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1、2019-2020年八年级英语试卷(无答案)I听句子,选择适当答语。(5分)( )1. A. I often go to the movies. B.I hardly ever watch TVC.I go shopping once a week.( )2. A. Two hours B. Every day C. Yes, he does( )3. A. Id like something to drink. B.I usually go shopping C.I have a cold.( )4. A. She should go to see a dentist. B. She sho

2、uld have a good rest.C. She should go to bed.( )5. A. At eight oclock. B. By bike.C. It takes twenty minutes.II听对话,根据对话内容选择正确答案。(5分)( )6.A.Because shes studying. B. Because shes going to the hospital. C. Because shes visiting her aunt.( )7.A. Rainy B. Sunny C. Cloudy.( ) 8.A.On Friday B. On Saturday

3、 C. On Sunday( )9. A. Be the same as her. B. Be funny C. Be popular( )10.A.Terrible B. Good C. Great.III听句子,选出与所听句子内容相符的图片。(5分)11_ 12_ 13_ 14_ 15_IV听短文,根据短文内容完成表格。(5分)Information CardChinese name: Wu Peng English name: PeterFrom: 16_Be good at: 17_How he goes to school: 18_What he does every Saturda

4、y: 19_Where hes going next week:20_笔试部分(100分)V、根据提示,填上适当的词语(5分)21. What do you usually do on _(周末)? 22. He tries to eat a lot of _ (蔬菜)every week. 23. Im sorry to _ (听到)that youre not feeling well. 24. Did you write a(n) _(日记) yesterday?25. I dont have _(足够的) money for the car.VI用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)

5、26. They decided _ (go) on vacation yesterday evening.27. Are you as _ (hard-working) as your best friend?28. Our class _ (win) the basketball game yesterday.29. My father plays basketball _ (two) a week.30. He _ (watch) TV every night.VII单项选择。(20分)( )31. -_ did you go last Saturday? - I went to Hua

6、ng Mountain.A. What B. played C. where D. Which( ) 32. Tony _ football every weekend when he was young.A. plays B. played C. is playing D. was playing( )33.Did you hear of _ about him? - No, I didnt. A. anyone special B. anything special C.special anyone D.special anything( ) 34.Next week is _ for m

7、e, I have no time to go to the park.A. free B. full C. fine D. far( ) 35.-What day is it today? -_ it is Friday.A. May B.May be C.Maybe D.About( )36.He went to the zoo five _ last year. And he had a good _.A. time; time B.time;times C.times;times D.times;time( )37.Mr. Liu is good _the Children.A. at

8、 B. with C. for D.in( )38.I dont really care my friends are similar _ me or different _ me.A.as;from B.to;from C.as;with D.to;with( )39.It is _ in Hainan than in Beijing in summer.A. hot B.hotter C.hoter D.hottest( )40.Who ran _ of all in the sports meeting? -Hector did, I think.A.fast B.faster C.th

9、e fastest D.more fast( )41Could you go to the movies with me tonight? -_ .A.Yes,I couldnt B.Thank you C.No problem D.No,I dont( )42.- _ do you _ Guangming Cinema? - It is very fantastic.A.How;think B.What;think of C.What;like D.How;think of( )43.What do you _ soap operas? - I love them.A.like B.love

10、 C.think D.think of( )44.Lin Tao is a funny boy.He always tells us _ to make us laugh.A.stories B.photos C.jokes D.dreams( )45.Mary felt very sad because she _ her new bike.A.found B.lost C. made D.stood( )46.Speak aloud, please! I can_ hear you.A .usually B .almost C .hardly D . nearly( )47.Toms fr

11、iends like to do the same things as he _.A .do B .is C .does D .did( )48.Carls parents made him_ his homework at home.A .do B .did C .to do D .does( )49.This room is_ for 100 people to have a meeting in.A .enough big B .small enoughC .enough small D .big enough( )50.This movie is terrible. I cant _

12、it.A .see B .mind C .find D .standVIII. 情景交际 完成对话,从方框中选出恰当的选项补全对话(5分)W: Hi, Alex! Did you have a great vacation? M: Yes, I did. A. It was cool and cloudy. B. Did you go with anyone? C. Did you go there by train? D. How did you like the people there? E. When did you go there? F. It was clean. G. Where did you go?W: (51)_M: I went to Beijing. W: (52)_M: Last Saturday. W: (53)_M: Yes. I went with my cousins Peter and Bill. W: How was the weather there? M: (54)_W: Did you eat anything special there? M: Yes. We ate Beijing duck. W: (55)_M


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