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1、 “教学中的互联网搜索”小学英语教案设计 一、 教案背景1,面向学生:小学 2,学科:英语2,课时:4 本课为第一课时3,课前准备: 课件,单词、句式卡片及相关实物等二、 教学目标牛津小学英语3A Unit7 Its nice1. 会读、会拼写单词 shirt, blouse, jacket, sweater。2. 会说句型 Look at my/his/her 并用Its nice. Its smart. Its pretty.等来进行回答。3. 复习句型This is / Thats 三、 教材分析本课教学内容为江苏版小学牛津英语3A第七单元第一教时,教学内容主要以A部分的课文为主,结合了

2、4个服装类单词和3个物主代词的学习。本课内容紧贴学生生活实际,新授内容多,因此,在教学时进行了如下的设计。1. 利用多媒体课件进行教学,以丰富语言情景和操练形式,节约教学时间,扩大课堂教学信息量。2.采用游戏活动的教学方式,激发学生学习兴趣和参与活动的积极性。3.采用小组活动方式,给每个学生以均等的学习机会。4.充分利用实物和图片等直观教具,更好地帮助学生学习和理解英语知识。5.采用融词于句的整体教学方式,并充分结合学生的生活实际,使学习内容更为丰实、有趣。四、 教学方法情境教学,合作教学,任务型教学五、 教学过程Step1: Warm upT:Im Miss Xu. Im your new

3、teacher. I want to know something about you, OK?T: Whats your name? S: Im xxx.T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you,too.T: Oh, you are a smart /a pretty girl. (在和学生操练时用You are a smart boy.You are a pretty girl.来进行表扬。)(设计与评析:这一环节可以拉近和学生的距离,增进师生之间的感情,并且为下面单词smart和pretty的教学做好铺垫。)2. 1)T: Lets play a g

4、ame, listen and do. Show me your ruler/rubber() Now lets sing a song “ My nice ruler”. OK?2)出示幻灯片:Thats my T: Thats my Who can say like this? 3) 幻灯片出示This is myT: This is my ruler, thats my rubber. Who can say like this? (设计与评析:歌曲的运用有利于营造轻松愉快的英语学习氛围,同时自然引出句式This is my和Thats my,用学生的文具用品进行操练,更好地贴近生活实际

5、,激发了学生说练英语的兴趣)Step2: Presentation1. a shirt1)T:Now Ill tell you something about me . I like drawing. Look ,Whats this? (用简笔画引出单词shirt并朗读)2) T: Who has a shirt , please stand up. Ss: (引导学生说) Shirt, shirt, my shirt.3) T: (指一个学生说) Shirt, shirt, his shirt.Ss: Shirt, shirt, his shirt.(Ss指向S1,齐说,幻灯片出示my,

6、his并领读)4) Say a rhyme:Shirt, shirt , my shirt.Shirt, shirt, his shirt.2. a blouse1) T: Now I will go on drawing.(引出 a blouse)2) Read after the teacher: blouse3) T: blouse, blouse, my blouse , who can say?S1:blouse, blouse, my blouse4) S1:blouse, blouse, my blouseT: blouse , blouse, her blouse.Ss: bl

7、ouse, blouse, her blouse (Ss指向S1,齐说,幻灯片出示her并领读)5) Say a rhyme:Blouse, blouse, my blouse.Blouse, blouse, her blouse.(设计与评析:用简笔画的方式引出shirt和blouse这两个单词的教学,容易吸引学生的注意力,将单词编入相应的儿歌,可以增强学生的记忆,更好地理解物主代词his,her的用法)3. sweater1) T: Now lets play a game: Magic eyes(引出单词sweater的学习)2) T: sweater, sweater, my swea

8、ter.S1:sweater, sweater, my sweater.(设计与评析:在用简笔画引出前面两个单词后,为了持续吸引学生的注意力,用 Magic eyes的方式引出sweater, 这样既能复习前面学的两个单词,又能很自然的引出新单词。)3) 出示幻灯片两幅图:一男生穿着毛衣,另一幅是一女生穿着毛衣。学生看图练说:sweater, sweater, his/her sweater4. jacket1) T: Now lets play a guessing game: Look! This is yang yang. Whats behind yang yang?S: Its a(

9、shirt, sweater, blouse,引出单词jacket的学习) (设计与评析:通过“猜一猜”活动,巩固前面已经学的3个单词,并自然引出单词jacket的学习。)2) Read: jacket3) T: Jacket, jacket, my jacket.S1: Jacket, jacket, my jacket.4) T: Now lets play a guessing game: “his or her?”(幻灯片出现一男生、一女生和一件茄克衫,让学生猜“his jacket ”or “her jacket?”)5) (先点击一下jacket,让jacket分别飞到男、女孩身上

10、)Read: Jacket, jacket, his jacket.Jacket, jacket, her jacket.(设计与评析:利用课件让学生来猜his or her,能较好地突出难点的教学,让学生在猜测中体会了两个物主代词的正确运用。)5. Practice1) Read the words: my, his, her2) Look and say the three words quickly.(教师出示三个单词的中文或英文卡片,让学生快速说英语单词)Step31. T: Lets have a rest. Lets watch a video. Look! Whats this?

11、 Its a moon.Look at the moon. Lets say a rhyme: Look at the moon. Like a big balloon. So round and so bright. In the sky at night. (边说诗歌边配上动作,引出look at的学习)2. look at(read and act: look at)(设计与评析:一首英语儿歌可缓解学生开始疲惫的神经,同时很自然地引出look at的学习,配上夸张的动作练习look at,使学生容易理解单词的含义,并增强学生学习的兴趣。)3. 1)T:Now look at me. (师

12、拿起一件好看的衣服)Look at my Is it nice? Ss: (引导学生说)Its nice. (read: Its nice.)2)T: Now who can say “Look at my.”S1: Look at my Ss: Its nice.(S1-Ss 开火车练)4.1)T: Now look at the picture. This is Liu Tao.Look at his shirt.Ss:(引导学生说)Its nice.2)T: You can say “Its nice.”But I can say”Its smart.” (Read and act: I

13、ts smart.) 3) Practice:T: Look at his sweater.S1: Its smart.(T-S1, boys-girls)5.1)T: Now look at the picture. This is Yang Ling. Look at her blouse.Ss: (引导学生说)Its nice.2)T: You can say “Its nice.”But I can say”Its pretty.” (Read and act: Its pretty.)6. Practice:T: Look at her sweater.S1: Its pretty.

14、(T-S1,S1-S2, Group1-Group2)(设计与评析:评价语Its smart.和Its pretty.学生较难掌握,在教学时进行说做句子和高低声练习,能帮助学生较好地学会和理解这两个句子。)Step 4: Practice1. Read: Its nice. Its smart. Its pretty.(read and act)2. Look and say(看老师做动作,练说上面3个句子)3.Say a rhyme:Sweater, sweater, look at my sweater.Nice, nice, its nice.Shirt, shirt, look at

15、his shirt.Smart, smart, its smart.Blouse, blouse, look at her blouse. Pretty, pretty, its pretty.4.(幻灯分别出示三个单词:smart, pretty, nice, 在对应的单词下面出现男孩、女孩和男女孩图片,让学生从图片感知三个词的用法)T:Now lets have a look. nice: 意思是“好看的”, 中性词,用来形容人或物都可以。smart: 一般用来形容男孩子帅气。pretty: 一般用来形容女孩子漂亮。 (设计与评析:利用课件图片和文字解释方式让学生感知 nice ,smart, pretty三个单词的用法,比较形象,学生容易理解,较好地解决了教学难点)5. Look at the pictures, pratise like this:Look at his/her Its(in pairs, then check.)Step 5: Consolidati


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