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1、2019-2020年高三英语Unit6Languagepoints教案新课标人教版(1) This account of the wonderful land beyond the Rocky Mountains gave him the idea to move there.落矶山脉上这片美丽土地的描述,使他产生了移居到那儿的想法。account n.描述 the account of the person拓展: account n. 1(c) 帐目 2(关于事件、人物等的)报道,叙述,描写。3(u)理由4(u)好处;利益;利润 find ones account in在中得到好处 vi.(

2、与for连用)说出的用途;是的原因。 vt.(+宾宾补) We account him honest.我们认为他诚实。(2)It was not easy to decide what to take and what to leave behind. 决定什么带走什么留下是不容易的。leave behind(v.+ad.=vt.)不带走,忘了带,留下Dont leave me behind.带我一起走拓展:leave alone别动,让独自呆着 Leave that mad dog alone.别去惹那条疯狗。 leave for 动身到(某处)He left (home) for the

3、station a few minutes ago.几分钟前他(离开家)去车站了。(leave for后的地方是要去的地方,目的地;而leave后的地方是要离开的地方,出发地。) leave off停止,中断,脱掉 leave out漏掉,忘掉,省略(3)In the spring we continued our journey westward. 春天,我们继续向西旅行。westward ad.向西 a.西方的 go in a westward direction 向西走 n.西方,西部 lie to the westward 位于西部(4)The journey through the

4、mountains and desert in the central part of the continent was the most trying part.通过大陆中央的山脉和沙漠的旅程是最艰难的。trying a.难受的;难堪的;费劲的;恼人的a trying situation尴尬的局面;难处的境况(5)We took the road around the lake and after traveling a short time came to the Salt Lake Desert.我们走绕着湖的路,走了一会儿,来到了盐湖沙漠。take 走,行走 take over a

5、hill越过小山(6)The animals dragged their legs, too weak to pull their burden, and their tongues hung out in desperate need of water.这些动物拖着他们的腿,太虚弱了而不能拉动负担,他们的舌头由于极度缺少水而在外搭了着。hand out挂出; desperate极度渴望的详解:desperate adj.1令人绝望的,危急的 in a desperate state 在绝境中 2(因绝望而)孤注一掷,拼死的 make a desperate effort 找命的努力 3极度渴

6、望的be desperate for极度想要 4极端的;(气候)险要的a desperate fool大傻瓜(7)For many weeks we had been accustomed to seeing horses and oxen, suffering from heat, thirst, and starvation.许多个星期,我们习惯于看到马、牛受热、渴和饥饿之苦。be accustomed to (+n.或V-ing形式)习惯于(比be used to 正式)。Im not accustomed to getting up so early.我不习惯于这么早起床。get/be

7、e accustomed to (+n.或V-ing)习惯于You will soon get accustomed to the job.你将会很快习惯这个工作的。suffer from(v.+prep.=vt.)受之苦;患She often suffers from headaches.她常头痛。suffer from floods遭受洪水(8)A young man in our group suggested that I stay behind with the children, and wait for help.我们队伍中的一个年青人建议我和后面的孩子们呆在一起,等待帮助。su

8、ggest建议,后面的从句谓语动词用should+动词原形,其中should可以省略。I suggest that we (should) get up early tomorrow.拓展:suggest doing He suggested working hard. advise 建议 +that 从句,从句中谓语动词用(should)+动词原形 advise doing advise sb. to do sth. suggest后面不能接不定式。(9)When we saw the valley with fat cattle and horses, we thought we had

9、reached the promised land.当我们看到牛肥马壮的山谷时,我们知道我们到了一个有指望的土地。promise有希望,有可能. This year promises a good harvest.今年有丰收的希望。promised过去分词作定语,有希望的。(10)Our days of hardship had e to an end.我们苦难的日子结束了。e to an end告终,结束 This play es to an end.拓展:bring to an end 使结束 in the end最后,终于make and end of 把结束end (up) with以告终



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