2019-2020年高中英语 Unit5 Reading 2教案 新人教版必修5.doc

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1、2019-2020年高中英语 Unit5 Reading 2教案 新人教版必修5一、Reading prehending:1. Finish Part1 on page 382. Where can you most probably read this passage? A. A magazine B. A newspaper C. A report D. A website3. According to the passage written in black, what question word can be used?4. Guess the meaning of the follo

2、wing words: (1) was presented with (2) recognize (3) scene (4) reception二、plete the following exercises and have a summary:1. honour:(1) I feel highly _ to have been invited to your wedding. (honour)(2) A ceremony _ those killed in battle will be held next month.A. in need of B. in face of C. in hon

3、our of D. in charge of(3) At any time we should fight _ our motherland and ourselves. (为、荣誉)(4) It is _ to be chosen as a representative at the graduation meeting. (极大的荣幸)2. present:(1) Those _ at my birthday party, please arrive at seven oclock.A. present B. attend C. absent D. to present(2) Im afr

4、aid that I can not help _.(目前)(3) He admired my old typewriter so much, so I made him a _ of it.A. present B. photo C. model D. copy(4) The retiring chairman _ a set of stamps by his colleagues.A. was presented with B. was presented to C. presented D. presented with= Colleagues _ a set of stamps _ t

5、he retiring chairman.(5) She _ her idea for a new production at the last sales meeting.A. furnished B. provided C. presented D. equipped3. recognize:(1) Having listened a long while, he recognized the music.(2) Many countries recognized the new government.(3) The government recognized his outstandin

6、g service by giving him a medal.4. scene:Who saw the _ of the traffic accident with his eyes?A. view B. scene C. sight D. scenery5. cut off: (cut in; cut down; cut up; cut in)(1) His wage was _ because he was often late.(2) He was too careless that he had a finger _ by a machine while working.(3) He

7、 _ those potatoes and prepared for dinner.(4) If people keep on _ trees, we will have no trees sooner or later.(5) I was driving at a regular speed when a police car _.6. It is that:(1) It was in the park _ Tom lost his watch. A. that B. which C. where D. in which(2) _ you want me to do?A. Is it wha

8、t that B. What is it that C. What does D. What is it(3) It was not until she had arrived home _ her appointment with the doctor.A. when she remembered B. and she remembered C. did she remember D. that she remembered (4) It was midnight _ I got home yesterday.A. that B. when C. since D. beforeHow lon

9、g is it _ we last spent the holiday in the country together.A. before B. when C. since D. that(5) It was _ he had done for the wounded woman _ made a great difference to her life.A. that that B. what that C. which what D. whatwhat(6) - What did she want to know, Tom? - She wondered _we could plete t

10、he experiment.A. when was it B. it was when that C. it was when D. when it was that(7) It was on the farm _ he spent his childhood _he learned how to grow vegetable. A. where; that B. which; when C. that; that D. which; which7. Im proud of what I did but I was just doing what Id been taught.=I _ _ i

11、n what I did but I was just doing what Id been taught.8. It is (There is): _no need to help those who lose confidence in themselves._no wonder that you are feeling tired, for you stay up too late most of nights._ no possibility that a person can live without water for ten days._ no doubt that his im

12、mediate first aid saved the injured in the accident.9. _number of graduates this year reach 450 million, so _ number of them will face more difficulties to seek a proper job. (a, the)10. - Can you fetch me a bandage please? - Yes, if I can _one. (找到)11. It shows _ knowledge of first aid can _. (这表明了

13、解急救会发挥重要作用)12. When _ his students, Professor Smith was awarded together. (congratulate)The exhibition is more interesting that _. (expect)He opened his lips as if _ (speak)13. apply:(1) This rule can be applied to all the cases.(2) People suffering from the food can apple to the government for fina

14、ncial help.(3) We have been applying ourselves to going over lessons so as to get a more satisfying mark.参考答案:一、1. 6261735 2. B 3. who; what; where; when; why4. (1) 授予 (2) 表扬 (3) 现场 (4) 接待二、1. (1) honored (2) C (3) for the honour of (4) a great honour2. (1) A (2) at present (3) A (4) A ; presented to (5) C3. (1) 识别出 (2) 承认 (3) 表扬4. B5. (1) cut down (2) cut off (3) cut up (4) cutting down (5) cut in6. (1) A (2) B (3) D (4) BC (5) B (6) D (7) A7. take pride of 8. There is; It is; There is; There is9. The; a10. put my hands on11. a;


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