2019-2020年高中英语 Module 2 Traffic Jam 第4课时 Cultural corner同步练习 外研版必修4.doc

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1、2019-2020年高中英语 Module 2 Traffic Jam 第4课时 Cultural corner同步练习 外研版必修4.根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。1This question is_(很值得讨论)2She can find no_(解决方法)her financial troubles.3I am not_(有心情)discussing with you any longer.4_your head_you will find a way.(动动脑筋,你就会想出办法来)。5You should avoid_(犯)the same mistakes again.6When yo

2、u get around Beijing on a doubledecker bus, you had better sit upstaris so that you can_(好好地欣赏)the rapidly changing city.答案:1.well worth discussing2.solution to3.in the mood of4.Use, and5.making6.have a good view of.单词拼写1It took us all day to reach our_(目的地)2I will go if my health_(允许)3When you have

3、 paid for something, a_(收据)is given to you.4To travel by_(地铁)is very convenient.5A little girl began to sing on the train and one of_(乘客)joined her.6The wheels of the car were_(陷入)in the mud and we could not go on.7I want two secondclass_(单程票)to Beijing.答案:1.destination2.permits3.receipt4.undergroun

4、d5.passengers6.stuck7.singles.单项填空1The temperature is high enough_water into vapour(蒸汽)Ato be changedBchangingCto change Dchanged答案:Cenough作形容词,常用不定式来修饰;至于用什么语态要视主语而定。2Isnt Miss Brown here yet?No._, shes not here yet.ATo my much surprise BSurprising meCMuch to my surprise DSurprisedly答案:C“to sb.s su

5、rprise”为习惯用法,表示“令某人惊奇的是”。副词mcuh习惯上加在前面。3We need to buy some summer clothes, John.Oh, I never know_when Im in the store.Awhat clothes should buy Bwhat clothes to buyCwhat clothes will buy Dto buy what clothes答案:B作know的宾语可以是不定式短语,也可以是宾语从句。A、C项没有主语,不能成为从句;D项中what clothes的位置不对。疑问代词/副词具有引导词功能,通常位于短语、从句首位

6、。4The discovery of new evidence led to_.Athe thief having caught Bcatch the thiefCthe thief being caught Dthe thief to be caught答案:Clead to“导致”;to为介词,介词后应跟v.ing形式,且the thief为catch的逻辑主语,它与the thief之间应为被动关系。题意:新证据的发现导致了那个小偷被捕。5I need some fresh air, so Im going out for a walk._.AHave fun BWith pleasur

7、eCYoud better not DIts none of my business答案:A既然要出去,应该祝玩得开心。have fun意思是“祝你玩得愉快”。题意:“我需要呼吸新鲜空气,所以我要出去散散步。”“祝你玩得愉快。”6_many other scientists, Albert Einstein enjoyed music besides scientific research work.AIn mon with BIn monCIn the same DAt the same答案:Ain mon with sb.“与某人相同”。题意:与许多科学家一样,阿尔伯特爱因斯坦除了喜欢科学

8、研究工作外,还喜欢音乐。7The storm left,_a lot of damage to this area.Acaused Bto have causedCto cause Dhaving caused答案:D这是现在分词的完成时短语在句子中做状语的用法,表示动作发生在谓语动词之前,并表示对现在造成的影响和结果。题意:暴风过去了,但给这个地区造成了巨大的损失。8Do you know where David is? I couldnt find him anywhere.Well. He_have gone farhis coats still here.Ashouldnt Bmust

9、ntCcant Dwouldnt答案:C考查情态动词。从后面his coats still here判断,他不可能走远。表示对已发生的情况否定的推断,应用cant have done,而不能用mustnt have done。9_snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest.ANot only they brought BNot only did they bringCNot only brought they DNot only the

10、y did bring答案:B此句要求部分倒装。即把助动词提到主语前。10“Oh, my God! How did you_so badly hurt?” he asked me in a very_tone.Aget; shocked Bget; shockingCbee; shocked Dbee; shocking答案:Aget hurt为“get过去分词”结构,表示被动含义,意为“受伤”。shocking意为“令人震惊的”;shocked意为“震惊的”。.完形填空Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. G

11、reen said, “Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would _1_.”Blue interrupted, “You only think about the_2_, but consider the sky and the sea. _3_the water that is the basis of life and drawn up by the cloud

12、s from the deep sea. Without my peace, you would all be_4_.”Yellow chuckled(咯咯地笑), “You are all so serious. I bring laughter, fun, and_5_into the world.”Orange started next to blow her trumpet, “I am the color of health and strength. I may be_6_, but I am precious for I serve the needs of human life

13、. When I fill the sky_7_, my beauty is so striking that no one gives another_8_to any of you.”Red could stand it_9_and he shouted out, “I am the ruler of all of you. I am the color of danger and of bravery. I am willing to_10_truth. I am also the color of passion and of love.”The came Purple and Ind

14、igo(深蓝)The colors went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own_11_. Their quarreling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening thunder. Rain started to pour down_12_. The colors crouched(蜷缩)down_13_, drawing close to one another for fort.In the midst of the clamor(叫嚷), rain began to speak, “You foolish colors, fighting_14_yourselves, each trying to dominate_15_. Dont you know that you were each made for a special purpose, _16_? Join hands with_17_and e to me.”Doing as they were told, the colors_18_and


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