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1、2019年上海市初中毕业学业考试英语试卷Part 1 Listening(第一部分听力)1.Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分)A B C DA.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分)E F G H1. to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分)7.A)A sportsman.B)A student.C)A

2、teacher.D)A doctor8.A)History.B)Physics.C)Maths.D)Chemistry 9.A)Ten years agoB)Ten months ago.C)Two years ago.D)Two months ago10.A)To give some lectures.B)To meet new friends.C)To complete his work.D)To improve his memory.11.A)By getting books.B)By moving the shelf.C)By picking flowers.D)By watching

3、 the door.12.A)At the restaurant.B)In the kitchen.C)At the supermarket.D)In the garden.13.A)The Internet.B)The subjects.C)The price.D)The levels.14.A)Hes afraid his son will fall asleep in writing lessons.B)He thinks the programmes will take too much time.C)Hes glad that reading before sleep is his

4、sons habit.D)He believes after-school lessons are necessary to attend.C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分)15.There was a fence between Charlies garden and the neighbours()16.The football hit the cat heavily a

5、nd it made a loud sound.()17.The whole flower pot was broken into pieces by the football.()18.Charlie climbed over the wall to the neighbours garden to get his football.()19.Charlie put the broken pieces into his pocket before he left the garden.()20.From the story,we know that Charlie finally chose

6、 to be honest.()D.Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences(听对话,用听到的单词完成下列内容。每空格限填一词)(10分)21.Bob thinks that dropping a little piece of plastic is not a .22.Rubbish will hurt the environment andfrom the parks natural beauty.23.Bob has seen lots of litter in some of the neighbourhoo

7、ds .24.The public place wouldif everyone dropped rubbish there.25.On Bob and Jessies way home,theyll walk past a rubbish bin near the.Part 2 Phonetics,Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分语音、语法和词汇).Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共20分)26.Which of the following words is pronounced /privent/?A)presentB)pretend

8、C)preventD)pleastl27.Emma,an actress,has become a superstar because ofhard work and talent.A)sheB)herC)hersD)herself28.We communicateeach other in many ways,such as by e-mail or by phone.A)onB)throughC)inD)with29.I couldnt get muchof the exhibition of clean-energy products from the website.A)newsB)p

9、hotosC)postersD)advertisements30.beautifully little Simon dances in front of the camera!A)WhatB)What aC)HowD)How a31.Davids responses werethan anyone elses and he won the competition.A)quickB)quickerC)quickestD)the quickest32.Look!Theyabout the solution to the network problems again.A)argueB)are arg

10、uingC)arguedD)were arguing33.The host told a joke at the party and made the guestsa lot.A)laughB)laughingC)to laughD)laughed34.Would you mindcare of my pet fish while Im away on holiday?A)takeB)takenC)to takeD)taking35.By the end of last month,Janeenough money for the poor sick boy.A)raisedB)would r

11、aiseC)had raisedD)has raised36.Frank held his breaththe water to search for his ring in the swimming pool.A)atB)byC)overD)under37.Worries in lifeif you speak out to your close friend.A)will reduceB)were reducingC)will be reducedD)were reduced38.According to the rule,used batteriesbe dropped in the r

12、ed bin for harmful wastes.A)mustB)needC)canD)may39.Benjamin has learned that it is not polite to makefun of others.A)aB)anC)theD)/40.The New Year Concert was so amazing thatleft in the middle of it.nA)everybodyB)anybodyC)nobodyD)somebody41.There was something wrong with my car,I went to work by unde

13、rground.A)forB)soC)orD)but42.the journey was tiring,Jeff thought it was worth both the time and the money.A)AsB)SinceC)UnlessD)Although43.The climbers made a fire during the night in order to bein the mountain.A)safeB)safelyC)saveD)safe44.-There is an oil painting show of the city development.Shall

14、we go for it tomorrow?A)It doesnt matter.B)Great idea.C)Not at all.D)My45.-.-Come on!Just give it a try.A)Im afraid I cant ride the bike.B)Im sorry for breaking the window.C)Im glad to win first place.D)Im sure its bad for your eyes.Complete the following passage with the words in the box.Each can b

15、e used only once(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共8分)A)modernB)manageC)deliciousD)controlE)compareTechnology plays an important part in our daily life now.Yet not many of us will realizehow much we rely on it until we46our lives to those in the past.There was no47technology at that time,yet the items that people had were quite enough for them tolive their lives.Without necessary cooking tools,the people could still48to make their food asnice as our food today.Animal parts



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