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1、2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习第1部分基础知识考点Units35考点突破练新人教版选修(I).阅读理解AWeather experts said this year could be one of the strongest El Nino events in recorded history.El Nino means severe weather conditions in parts of the world.In eastern Africa,for example,Kenya and Uganda are preparing for possible flooding.Yet

2、 South Africa and Malawi are already dealing with extremely dry weather.El Nino is Spanish for “the child”It usually begins in December,near the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.In fact,the weather event was named in his honor.El Nino develops when winds off the west coast of South America w

3、eaken.This permits warm water in the western Pacific to expand toward the east and the Americas.At the same time,clouds and rain over the warm water move east,too.El Nino conditions normally appear only about twice every 10 years.Usually,El Nino conditions continue for about 12 to 18 months.They bri

4、ng warm weather to some areas.These areas bee wetter than normal,while others bee drier.The United Nations Childrens Fund warns that many people are at risk from hunger,disease and water shortages resulting from El Nino.In east and southern Africa up to 11 million children could be affected.East Afr

5、ican countries usually experience heavy rainfall during the El Nino.Southern Africa usually has little rainfall,which may lead to wildfires or drought (干旱)Weather changes caused by El Nino depend on the strength of the condition.In the early 1980s,strong El Nino was linked to dry weather in Australi

6、a and Asia,rain and flooding in South America and high temperatures in many parts of the US.Ten years later,smaller El Nino caused trouble in parts of the US.It caused severe floods in the Southeast and the Middle West.Tom Di Leberto is a meteorologist (气象学家) at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric

7、Administration in Washington,D.C.He said this year could be the third strongest El Nino on record.But we will not know for sure until all the weather records are examined.【语篇解读】本文是说明文,题材为科普环保类。气象专家表示今年可能经历有记录以来最为强烈的厄尔尼诺之一。1The author writes the text to tell us_Amany countries are preparing for the i

8、ng floodsBAfrica will probably suffer a lot from this years El NinoCthis year could be one of the strongest El Nino on recordD11 million children could be affected by this years El Nino答案C目的意图题。通读全文可知,本文主要向读者介绍气象专家表示今年可能经历有记录以来最为强烈的厄尔尼诺之一。2The second paragraph is mainly about_Awhat El Nino actually

9、meansBhow El Nino es into beingCwhen El Nino will occur next timeDwhy El Nino causes weather changes答案B细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知,本段主要向读者介绍厄尔尼诺现象是如何形成的。3Which of the following countries often suffers from flooding caused by El Nino?AKenya. BMalawi.CAustralia. DSouth Africa.答案A细节理解题。根据文章第一段In eastern Africa,for

10、 example,Kenya and Uganda are preparing for possible flooding及第三段East African countries usually experience heavy rainfall during the El Nino可知,东部非洲国家通常在厄尔尼诺期间遭受暴雨。肯尼亚和乌干达正在准备迎接可能到来的洪水。4The author mentioned the 1980s El Nino and the 1990s El Nino to_Aexplain why so many countries were affected by El

11、NinoBprove weather changes caused by El Nino depend on its strengthCargue that El Nino conditions usually appear about twice every 10 yearsDshow scientists doubt whether this year will have the strongest El Nino答案B推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知,厄尔尼诺导致的气候变化取决于该现象的强度。之后又举例说明了这一点,故选B。BNearly everyone has bad habits.

12、Thats because,try as we might,bad habits are hard to break.On the other side,good habits,such as eating more healthfully or exercising regularly,never seem to stick.As a result,most people throw up their hands and surrenderBut now a new book,Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday L

13、ives by best-selling author Gretchen Rubin,offers some useful solutions.Rubin,who became interested in habits during her research on happiness,which resulted in two popular books,The Happiness Project (xx) and Happier at Home (xx),found that our inability to master unwanted behaviors was a major dow

14、ner (令人沮丧的因素)So,after guiding millions of readers down the path of true contentedness,Rubin turned her investigative skills toward habits.Her most important find? Change is possible if we do some soul searching and identify how we respond to expectations.And,just about everybody falls into one of fo

15、ur personality categories:Questioners,Obligers,Rebels and Upholders.Rubin believes herself to be a classic Upholder,someone who forms habits relatively easily because she responds well to both other peoples deadlines and her own.As to the other types,Questioners will only form a habit if it makes se

16、nse to them; Obligers work hard to meet other peoples expectations but often let themselves down.And Rebels resent (反感) habits.“Think about the habit that you want to form and then think: Whats everything I could do to set myself up for success?” says Rubin.For example,if you want to exercise more and youre an Obliger,call your frien



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