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1、2019-2020年九年级英语全册Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarla练习(新版)人教新目标版一、 短语记一记1、属于_ 2、玩具卡车_ 3、在野餐中_4、发带_ 5、参加音乐会_ 6、剩下的 _/7、隔壁邻居_ 8、跑掉_ 9、在这个地区_10、其他任何东西_ 11、七匹狼_ 12、在音乐厅_13、the only kid_ 14、the favorite writer _15、in the laboratory_16、anything valuable_ 17、pick up_18、something unusual_ 19、noise-maker_20、be stolen_2

2、1、think of_ 22、go to the pool_ 23、go away_二、语法练一练1、I dont know _toy car this is. A. who B. whose C. whos2、The toy _ be Larrys. He is the only kid in the family. A. must B. might C. cant3、The dictionary must _ Carlas. A. belong B. belong to C. be4、I think somebody must have _. A. pick it up B picked

3、it up C. picked up it5、I couldnt see _ in the sky. A. something else B. else anything C. anything else6、Look! The boys are having fun _ basketball in the rain. A. to play B. play C. playing7、_ Is Mr.Hu in the reading room? _ No, he _ be there. He has gone to Tianjin. A. mustnt B. neednt C. cant8、She

4、 is too young _ to school. A. go B. going C. to go9、This CD belongs to _ A. his B. he C. him10、There is _ snow and its _ cold this winter. A. too much, much too B. too much, too much c. much too, much too11、There are some boys _ soccer on the playground. A. play B. playing C. to play12、One woman in

5、the area saw something _ . A. run away B. running away C. to run away13、My watch _ in the classroom yesterday. A. is stolen B. was stole C. was stolen14、I hear water _ in the bathroom. It must Carla _ a shower. A. run , take B. running , taking C. running , taking Section A B卷 (拓展提高)三、 句子译一译。1、 我们每天

6、有太多的作业要做。(too much)2、 他父亲过去常常吸烟。(used to)3、 昨天夜里,他没有发现什么奇怪的东西。(anything strange)4、 他昨天很兴奋,因为被新晃电视台记者采访。(be interviewed by)5、 他看到那个小偷正逃跑。(run away)6、 The noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood.7、 We live in a small town and almost everyone knows each other.8、I think it w

7、as too big to be a dog.8、 Do you have anything valuable in your schoolbag?9、 There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood.四、 用所给词的正确形式填空。1、 Im really _ . (worry)2、 Everyone in our town is feeling _ (easy) because of the strange noise.3、 They think it might be the _ (windy).4、 She w

8、as thinking of _ (take) a shower. 5、 Your watch cant be _ . (steal)6、 He loves _ (rabbit).7、 _ volleyball is this? (who)8、 Ill call them now _ (check) if anybody has it.9、 _ you can go to Singapore, its always warm. (when)10、Something _ is happening in our town. (usual)11、We hear strange _ outside o

9、ur windows. (noise)12、They are having fun _ (play) puter games.13、Helen is my next-door _ .(neighborhood) .14、The girls room is very _ (tide).15、The snake made her full of _ (fear)16、It must belong to _ (he).17、J. K. Rowling is her favorite _ (write) .Book9 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Section B

10、A卷(基础版)一、 短语记一记1、 追赶 _ 2、天空中_ 3、赶汽车_4、 穿套装_ 5、同时 _6、古代领导人_7、不但.,而且_ 8、指出_9、用一种特定的方式_ 10、和交流_11、直接照射_ 12、hard-working _13、a medical purpose_ 14、prevent illness_15、a burial place_ 16、over a long period of time_17、a victory over an enemy_ 18、great planners_二、语法练一练 1、He sees a man_. Can you see it? A. r

11、un B. to run C. running D. ran 2. It might be a baby _. A. cry B. to cry C. cried D. crying 3. The woman with a camera might _ a reporter. A. is B. be C. have D. has 4. The stone can prevent us from _. A. be ill B. be illness C. being ill D. sick 5. He must _ his best last year. A. try B. to tried C

12、. tried D. tries 6. He wants to _ join the team _ win the game. A. both ; or B. not only; but also C. because; so D. though; but 7. There might be an animal _. A. make sound B. making voice C. to make noise D. making noise 8. The stones might _ municating with gods for the ancient leader. A. be B. used for C.


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