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1、 谋学网16():100 :100 ( 4 , 40 )1. Children in the United States are exposed to many influences other than that of their families. Television is the most significant of these influences, because the habit of watching television usually begins before children start attending school.Parents are concerned

2、about the lack of quality in television programs for children. The degree of violence in many of these shows also worries them. Studies indicate that, when children are exposed to violence, they many become aggressive or insecure.Parents are also concerned about the commercials that their children s

3、ee on television. Many parents would like to see fewer commercials during programs for children. And some parents feel that these shows should not have any commercials at all because young minds are not mature enough to deal with the claims made by advertisers.Educational television has no commercia

4、ls and has programs for children that many parents approve of. The most famous of these is Sesame Street, which tries to give preschool children a head start in learning the alphabet () and numbers. It also tries to teach children useful things about the world in which they live.Even though most par

5、ents and educators give Sesame Street and shows like it high marks for quality, some critics argue that all television, whether educational or not, is harmful to children. These critics feel that the habit of watching hours of television every day turns children into bored and passive () consumers o

6、f their world rather than encouraging them to become active explorers of it. 1). Which of the following statements is NOT based on-the passage? A. Parents are worried about the influence from television on their children. B. Television has much influence on children. C. Both parents and their childr

7、en like watching educational television. D. Some critics think that television is no good for children. 2 2). In what ways do children suffer from television? A. They become the victims of social violence. B. They spend hours watching television instead of doing school work. C. The programs make the

8、 children lose interest in the world. D. The programs make the children spend too much of their parents money. 2 3). Parents would not like their children to see commercials because _ . A. they think that their children are not old enough to handle advertising B. commercials teach children alphabet

9、and numbers C. commercials help to sell products D. they dont like commercials 2 4). Educational television is widely appreciated because _ . A. it does have the same commercials as others B. it offers programs for both children and their parents C. many parents like the programs it offers for their

10、 children D. children can learn some school subjects before they go to school 2 5). Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage? A. Watching Too Much Television May Be Harmful-to Young Minds B. Television Is More Harmful than Educational C. Televisions Influence on Children D.

11、More Education Television 2 :1).C2).C3).A4).C5).C2. Acting is such an over-crowded profession that the only advice that should be given to a young person thinking of going on the stage is Dont! But it is useless to try to discourage someone who feels that he must act, although the chances of his bec

12、oming famous are slim. The normal way to begin is to go to a drama school. Usually only students who show promise and talent are accepted, and the course lasts two years. Then the young actor or actress takes up work with a theatrical company (), usually as an assistant stage manager. This means doi

13、ng everything that there is to do in the theatre and occasionally acting in very small parts. It is very hard work indeed, the hours are long and the salary is tiny.Of course, some people have remarkable chances which lead to fame and success without this long and hard training. Connie Pratt, for ex

14、ample, was just an ordinary girl working in a bicycle factory. A film producer happened to catch sight of her one morning waiting at a bus stop, as he drove past in his car. He stopped and got out to speak to the girl. He asked if she would like to go to the film studio to do a test, and she thought

15、 he was joking. Then she got angry and said she would call the police. It took the producer twenty minutes to convince Connie that he was serious. The test was successful. And within a few weeks she was playing the leading part opposite one of the most famous actors of the day. But chances like this happen once in a blue moon! 1). From the very beginning, the author puts it clearly that acting is a profession _


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