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1、 班级 姓名 学号 2010-2三年级英语学科期终练习卷 (完卷时间:60分钟 满分:100分)项目听力部分40%笔试部分60%总分100%得分听力部分 40%一、选出你所听到的字母和单词,将其编号写在前面的括号内:8%( ) 1. A. sky B. ski C. skate( ) 2. A. grow B. glue C. ground( ) 3. A. write B. white C. light ( ) 4. A. and B. head C. hand( ) 5. A. glass B. class C. grass( ) 6. A. ship B. shop C. sheep(

2、) 7. A. may B. many C. Mary( ) 8. A. here B. hair C. there二、选出你所听到的句子,将其编号写在前面的括号内:5% ( ) 1. A. I have two hands. I can touch. B. I have two ears. I can hear. C. I have two eyes. I can see.( ) 2. A. Whats that? Its a hat. B. Whats this? Its a cat. C. Whats it? Its a cake.( ) 3. A. What do you do in

3、the morning? B. What can you do in the morning? C. What can you do in the afternoon?( ) 4. A. I like summer but my sister likes spring. B. I like spring but my sister likes summer. C. I like spring and my sister likes spring too.( ) 5. A. These toys are nice and beautiful. B. These robots are nice a

4、nd super. C. This toy is nice and beautiful.三、选出最恰当的应答句,将其编号写在前面的括号内:10%( ) 1.A. Its sweet. B. They are sweet. C. They are sweets. ( ) 2.A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, we are. ( ) 3. A. Three years old. B. Three cakes. C. Three yuan.( ) 4.A. Spring. B. Winter. C. Summer. ( ) 5.A Its an elep

5、hant. B. Its a monkey. C. Its a panda. 四、听录音,判断下列句子,正确用“T”表示,错误用“F”表示:10%:( ) 1. There are four seasons in a year.( ) 2. I like winter best.( ) 3. I can swim and make sandcastles.( ) 4. The sea is blue and hot.( ) 5. The ice cream is bitter.五、听录音,根据提示,填入所缺单词(注意词形的变化):7%autumn, bread, mountain, picni

6、c, river, tree, triangleToday is Sunday. Its _ now. We go to the park. We have a _ there. I eat some _.There is a tall _ in the park. It is _. There are many _ on it. They are green. I can see a _. It is clean. How nice!阅读与写作部分 60%一、正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写及标点符号:5% im sorry are you ok thats all right 二、选择填空:1

7、2%( ) 1. Jane likes _. She can _high.A. jumpingjumping B. jumpjump C. jumpingjump( ) 2. I have two eyes. _ big and black.A. Theyre B. There are C. Its( ) 3. In China, we can _ in summer. A. swim B. ice skate C. make a snowman( ) 4. _ Sunday, I go to the park and play.A. In B. On C. At( ) 5. can you

8、see? I can see a star box.A. What B. What colour C. What shape( ) 6. Paul _ a jacket. He _ it very much.A. havelike B. haslikes C. haslike( ) 7.Can you smell the flowers, children? Yes, _A. we can B. we cant C. I can( ) 8. What is _? A pair of shoes.A. these B. they C. this( ) 9. The leaves and in a

9、utumn. A. shinesshines B. fall fall C. growgrow( ) 10. Taste the lemon. How _ it feel?A. does B. is C. do( ) 11. It is a pineapple. It is_.A. hard B. soft C. smooth( ) 12. I like summer in Shanghai. Its too hot.A. doesnt B. am not C. dont三、根据提示,选择词的适当形式填空 (每格一词,每词限用一次):8%a, be, dance, glove, in, sea

10、son, smell, that, 1. What is this _ English, Peter? Its a hat.2. There is _ big aeroplane in the sky.3. What _ is it? Its summer.4. _ the flower. Its nice.5. My sister likes _ very much.6. Its cold outside. Put on a pair of _.7. Here _ some coffee. Its very good.8. What are _? They are cakes.四、按要求改写

11、句子:12%1. The clouds are white. (用what colour改写句子) _2. This box is square.( 划线提问) _3. I can make a house. ( 改为一般疑问句)_4. _? Eight cakes.(根据答句写出问句)5. These are oranges. They are sweet. (改单数句) _6. The glasses are hard. (划线提问) _五、完成对话:8%A: Mum, I am _.B: How _ _ today?A: Im _. May I have some cakes?B: OK. I have some cakes _ you. Here you are.A: Thank you.B: How _ they _?A: They are _. I like the cakes.六、阅读理解:10%(一) 阅读短文后判断,正确的用“T”表示,不正确的用“F”表示:5% Today is the first of June. Its our festival(节日). In the morning, we h


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