2019年四年级英语上册 Unit 3 It’s apineapple(lesson17)教案 人教新版.doc

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1、2019年四年级英语上册 Unit 3 Its apineapple(lesson17)教案 人教新版A: 基本要求(听,说,读,写,演,画,唱) B:高级要求(理解和运用)课题Unit 3 Its a pineapple . Lesson 17学习目标AB语言要素词 汇eggplant green pepper tomato 语 音能够准确读出单词,并能够进行交流语 言目 标Whats this? Its a/anAre you sure? Yes/No.Is it xxx or xxx ?Its xxx.话 题呈 现使用所学正确表述蔬菜水果名称和特征。任 务设 计Play a game .

2、能力目标能够理解所学内容,并能运用所学句型进行简单交流。情感目标树立自主学习,主动参与的意识,养成勤于模仿,敢于创新的习惯,发扬协作精神,体验合作的成就感。教学重点Whats this? Its a/anAre you sure? Yes/No.The text.教学难点Is it xxx or xxx ?Its xxx.课型新授课教具图片、录音、多媒体课件、实物学具图片、教科书教法情境教学法、活动教学法、任务教学法学法1.主动参与合作与交流。2.注意倾听他人发言。3.利用所学知识解决实际问题。板书设计:Unit 3 Its a pineapple . Lesson 17多媒体展示 tomat

3、o 形成性评价作业:Make some dialogues.教学反思:Teaching Procedure( 教学过程 )教学程序具体教学环节教法学法及教具Step1 RevisionStep2PresentationStep3New wordsStep3PracticeStep4Additional activities(The central task)Step5Assessment1. Greeting2. Sing a song: Fruit song.T: Today We are going to learn lesson17, Before that lets sing a so

4、ng together, OK?3. T: Do you like fruit? S: Yes, I do. T: Look , I have some fruit .( 引导学生看多媒体课件,导出第二环节)1.Next, Lets play a game.T: Next, Lets play a game. Can you guess what this is?(向学生展示多媒体课件,让学生利用一点时间记忆) T: Guess, Whats this? S: Its a carrot. T: Are you sure? S: Yes/No. T:Supper. ( 给答对了的同学予以表扬,同

5、时将奖励的评价标志贴在黑板上) .利用六幅图片进行师生交流、生生交流TSSS .Ask and answer 学生利用手中的图片进行Are you sure?句型的巩固联系 . Practice the dialogues and act out it ( 对表演好的小组予以奖励)Lets have a rest , play a game Can you guess: Whats in my bag?a教师拿出一个书包,里面装有各种蔬菜和水果,让学生做猜物游戏。b学生用手摸到实物,然后说出英语单词。c教师让全班学生拼读单词。2.(SS 生生练习后展示23组)(评价)T: xxx is ill

6、, lets greet to him/her.T: How are you? S: I feel much better . T: “How are you?” We can also say “How are you feeling today?” (翻译句子并领学生读2遍,板书)T: Can you instead of me and greet to xxx. S: How are you feeling today? T: I feel much better.(SS 生生练习后展示23组)(评价)2. To learn the sentence :I have some xxx f

7、or you. T: Yesterday xxx was ill, lets greet to him/her, OK? T: How are you feeling today. S: I feel much better . T: I have some bananas for you. S: Thank you . Who can instead of me and greet to xxx.? (SS 生生练习后展示23组)(评价)3. To learn the new sentences: Im worried about my lessons. Dont worry. Ill he

8、lp you with your. T: Yesterday I was ill. Today I feel much better. But Im worried about my lessons. What about you? (耳语) S: Im worried about my English. T: Dont worry. Ill help you with your English. S: Thank you . (同样方法问其他组成员)(SS 生生练习后展示23组)(评价)T: Kate was ill. Lets greet to her, OK?S: OK.T: Open

9、your books and page 64.Talk about it . (学生小组合作翻译前言)Now listen and read after the tape. (两遍)Practice in groups.Act out the dialogue in groups.(师生评价)Take out your get-well cards and objects and greet to the sick classmates. (师生评价) Now , lets have a look at which group is the best. Homework: Make a get-well cards and make up new dialogues.愉快教学法情境教学法、小组合作法情境教学法、活动教学法、任务型教学法、合作教学法tape任务型教学法、合作教学法cards and objects


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