2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit1 The written word课后达标检测24(含解析).doc

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1、2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit1 The written word课后达标检测24(含解析).单项填空1(xx郴州质检)The restaurant certainly lived up to its_;the food was delicious.AreputationBexhibitionCtendency Dtransformation2(xx高考天津卷)At our library there are bookshelves similar to _ mentioned in the speech.Athem Bthese Cthose Dones3It has bee

2、n revealed that some government leaders _ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.Aemploy BtakeCabuse Doverlook4(xx长沙模拟)Here are signs that he is _.Its a long time since he smoked.Achanging BimprovingCreforming Dvarying5The show was_ being a failure,but was a great success

3、.Afar from BnotCfar Dfar away 6Have you got used to the Chinese food,Robert?Yes,But I dont like _ when a Chinese host keeps serving me the food I dont like.Athis BthatCthose Dit7Having paid off all their _,the Blacks are now _ financial problems.Adebts;free of Bmoney;free ofCdebts;free from Dmoney;f

4、ree for8Having checked the doors were closed,and _ all the lights were off,the boy opened the door to his bedroom.Awhy BthatCwhen Dwhere 9(xx娄底高三调研)How was your interview for going abroad to study?Oh,I couldnt feel any _.I hardly understood most of the questions they asked.Aworse BharderChappier Dbe

5、tter10_ was most important to him was whether he could get the offer in the pany.AThose BThisCAs DWhat11The exam was easy,wasnt it?Yes,but I dont think _could pass it.Asomebody BanybodyCnobody Deverybody12(xx安徽江南十校联考)Well learn much from this failure,so our suffering and efforts are not _.Ain return

6、 Bin vainCat random Dat all costs13The money we are raising_ for the poor boy who was born with a weak heart.Aintended BintendsCwas intended Dis intended14Billy Crystal hosted the Academy Awards again this year,and his talks always _ the expectation of most audience.Aput up with Bend up withClive up

7、 to Dadd up to15If our parents would listen more to us,they would understand us better._.They just expect us to listen.AI believe not BNo problemCGood idea DI cant agree more.完形填空(xx湖南高考命题研究专家原创卷)A child lived in a happy family, with parents and sisters. However, he never thought about how _1_ his l

8、ife had been. He just kept on squabbling (争吵) with his sisters. When he wanted to _2_, he always said, “Never mind, theres tomorrow.”One day, he had a great _3_ with his best friend at school. Though he knew he was _4_, he never apologized actively. His _5_ was, “Never mind, Ill do it tomorrow.”When

9、 he graduated, work kept him very busy. He had a pretty girlfriend and they soon got married. He made himself busy with work, because he wanted to get _6_ with the shortest time possible. He never bought flowers for his wife anymore, nor did he _7_ his wifes birthday. He felt _8_ at times and wanted

10、 to say to his wife “I love you”, but he never did it. His excuse was “never mind, Ill do it tomorrow”. The children began to stay away from him, as they never really spent time with their father.One day, disaster struck when his wife was killed in an accident. Before he could speak out the words “I

11、 love you”, his wife had already _9_.The man tried to find fort from his children. However, he soon realized that the children did not even try to _10_ with him. Soon, his children grew up and founded their own _11_. Nobody cared for this old man who in the past hadnt _12_ his time with them.From th

12、at time until his deathbed, he felt the loneliness that he did not feel before. Upon his deathbed, he thought, “If only I had realized this earlier.”1.A.wonderfulBsuccessfulCparticular Dnormal2Aplain BapologizeCscream Dargue3A.time BgameCfight Dcooperation4A.attentive BsubjectiveCweak Dwrong5A.plan

13、BanswerCexcuse Dpromise6A.weled BsupportedCpromoted Drespected7A.admit BadvocateCremember Dmention8A.disappointed BangryCanxious Dguilty9A.put away Bpassed awayCgone by Ddropped in10A.learn BworkCexercise Dmunicate11A.relatives BfamiliesCschools Dfriends12A.confirmed BsavedCdiscussed Dshared.语法填空(xx

14、湖南高考名校联考信息优化卷)Beer has been brewed (酿造) and consumed for about 7,000 years. In fact, beer is 1._ popular that there are numerous beer festivals around the world. If you are 2._ who wants to taste different varieties of beer, 3._ wouldnt want to miss out on the beer festival that is hosted in London.The Great British beer Festival (GBBF) is an annual event 4._ has been held since 1977, and offers people 5._ chance to taste its favorite beer. GBBF is known as bei


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