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1、新闻英语:亲切接见 Meets with 汉语教师志愿者 Volunteer Chinese Language Teachers 到访 paid a visit to 关切询问 kindly inquired about their work and living conditions 崇高 admirable job noble 我对你们的两个 崇高 致以崇高的敬意 pay high tribute to your hard work. 让友谊深深扎根在两国人民心中。 Let friendship is deeply rooted in the hearts of both peoples.

2、 积极参与了接待工作 participated in the reception 他们认真负责、 恪尽职守, 圆满完成了各项任务, 受到了各方的好评。 Responsible and dutiful, all of them successfully accomplished all the tasks and their work was well-received. 中共中央政治局委员 member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee 中宣部部长 head of the Publicity Department of t

3、he CPCCC 率团访问 along with the delegation led by him 国家新闻出版广电总局蒋建国书记 Secretary of the State General Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television sinologist n. 汉学家,研究中国文化者symposium n. 讨论会,座谈会;专题论文集;酒宴,宴会calligraphy 墨宝孔子学院总干事 Chief Executive of Confucius Institute Headquarters and Di

4、rector-General of Hanban 共同签署了双方合作设立河内大学孔子学院的协议 signed the agreement of jointly establishing the Confucius Institute at 出席开幕式并致辞 attended and addressed the ceremony. 肯塔基州 Kentucky 双边贸易快速增长 bilateral ( ,ba ?l? t?r?l) trade with China has been expanding over these years 孔子学院生逢其时 establishment of Confu

5、cius Institutes is ideally timed to meet their needs 中国政府十分重视和美国的关系 Chinese government always places a premium on the relations between China and the US attaches great importance to friendly relations and cooperation with your country 大力支持孔子学院发展 ,特别是孔子学院在美国的发展。 fully supports the development of Conf

6、ucius Institutes, the ones in the US in particular. 汉语教学车 Chinese-teaching touring bus 合办汉语师范专业 on the opening of pedagogical ( adj. 教育学的;教学法的)majors in Chinese language teaching 实施孔子新汉学教学计划 implementation of Confucius China Study Plan and so forth 专注于 devoted to 杂志英语:不到长城非好汉 You are not a real man

7、unless you reach the Great Wall. 共同出席签署合作协议 attend a ceremony to sign the collaboration agreement on the joint establishment of 在 共同见证 In the presence of 圣奥古斯丁分校将为孔子学院提供专用教学和办公大楼及多媒体教室, 并拟在孔子学院内设立汉语语言部和当代中国研究部, 面向在校学生和社会群体开展汉语强化、特色汉语等汉语教学活动,并以讲座、研讨等方式推动中国文化传播。UWI St. Augustine will build a Chinese L

8、anguage Department and a Contemporary China Studies Centre within the Confucius Institute and will make provisions for dedicated (专门的 )multi-media classrooms and office buildings for the Institute, with the aim of promoting Chinese culture by offering, among other things, lectures and seminars in in

9、tensive and speciality Chinese to campus students and community members.(社会群体)签字仪式 signing ceremony 谅解备忘录 Memorandums of Understanding between on柬埔寨 Cambodian 首都金边 Phnom Penh 围绕可持续发展 focus on sustainable development of 中国已成为促进全球经济发展的重要经济实体 China has become an important economic entity in promoting w

10、orld economic development 许琳说, 亚洲孔子学院发展呈现三大特点, 一是办学规模显著增长; 二是办学条件不断改善, 师资队伍不断壮大; 三是文化活动内容丰富, 社会影响力不断提高。在今后的发展中, 孔子学院将注重教材和师资力量的本土化, 继续稳步前行, 进一步成为各国家地区与中国开展语言和文化交流的重要平台。 Xu Lin said that three major characteristics have emerged in the development of Confucius Institutes in Asia. First, student enrolm

11、ent(登记、入学 ) has grown phenomenally( adv. 现象上地;明白地;从感官认识到) ; second, teaching facilities have improved steadily and teaching staff have increased constantly; third, with a rich variety of cultural activities, the influence of the institutes on local society is becoming ever stronger. In future, Confu

12、cius Institutes will focus on training local teachers, compiling( 编辑;收集 )local Chinese textbooks and growing steadily to form a better platform for language and culture exchanges between China and other countries.揭牌仪式 unveiling ceremony 开设 90 所孔子学院和 49 个孔子课堂 set up 召集召唤 举办 convene 欧洲大学之母 birthplace

13、of European universities 前总理 Former Italian Prime Minister 中国驻意大利大使丁伟 Chinese ambassador to Italy Ding Wei, 校长 Rector 嘉宾 honoured guests 所孔子学院 (课堂) 所在大中学校校长 local co-directors of 72 Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms, 互相交流办学经验 shared their experience of running the institutes and classroo

14、ms and discussed the future development of Confucius 关于 In reference to 高度赞扬有着深厚文化底蕴的欧洲各合作院校在发展各地孔子学院过程中所表现出的热情与智慧, 表示下一阶段将同欧洲各国院校一起加强汉学研究, 联合培养高端人才, 突出各地孔院发展特色, 同时注重对欧洲孔院本土教师的培养和聘用。 In reference to the European partner institutions, she spoke highly of their rich cultural heritage and their enthusi

15、asm and wisdom in forming and developing their local Confucius Institutes. She indicated that Confucius Institute Headquarters will work together with its European partners to strengthen Chinese studies, develop high calibre( k? l?b?水准 ) students, highlight( 突出) and develop local characteristics of

16、Confucius Institutes, and focus on the recruitment(聘用) and development of local teachers in European Confucius Institutes. 发挥基础性作用 play a fundamental role 孔子学院所推动的文化交流, 也将为欧中加强科学和技术等领域的合作发挥基础性作用。 Carrozza pointed out that the cultural exchange promoted by Confucius Institutes would play a fundamental role in reinforcingSino-Europea(中欧) ncollaboration in science, technology and other fields. 激情洋溢 shouted the enthusiastic 选手: contestants 从海外预赛中脱颖而出 distinguished themsel


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