book3unit1 阅读和写作教案

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1、Unit1 Festivals around the world课题: Reading and Writing科目: 英语班级: 高一( )课时:第 课时 教师:单位: 一、教学内容分析Reading部分主要讲述发生在情人节的一个伤心的爱情故事。故事中有穿插一个“乞巧节”的传说。阅读后的讨论不但帮助学生理解文章的主旨大意,更重要的是让学生学会寻求解决问题的方法,准备在教学中作为学生自己阅读教材,培养学生的自学阅读能力。Writing主要是要求学生根据上面阅读文章的内容写一个与文章结尾不同的结局,让学生通过思考写出自己的思想、自己的做法,尝试自己解决问题。二、教学目标1. Knowledge a

2、ims: Students master the key words and expressions of the text, such as remind ,apologize, turn up, keep ones word, hold ones breath, set off and so on Let students learn about the romantic legend of Niulang and Zhinv.2. Skill aims: Students make a progress in reading skills, including skimming and

3、scanning; Students learn the structure of narrative and learn how to organize narrative writing.3. Emotional aims: Develop students sense of cooperative learning; Stimulate students love for the Chinese traditional culture.三、学生特征分析四、教学策略选择与设计1采用任务型教学途径,让学生确实学到知识。 2指导学生自主学习,通过查字典和相关资料培养学生信息收集和自主学习的能力

4、。3采用多媒体ppt教学,让知识主观易懂。五、教学重点及难点1. Develop students reading skills, especially the ability to find out detailed information and writing ability.2. Get the students involved in teaching activities and practice more in reading and writing.六、教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计说明Step 1 Leading in by brainstorming(1min.)Te

5、acher ask questions:Have you read any sad love stories? What are they? ( Romeo and Juliet, .)Do you know the Valentines Day?Discuss in groups and answer the question.活跃课堂气氛,使学生学习进入目标内容。Step 2 Reading1. Task one: fast reading (2min.) (1)Ask students to skim the text and answer the following questions

6、: How many love stories are mentioned in this text? What are they? Which paragraphs talk about QiQiao Festival?(1) skim the text and answer the questions 速度课文,浏览大意,回答问题,培养学生快速阅读并获取要点的能力。Step 2 Reading2. Task two: detailed reading(20min.-25min.)(1)Ask students to read Para.3-4 carefully and fill the

7、blanks: Zhinv, the _weaving_ girl, the most lovely of the daughters, visited the earth and met Niulang, the herd boy. They fell in love , married secretly and were very happy. The Goddess of Heaven got so angry that she forced Zhinu back to Heaven . Niulang tried to follow her but was stopped by the

8、 Milky way. Thus, the couple were separated. The Goddess of Heaven allowed the couple to meet once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month when magpies made a bridge of their wings. (2) Ask students questions about when, where, what, how, why happened in the story, then the teacher indu

9、ces the elements of a narrative ( when, where,who, what, how,why happened and the result) and the structure of a narrative (introduction, development, climax, ending). (3) Read the story about Li Fang and Hu Jin and answer questions.Q1. Why did Li Fang feel like a fool?Q2. How did Li Fang know the m

10、anager wanted to shut the coffee shop?Q3. What is the reason why Li Fang and Hu JIn did not meet on time?Q4. Why was Li Fang so worried at the end of the story? (4) Remind students to pay attention to the elements of a narrative and fill in a form about the structure of Li Fangs story. Keys for refe

11、rence: 1) Li Fang felt like a fool because he thought that he was waiting without hope. 2) The manager wiped the tables, and then sat down and turned on the TV.3) They didnt meet on time because Li Fang waited in the coffee shop while Hu Jin in the tea shop. 4) He was worried because he had thrown a

12、way the roses and chocolates .Who: Li Fang and Hu Jin When: On Valentines Day Where: At the coffee shopWhat happened: Li Fang waited Hu Jin to celebrate the Valentines Day, but she didnt turn up. How (feel): sadWhy happened: They have misunderstanding of the meeting place. Li Fang went to the coffee

13、 shop while Hu Jin waited in the tea shop.The result: Li Fang was worried that Hu Jin would never forgive him.仔细阅读课文,了解文章内容Step 2 Reading3. Task three: group work (8min.-10min.) Ask students to read the story about Li Fang again and discuss what will happen to Li Fang and Hu Jin. Try to write a happ

14、y ending of the story and share it with the whole class. Think of how Li Fang will explain that the flowers and chocolates are gone. Think of what Hu Jin will say when she hears that news.续写文章结尾Step 3 Important language points(10min.)1. But she didnt turn up.2. She said she would be there at seven o

15、clock, and he thought she would keep her word.3. .he was not going to hold his breath for her to apologize.4. He would drown his sadness in coffee.5. It was obvious that the manage of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave - he wiped the table, then sat down and turned on the TV- just what Li Fang needed.6. Finding that Zhinv was hear-broken.7. As Li Fang set off for home.8. I dont want them remind me of her.Review the Words and expressions.复习重点单词和词组续写结尾Homework (1min.


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