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1、.英 语时量:80分钟 总分:100分将答案写在答题卡上一、单选题(15)1. The underlined part in the word “lived” is pronounced as _.A. tB. d C. IdD. It2. Is tea ready? No, mother is _ it ready now.A. doingB. cookingC. burningD. getting3. Alice had a wonderful time yesterday, _?A. hadnt sheB. wasnt sheC. didnt sheD. wouldnt she4. _

2、we deal with our problems, we can easily become unhappy. A. UnlessB. UntilC. ThoughD. Whether5. There are many people downstairs. What do you think _?A. to happenB. happening C. is happenedD. has happened 6. _ is her daughter? The girl on the right wearing blue jeans.A. WhoB. WhatC. WhichD. Where7.

3、Im feeling much better now so you _ call the doctor.A. couldntB. wouldntC. cantD. neednt 8. I am thirsty. Could you let me have _ coke?A. littleB. anyC. someD. other9. Remember to spend some time _ your loved ones, because theyre not going to bearound forever.A. fromB. withC. inD. on10. Eton College

4、 in England was _ in 1440 by King Henry VI to give free education to来源:Zxxk.Compoor students.A. cleaned upB. set upC. fixed upD. cheered up11. You cant wake a person _ is pretending to be asleep. A. whoB. whichC. heD. 不填12. Im leaving now. _ you turn off the lights.A. To make sureB. Make sureC. Made

5、 sureD. Making sure13. Many teenagers have hobbies. But sometimes these hobbies can get _ of schoolwork.A. on the wayB. by the wayC. in the wayD. out of the way14. How long have you been collecting shells? _.A. After I left school B. Before I moved hereC. When I went to the beach D. Since I was ten

6、years old15. Will you be able to come and help us clean the room? _, but Im doing my homework.A. Id love toB. I hope notC. I do care D. Im afraid not 二、完形填空(30)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。About a week ago, when I was playing basketball at our local park, I noticed a small group of bo

7、ys picking on a smaller, skinnier boy. They were 16 him names and even pushed him to the ground and kicked dirt in his face. 17 I saw that, I walked over to the group.I stepped 18 them and the smaller boy, and asked them politely what this boy had done worthy of 19 they were doing to him. One of the

8、 boys replied, “Hes weird.” At that, I asked one of the boys if he thought his friend was weird, and the 20 was “No.” So, I asked another boy what the word “weird” 21 , and he said, “Different.” That was my cue(暗示). I told them that everyone is 22 , and that they all looked just as different to the

9、other boy as he did to them. They all stood 23 for a moment, and then the most amazing thing happened. One of the boys helped the small boy off the ground and then said sorry to him. He 24 to let him play with them.I thanked the boy for being so 25 . As I looked around, I realized that there were do

10、zens of other people at the park 26 no one else had stopped to help this boy. I felt happy that the boy was strong enough to stand up against his friends to 27 someone in need, but I felt sad that 28 else had even taken a second look.I hope that my action helped them 29 that they could have made a d

11、ifference with a little 30 , and maybe next time they will be the ones who choose to help.16. A. givingB. makingC. callingD. telling17. A. WhenB. BeforeC. IfD. Though18. A. againstB. betweenC. besideD. with19. A. howB. whyC. whomD. what20. A. guessB. signC. problemD. answer21. A. readB. provedC. mea

12、ntD. wrote22. A. differentB. freeC. importantD. strong23. A. angrily B. silentlyC. carefullyD. happily24. A. refusedB. expectedC. offeredD. prepared25. A. proudB. cleverC. honestD. patient26. A. orB. soC. andD. but27. A. help B. stopC. loveD. remember28. A. someoneB. anyoneC. no oneD. everyone29. A.

13、 decideB. realizeC. suggestD. agree30. A. energyB. practiceC. knowledge D. effort三、阅读理解(40)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。AWhen I was seven years old my mom was diagnosed(诊断) with cancer. The doctors told us my mom might be saved with surgery(手术). But it could also kill her. She chose to have it.

14、The day before the surgery I was off school, and my mom planned the best day of my life, everything I loved at seven and everything that would put a smile on my face. The day began with her waking me up saying, “Kate, I have a surprise for you. Come and see.” The surprise was a doll I had wanted for the longest time. Throughout the day, she told me everything that she thought I would need to know to grow up and be a good person; she told me to be the best I could be and that I would always make her proud. We had a picnic in the park, and it was so cold that we moved to the car. The day was f



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