外研社五年级英语下册《He worked in an office.》教案设计

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外研社五年级英语下册《He worked in an office.》教案设计_第1页
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《外研社五年级英语下册《He worked in an office.》教案设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研社五年级英语下册《He worked in an office.》教案设计(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研社五年级英语下册He worked in an office.教案设计外研社五年级英语下册He worked in an office.教案设计 教材分析本节课的目的让学生运用学会用现在、过去时 态描述人物的工作状况和工作地点。目标语句有:He worked in an office. She works in a shop. Where did your grandpa work?词汇有:office, fish, hospital, factory。 教学目标【知识目标】1、能够听说读写单词:office, fish, hospital, factory。2、熟练运用句型:He wor

2、ked in an office.She works in a shop.Where did your grandpa work?3、涉及过去时句型的特殊疑问句的问答应用。【 能力目标】学生学会 用英语一般过去时态和现在时态描述各种活动。【情感目标】增强学生学习英语的兴趣。 教学重难点【教学重点】正确理解课文并掌握本节课的单词和语句。学会用所学语句做事情。【教学难点】初步区分目标语句在一般过去时和一般现在时的不同,并能在真实的语境中运用。 课前准备Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1 Warm-up1. Greeting with the students.

3、2. Matching game (Job a nd Place):(B) 1. teacher A. police station (E) 2. doctor B. school (D) 3. worker C. buscar (C) 4. driver D. factory (A) 5. policemanE. hospital3. Look, listen and say:学习Part 1,调动学生积极性,活跃课堂气氛。Step 2 Presentation1. Show the cards and teach new words.教授office和fish。2. Turn on the

4、 tape.Students listen to the tape carefully.3. Question on dialogue.4. Answer the questions.How many peo ple are there in the girls f amily?Where d id her grandpa work?Where did her grandma work?Where does her father work?Where does mother work?“5. Learn to say dialogue again and again.(1)Practi ce

5、main sentences.(2)Read dialogue in pairs.6. Practice dialogue freely.Step 3 Practice1. Look and write:根据Part 3图片内容 ,看图写句子,教师强调根据时间词,正确使用一般过去时。2. Ask and answer:运用本节课的目标语句,结合Part 5图片内容,仿照例句,学生两两组合,练习对话。3. Do and say:Make a survey and talk about it.做一个调查统计,询问自己家人以前的职业,把他们的职业描述给同学听。Step 4 Homework1. Copy the new words 3 times.2. 仿照课文,介绍自己家人工作的地点。略。


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