes,I do.)T:Lets go and play basketball.(A good diea.) 练两三组.2. T扮David.Hi ,Im David.Now I know you like basketball/football.Do you know whit

6、 I like?Guess!(学生回答) sorry. I ll tell you. I like swimming. I like swimming. 边说边做动作Read after me please. swimming 出示图片swimming , swimming.贴图,开火车读 Do you like swimming?出示 Do you like ?(学生答 Yes ,I do.)Read after me.边读边贴Yes ,I do Lets go swimming.出示 Let us go.指黑板引导学生说 A good idea. good!You can also say

7、指黑板. A good idea,a good idea,Thats a good idea.出示 Thats a good idea. ,边领读边贴. 请学生对话T先领,再前回后答T:Do you like swimming?S:Yes,I do.T: Lets go swimming.S: Thats a good idea. Lets chant now.Listen to me first.Swimming ,swimming .I like swimming.Swimming ,swimming . Lets go swimming.Good,good,good idea.3. T扮

8、Mr. BlackHi,children.Im Mr.Black,Davids father.Do you know what I like?(学生猜) fishing ,fishing,I like fishing.出示图片,read after me,fishing,fishing,贴图,开火车读,高低声.Now Lets play a game. If I say fishing(大声),You say fishing(小声),If I say fishing(小声), You say fishing(大声).Understand ?Lets do it.练习. T:Do you lik

9、e fishing?S:Yes,I do.T:Lets go fishing.S:Thats a good idea. Can you chant now?Practise yourselves please.Fishing,fishing,I like fishing.Fishing,fishing,Lets go fishing.Good,good,good idea.boys stand up,Lets chant!动作4. T扮Davids mother Mrs.blackHello,Im Davids mother.Do you know what I like? jogging,j

10、ogging,I like jogging.出示图片.jogging,jogging. 师生对话.T: Do you like jogging?(S:Yes,I do.)T:Lets go jogging.(S:Thats a good idea.) Can you chant now?Jigging,jogging,I like jogging.Jogging,jogging,Lets go jogging.Good,good,good idea.girls,stand up!Lets chant!动作5. T扮NancyHi,Im Nancy,Nice to meet you!Do you

11、 know what I like?Guess please. 动作.running,running,I like running. 出示图片running,running,贴图Now,if I touch your head,you say “running”,if I touch your shonlder,you say”running,running.”OK,Lets do it. 对话 Chant together.(B).Read and actYou are very good.Sit down please.1. Lets have a rest.listen to the t

12、ape and repeat.播录音,听单词跟读.2. Now Ill act,and you say what I am doing.师act:fishing,swimming,running,jogging.3. Next,Lets play a game.I say,and you act.Lets see who is the winner.黑板上写有四个组,准备记分I want one student for each group.Are you ready?Lets do it.Listen carefully please.Running,swimming,jogging,fis

13、hing,.Everyone did a good job,Lets stop here.Now go back to your seats.反应快的给该组记分,Youre the winner!(C).Read and actOK,Lets have a rest.1. close your eyes and listen to the tape.放录音.2. Now,open your eyes and look at the screen. Look,whos he? Yes,Hes David ,hes sleeping. Whos he?Good,hes Wangbing. Lets

14、 listen what thay are talking abant.播录音 Lets read after the tape twice.手势.播录音,学生跟读3. Now open your books and ture to page sixty-four. Lets read the dialogue,all class please. Practise in pairs/twos.手势.4. Now,stop.Who can act the dialogue?Very good.(奖表演者)(D).Review the new words and sentencesToday we

15、 learned Unit 11 ,贴读.Read the dialogue all class.指图逐一齐读(三).拓展对话1. 示范:Good morning.(Good morning)How are you today?(Im fine.)Do you like?(Yes,I do.)Lets go.(Thats a good idea.)2. Can you act like us?Ill give you three minutes to practise.3. Who can have a try?奖Wonderful.(四).Sing a songNow,Lets sing a song.Stand up.播录音Two tigers,边动作边唱(五



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