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1、图书分类号 TQ262.3 密级 非密UDC硕 士 学 位 论 文超重力氧化法催陈清香型白酒的基础研究白 雪指导教师(姓名、职称)申请学位级别专业名称刘有智(教授)工 学 硕 士化 学 工 程论文提交日期论文答辩日期20102010年年56月月1805日日学位授予日期 年 月 日论文评阅人答辩委员会主席2010 年 5 月 31 日原 创 性 声 明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在指导教师的指导下,独立进行研究所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的科研成果。对本文的研究作出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本声明的法律责任由

2、本人承担。论文作者签名: 日期:关于学位论文使用权的说明本人完全了解中北大学有关保管、使用学位论文的规定,其中包括:学校有权保管、并向有关部门送交学位论文的原件与复印件;学校可以采用影印、缩印或其它复制手段复制并保存学位论文;学校可允许学位论文被查阅或借阅;学校可以学术交流为目的,复制赠送和交换学位论文;学校可以公布学位论文的全部或部分内容(保密学位论文在解密后遵守此规定)。签 名:_ 日期:_导师签名:_ 日期:_中北大学学位论文超重力氧化法催陈清香型白酒的基础研究摘 要本文综述了我国白酒工业现状、白酒老熟机理和人工催陈的各种方法,分析了清香型白酒在我国白酒工业中的地位和口味特点。针对目前人


4、催陈后酒样总酸、总酯、总醛含量的变化情况,并对催陈效果较优的酒样进行色谱分析。方法一以不锈钢丝网为填料,氧气为氧化剂,考察了超重力因子、压力、温度、催陈时间对催陈效果的影响。在超重力因子 为 211,压力 150kPa,25的情况下,催陈新酒 1h 所得的白酒口味醇和。方法二以不锈钢丝网为填料,臭氧为氧化剂,考察了超重力因子、臭氧浓度、温度、催陈时间对催陈效果的影响。在超重力因子 为 276,臭氧浓度 10mg/L,20下,新酒经 30min 催陈,新酒味明显减轻,但有臭氧残留的异味。方法三在上述两种方法的基础上进行,以陶坛碎片为填料,氧气为氧化剂,在催陈温度为 20,压力 150kPa,超重

5、力因子 为 155 的情况下,新酒经 40min 催陈后,陈酒感强,催陈效果明显。上述三种方法催陈的新酒,经 30 天密封存放后,无返生现象发生,白酒口味更加醇和绵软,其中经方法三催陈的新酒,其口味相当于自然存放 6 个月的白酒。本文研究表明,内循环超重机可作为一种白酒陈化器,超重力氧化法对新酒有催陈作用,且催陈效果明显,催陈后白酒无返生现象,保留酒体原有风格,对人体无害。此中北大学学位论文法可作为一种新型、卫生、高效、健康的白酒催陈技术进行进一步探索并推广。本论文对超重力场中用氧化法催陈新酒进行了基础研究,对其主要影响因素及其规律进行了探索,为以后的研究提供了基础数据。关键词:超重力,清香型

6、,新酒,氧化反应,老熟,催陈效果中北大学学位论文Basic Studies on oxygen treatment of Fen-flavor liquorby High GravityAbstractThe present situation of Chinas liquor industry, aging mechanism of liquor and artificialaging were summarized in this thesis, the taste characteristics and status in our liquor industryof Fen flavor

7、 liquor were also analysed. At present, all kinds of artificial aging still existsmany shortages and problems in the health and effect of aging. Therefore, on the foundationof ensuring the quality of aging, it has great significance to research more healthy andefficiency liquor aging technology, whi

8、ch speed up the process of wine aging, for Fen flavorliquor and our liquor industry.By the analysis of the aging mechanism of liquor, the oxidation reaction played animportant role in aging. According to the characteristics of wine as food and the agingmechanism of liquor, the method of enhancing ag

9、ing liquor process by high gravitytechnology was put forward. Higher mass-transfer of High Gravity Rotary Device(Higee)strengthened the oxidation reaction in order to accelerate the aging process.A special circulating Higee for liquor aging was devised and made. Stainless steel meshand fragments of

10、pottery jars were packing. Three methods were used in fresh liquor agingwith ozone and oxygen. The taste and the aromatic components contrast were detected after afew days. Aged liquor were tasted and identified by specialist from the winery. The contentchange trend of total acid, total ester and to

11、tal aldehyde was studied. Preferably samples ofaging were analysed by gas chromatography.Stainless steel mesh packing and oxygen were used in method 1. The aging affect of thehigh gravity factor, pressure, temperature and aging time were investigated. This experimentadopted high gravity factor = 276

12、, pressure of 150kPa, then under 25 aging for 1h, theliquor after aging was tasted mildly. Stainless steel mesh packing and ozone were used in中北大学学位论文method 2.The aging affect of the high gravity factor, ozone concentration, temperature andaging time were investigated. This experiment adopted high g

13、ravity factor = 276, ozoneconcentration of 10mg/L, then under 20 aging for 30min, the irritant was significantlyreduced with smell of ozone. On the above of the two experiment, fragments of pottery jarspacking and oxygen was used in method 3. In the condition of high gravity factor = 276,pressure of

14、 150kPa, then under 20 aging 40min, the liquor after aging become more fulland robust, the quality of the fresh liquor has improvement. 30 days later, the aromaticcomponents content and the taste of the samples of above aging liquor were no change. Ittasted more softly,the quality of the liquor whic

15、h was aging by method 3 could reach 6months.This study shows that circulating Higee may be a device of liquor aging. Oxygentreatment of fresh Fen flavor liquor with High Gravity may accelerate the fresh liquormaturity. The affect of this method was obvious and taste of the aging liquor was also noch

16、ange after a few days. The liquor after aging was harmless and retained the original style ofliquor. This method could be used as a new, efficient, healthy liquor Aging technology tofurther explore and promote. Basic study and the law of the main factors of aging was done inthis paper. It provides the basic data for future research.Key words: High Gravity technique, Fen flavor, fresh


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